On 11 December a senior lecturer of the Laboratory of intelligent robotic systems (LIRS) of Intelligent Robotics Department of the Institute of Information Technology and Intelligent Systems (ITIS) Roman Lavrenov has defended his Candidate’s thesis on the topic: “Mathematical tool and software solution problem of multi-criteria path finding of a mobile object”. The dissertation advisor is the Head of LIRS Professor Evgeni Magid.
The dissertation research of Roman Lavrenov is a problem solution of finding the optimal spline trajectory among several homotopy classes, including a set of optimality criteria for ground-based autonomous robotic platforms. Obtained in the course of work the results presented in 12 publications, 4 of which published in journals recommended by the Higher Attestation Commission (HAC); 7 of which are published in scientific periodicals indexed by Web of Science and Scopus; 2 of which are published in the lecture notes (all-Russian workshops of UGV-II-2016, the UGV-II-2017). Moreover, a certificate of computer programs official registration was obtained.
The dissertation defense was held in the HAC Dissertation Council № D212.079.10 of the Kazan National Research Technical University named after A.N. Tupolev (KNRTU) (specialty "05.13.18 – Mathematical simulation, numerical computing and software complexes". The chairman of the Dissertation Council is Gennady Degtyarev, academician of the Republic of Tatarstan Academy of Sciences (1991), Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, the Head of the Automation and Control Department, a former rector of KNRTU.
Roman Lavrenov about the dissertation defense and the preparation process:
"I went for this for a very long time, a huge work has left behind. Many questions were asked at the event. Most of the participants appreciated the scientific and practical significance of the work. I would like to mention a few interesting points. For the first time in the history of the Dissertation Council the defense process was held in a combined format: most of attendee were in person and the opponent from St. Petersburg attended via video call. Also, for the first time in the history of the Dissertation Council, the thesis was written using the TeX format".