Kazan (Volga region) Federal University, KFU
Ivygina Alena Aleksandrovna (архив)
Ivygina Alena Aleksandrovna
Date of birth 
Нет текущих должностей
Academic degrees 

Дистанционное образование

Microsoft Teams

1. е1111 гр. Русский язык и культура речи (Лекции):  https://teams.microsoft.com/l/team/19%3a522460ce116746059fe22e9cbca63bc3%40thread.tacv2/conversations?groupId=22dbbadc-f984-4d1b-aa8b-7c5c00affbe7&tenantId=48b841f1-ebe6-4e30-b712-949430708487

2. е1111 г. Русский язык и культура речи (Практические): https://teams.microsoft.com/l/team/19%3a2f5825ee082a4f21ac1114c56d65a7c8%40thread.tacv2/conversations?groupId=ed38f75b-b2c6-47be-8593-fe599b76b4ee&tenantId=48b841f1-ebe6-4e30-b712-949430708487

3. е1113 гр. Русский язык и культура речи (Лекции): https://teams.microsoft.com/l/team/19%3a522460ce116746059fe22e9cbca63bc3%40thread.tacv2/conversations?groupId=22dbbadc-f984-4d1b-aa8b-7c5c00affbe7&tenantId=48b841f1-ebe6-4e30-b712-949430708487

4. е1113 гр. Русский язык и культура речи (Практические): https://teams.microsoft.com/l/team/19%3a25ea0ef2939c45cd96909a771cc49ac0%40thread.tacv2/conversations?groupId=ca99b535-b065-44e5-872e-4a70870423cd&tenantId=48b841f1-ebe6-4e30-b712-949430708487

5. е1310, е1316, е1318 гр. Русский язык и культура речи (Лекции): https://teams.microsoft.com/l/team/19%3a522460ce116746059fe22e9cbca63bc3%40thread.tacv2/conversations?groupId=22dbbadc-f984-4d1b-aa8b-7c5c00affbe7&tenantId=48b841f1-ebe6-4e30-b712-949430708487

6. е1310, е1316, е1318 гр. Русский язык и культура речи (Практические): https://teams.microsoft.com/l/team/19%3ad4ee0786124d402a82c7867dcc0f548e%40thread.tacv2/conversations?groupId=c88983c5-107e-46bc-b982-40d4ec712b6a&tenantId=48b841f1-ebe6-4e30-b712-949430708487

7. е1111 гр. Практикум по орфографии и пунктуации (Практические): https://teams.microsoft.com/l/team/19%3a1a9eff8b80be40828e7cffb575350b6f%40thread.tacv2/conversations?groupId=d4f04ce5-dd77-4455-a9a2-2302f7b1fc54&tenantId=48b841f1-ebe6-4e30-b712-949430708487

8. е1211 гр., е1216 гр. Русский язык и культура речи (Лекции): https://teams.microsoft.com/l/team/19%3ad4ee0786124d402a82c7867dcc0f548e%40thread.tacv2/conversations?groupId=c88983c5-107e-46bc-b982-40d4ec712b6a&tenantId=48b841f1-ebe6-4e30-b712-949430708487

9. е1113 гр. Русский язык и культура речи (Практические): https://teams.microsoft.com/l/team/19%3ad4ee0786124d402a82c7867dcc0f548e%40thread.tacv2/conversations?groupId=c88983c5-107e-46bc-b982-40d4ec712b6a&tenantId=48b841f1-ebe6-4e30-b712-949430708487

10. е1417 гр. Фонетика (Лекции, практические): https://teams.microsoft.com/l/team/19%3a5001aae4b901449faf17a8108eb07f96%40thread.tacv2/conversations?groupId=ccd312ac-22ae-4d6a-b7a9-dee7a917165e&tenantId=48b841f1-ebe6-4e30-b712-949430708487

11. е1811 гр. Стилистика (Лекции, практические): https://teams.microsoft.com/l/team/19%3awdTQMsk0TwB4ctVhJ6YT7bUYUTQpDV9_xspB5a2ydqY1%40thread.tacv2/conversations?groupId=8c3a09da-c9a4-4aea-a074-1952388a6864&tenantId=48b841f1-ebe6-4e30-b712-949430708487

