The Institute of Computational Mathematics and Information Technologies was established in 1978 and is one of the largest IT-Institutes in Volga region of Russia. It produces experts competent in a wide range of state-of-the-art computer applications in education, science, industry, and management. The Institute carries out research in the areas of fundamental mathematics and computer science. 12 computer labs allow mastering modern information technologies, to work on term papers and diploma theses. The Institute maintains close working contacts with large domestic and foreign IT companies, as well as cooperation with leading universities and research centers.
The Institute incorporates 8 major departments:
The Institute offers several bachelor and master programs managed by corresponding departments.
The departments are deeply integrated and perform both teaching and research in various areas of mathematics and computer science:
The Institute employs over 100 staff members including 27 professors - higher doctors.
Joint Double Degree Master Programs
Students can enroll to 2 selective joint double degree master programs organized together with Czech Technical University in Prague (CTU) and Shenzhen University (SZU).
Students will learn both fundamental sciences and applied expertise. Duration of both programs is 4 semesters. The first year of the study is spent at the home University, and during the second year students go to their host Universities.
In the 4th semester students prepare their Master thesis, which should be written under the supervision of a professor from either KFU or a partner University and should be written and presented in English.
Upon successful completion of the Program students shall be awarded a KFU and CTU/SZU Double Degree comprising the Russian diploma of Master's degree and the Master of Science level of CTU/SZU.
Director of Institute: Sergey Mosin
Web: http://it.kpfu.ru
E-mail: ivmiit@kpfu.ru
Address: 35 Kremlyovskaya str., 420008, Kazan, Russian Federation, Phone: +7 (843) 233-70-37
News and announcements
Head of department: | Chickrin Dmitry Evgenevich |
Phone: | +7 (843) 233-70-37 |
vmk.dep@kpfu.ru |
Address: | 420008, Kazan, 35 Kremlyovskaya, Room 1004 |
Regulation: | open file |