Today Yelabuga Institute of Kazan Federal University became the center of the regional stage of the International student competition on web programming.
For the right to participate in the finals in Moscow competed experts in information technologies from the universities and colleges of Yelabuga, NaberezhnyeChelny, Aksubaevo and Zainsk. Elabuga Institute became the organizer of the Olympiad conducted by the companies "1C-Bitrix" and "1C"for the first time.For assignments students should know and be able to use features of the popular web technologies, PHP, and be familiar with HTML and JavaScript.
Participants of the Olympiad were greeted by the deputy director for educational activity AyratKaviyev.
– I think, participation in these Olympiad will be very useful, – said AyratFarkhatovich. – Web programming is one of the most demanded directions today. More than 4 thousand studentsstudyatYelabuga institute of KFU. The biggest faculty – faculty of mathematics and natural sciencesalsotrain experts of the IT sphere. Therefore I invite children from SPO to obtain a higher education at our University. I wish you the successful solution of tasks and good results!
On the eve of the 4-hour intellectual competitions, we talked to participants of the Olympiad. Nikolay Utkin Nikolay Fedorov arrived from Aksubaevsky College of universal technology.
– In the classroom, these guys are interested in the languages PHP and HTML, – says the teacher of Informatics and ICT Alexey Alexeev. – For many students, writing of a code is a complex topic. But both Nicholayaddicted to programming and was good at practical tasks. Therefore, despite the long distance to your institution, wehave arrivedhere with great desire.
-This event is very interesting to me, – saysthe student of EI KFU AndreyGaranin. – The information sphere developsquickly. Web technologies are successfully integrated not only in 1C, but also everywhere, where such products are used, at any enterprise.I prepared for the Olympiad very seriously: it took 4-5 hoursevery day. I expect good results though, I consider, the competition is very high here. In the future I want to write the program, having created a platform for communication and sales.
Results of the Olympic Games will be published on KFU website on February 20. The winner will get an opportunity to win the tour, digital equipment, gadgets. Other participants of competitions are allowed to pass examination for basic level of the 1C-Bitriks developer free of charge.
By the way, since new academic year everyone will be able to study 1C software products in the walls of Yelabuga institute of KFU. Training in groups on the direction demanded in the labor market will be conducted by the specialists of institute.