12. е8110, е8114, е8115, е8117 Стилистика (Лекции): https://teams.microsoft.com/l/team/19%3aoS5Atf2saYl2IFtrKIs1njX9bWev_e_mr2qAW4ZO_Ro1%40thread.tacv2/conversations?groupId=8f84b09d-47fe-4a86-a439-069fdc7a1630&tenantId=48b841f1-ebe6-4e30-b712-949430708487










НИР студентов

Гришина Р.Р. Применение электронного образовательного ресурса в системе подготовки к ЕГЭ по русскому языку обучающихся 10-11 классов: практико-ориентированный подход // Итоговая научно-образовательная конференция студентов Казанского федерального университета: сборник тезисов. - Казань. 2021. - С. 128.

Идрисова Г.И. Профессиональоная идентичность современного школьного учителя // Итоговая научно-образовательная конференция студентов Казанского федерального университета: сборник тезисов. - Казань. 2021. - С. 147.

Taught disciplines 
Discipline Curriculum Authors File
Введение в лингвистику  44.03.05 Teacher Training (with two educational program specializations), Bachelor's Degree (Русский язык и иностранный язык) 2017 y. Ивыгина А.А.
Введение в современный русский язык  44.03.05 Teacher Training (with two educational program specializations), Bachelor's Degree (Russian language, English languag) 2120 y. Ивыгина А.А.
Введение в языкознание  44.03.05 Teacher Training (with two educational program specializations), Bachelor's Degree (Русский язык и иностранный язык) 2016 y. Ивыгина А.А.
Введение в языкознание  44.03.05 Teacher Training (with two educational program specializations), Bachelor's Degree (Russian language, Literature) 2017 y. Ивыгина А.А.
Введение в языкознание  44.03.05 Teacher Training (with two educational program specializations), Bachelor's Degree (Russian language, Literature) 2016 y. Ивыгина А.А.
Ведение в языкознание  44.03.05 Teacher Training (with two educational program specializations), Bachelor's Degree (Russian language, Literature) 2118 y. Ивыгина А.А.
Ведение в языкознание  44.03.05 Teacher Training (with two educational program specializations), Bachelor's Degree (Русский язык и иностранный язык) 2118 y. Ивыгина А.А.
Диалектологическая практика  44.03.05 Teacher Training (with two educational program specializations), Bachelor's Degree (Русский язык и иностранный язык) 2118 y. Ивыгина А.А.
Диалектологическая практика  44.03.05 Teacher Training (with two educational program specializations), Bachelor's Degree (Russian language, Literature) 2118 y. Ивыгина А.А.
Диалектология  44.03.05 Teacher Training (with two educational program specializations), Bachelor's Degree (Russian language, Literature) 2319 y. Ивыгина А.А.
Диалектология  44.03.05 Teacher Training (with two educational program specializations), Bachelor's Degree (Russian language, Literature) 2120 y. Ивыгина А.А.
Диалектология  44.03.05 Teacher Training (with two educational program specializations), Bachelor's Degree (Russian language, Literature) 2118 y. Ивыгина А.А.
Диалектология  44.03.05 Teacher Training (with two educational program specializations), Bachelor's Degree (Russian language, Literature) 2218 y. Ивыгина А.А.
Диалектология  44.03.05 Teacher Training (with two educational program specializations), Bachelor's Degree (Russian language, Literature) 2119 y. Ивыгина А.А.
Диалекты и говоры русского языка  44.03.05 Teacher Training (with two educational program specializations), Bachelor's Degree (Russian language, Literature) 2016 y. Ивыгина А.А.
Диалекты и говоры русского языка  44.03.05 Teacher Training (with two educational program specializations), Bachelor's Degree (Russian language, English languag) 2120 y. Ивыгина А.А.
Диалекты и говоры русского языка  44.03.05 Teacher Training (with two educational program specializations), Bachelor's Degree (Russian language, Literature) 2017 y. Ивыгина А.А.
Диалекты и говоры русского языка  44.03.05 Teacher Training (with two educational program specializations), Bachelor's Degree (Русский язык и иностранный язык) 2016 y. Ивыгина А.А.
Диалекты и говоры русского языка  44.03.05 Teacher Training (with two educational program specializations), Bachelor's Degree (Russian language, Literature) 2218 y. Ивыгина А.А.
