At the pedagogical forum Elena Merzon has presented a research on evaluation of school effectivity based on resilience
Today at VII International Pedagogic Education Forum IFTE-2021 in Kazan Federal University the section “Education in University Schools”, that started with the presentation of Elena Merzon “Evaluation of School Effectivity Based on Resilience of Educational Results within the Partnership “University-School”.
Elena Efimovna also mentioned that the research on the reasons of academic unsuccessfulness combined with considering socio-economical characteristics of families and evaluation of academic achievements made it possible to highlight the phenomenon of academic resilience. This term is understood in modern psychology as the ability of students to demonstrate brilliant results in spite of any limiting external circumstances.
The speaker reported that the scientists of Elabuga Institute made the research “Condition and Factors of Increase of Resilience of Education Organizations by Means of Social Partnership “University-School” in 2020-2021. On its basis new conditions that exacerbate the results of school education and the factors that increase the education organization resilience.
“We have a unique opportunity to put our results into practice, if we realize and evaluate the education activity in the University School. In 2020 School №5 joined Elabuga Institute of Kazan Federal University and became University School.” – Informed Elena Merzon.
The head of the University listed the most significant directions of activity in the sphere of the "University - school" partnership. These directions include: the preparations of the schoolchildren for the USE (The Unified State Exam) and the BSE (The Basic State Exam); the preparations of talented children for competitions and contests; activities with primary school children who have writing skill disorders; conducting scientific and educational events for schoolchildren by KFU scientists; the organization of extracurricular activity on the basis of the House of Scientific Collaboration; conducting seminars and master classes by university teachers with school teachers in psychology, conflict resolution techniques, pedagogic technologies, education problems; assignment of specialized institutions to definite academic subjects; the creation of the Institute of Tutoring. The school also conducts the “Teacher’s Assistant” project within which the University students take an active part in school lessons.
“Only a year has passed by since the University school became a part of our University. It takes time to answer the question how effective our activity is and how many stable educational results it gives. We continue our research on the basis of “The University School” and set a number of tasks for the near future: developing and testing methods for a comprehensive assessment of the effectiveness of school education; developing models of formative assessment of the effectiveness of school education as the ability of an educational organization to demonstrate high performance; preparing recommendations for increasing the resilience of an educational organization; developing and implementing data-based training programs for educators in the field of enhancing school resilience”, informs Elena Merzon about plans of the further research.
The participants of the VII international forum dedicated to pedagogic education IFTE-2021 may get all the information connected with the work and the achievements of “The University School” on May 29 by visiting the University complex of Elabuga Institute.