Диалекты и говоры русского языка  44.03.05 Teacher Training (with two educational program specializations), Bachelor's Degree (Russian language, Literature) 2319 y. Ивыгина А.А.
Диалекты и говоры русского языка  44.03.05 Teacher Training (with two educational program specializations), Bachelor's Degree (Русский язык и иностранный язык) 2218 y. Ивыгина А.А.
Диалекты и говоры русского языка  44.03.05 Teacher Training (with two educational program specializations), Bachelor's Degree (Русский язык и иностранный язык) 2118 y. Ивыгина А.А.
Диалекты и говоры русского языка  44.03.05 Teacher Training (with two educational program specializations), Bachelor's Degree (Русский язык и иностранный язык) 2015 y. Ивыгина А.А.
Диалекты и говоры русского языка  44.03.05 Teacher Training (with two educational program specializations), Bachelor's Degree (Russian language, English languag) 2119 y. Ивыгина А.А.
Диалекты и говоры русского языка  44.03.05 Teacher Training (with two educational program specializations), Bachelor's Degree (Russian language, Literature) 2118 y. Ивыгина А.А.
Диалекты и говоры русского языка  44.03.05 Teacher Training (with two educational program specializations), Bachelor's Degree (Русский язык и иностранный язык) 2016 y. Ивыгина А.А.
Диалекты и говоры русского языка  44.03.05 Teacher Training (with two educational program specializations), Bachelor's Degree (Russian language, Literature) 2120 y. Ивыгина А.А.
Диалекты и говоры русского языка  44.03.05 Teacher Training (with two educational program specializations), Bachelor's Degree (Russian language, Literature) 2017 y. Ивыгина А.А.
Диалекты и говоры русского языка  44.03.05 Teacher Training (with two educational program specializations), Bachelor's Degree (Russian language, Literature) 2016 y. Ивыгина А.А.
Диалекты и говоры русского языка  44.03.05 Teacher Training (with two educational program specializations), Bachelor's Degree (Russian language, Literature) 2119 y. Ивыгина А.А.
Диалекты и говоры русского языка  44.03.05 Teacher Training (with two educational program specializations), Bachelor's Degree (Russian language, English languag) 2219 y. Ивыгина А.А.
Диалекты русского языка  44.03.05 Teacher Training (with two educational program specializations), Bachelor's Degree (Русский язык и иностранный язык) 2017 y. Ивыгина А.А.
Диалекты русского языка  44.03.05 Teacher Training (with two educational program specializations), Bachelor's Degree (Русский язык и иностранный язык) 2017 y. Ивыгина А.А.
Историческая грамматика  44.03.05 Teacher Training (with two educational program specializations), Bachelor's Degree (Russian language, Literature) 2017 y. Ивыгина А.А.
Мухаметшина Д.Р.
Историческая грамматика  44.03.05 Teacher Training (with two educational program specializations), Bachelor's Degree (Русский язык и иностранный язык) 2218 y. Ивыгина А.А.
Историческая грамматика  44.03.05 Teacher Training (with two educational program specializations), Bachelor's Degree (Russian language, English languag) 2120 y. Ивыгина А.А.
Историческая грамматика  44.03.05 Teacher Training (with two educational program specializations), Bachelor's Degree (Russian language, Literature) 2218 y. Ивыгина А.А.
Историческая грамматика  44.03.05 Teacher Training (with two educational program specializations), Bachelor's Degree (Russian language, Literature) 2119 y. Ивыгина А.А.
Историческая грамматика  44.03.05 Teacher Training (with two educational program specializations), Bachelor's Degree (Russian language, Literature) 2120 y. Ивыгина А.А.
Историческая грамматика  44.03.05 Teacher Training (with two educational program specializations), Bachelor's Degree (Russian language, Literature) 2319 y. Ивыгина А.А.
Историческая грамматика  44.03.05 Teacher Training (with two educational program specializations), Bachelor's Degree (Russian language, Literature) 2017 y. Ивыгина А.А.
Мухаметшина Д.Р.
Историческая грамматика  44.03.05 Teacher Training (with two educational program specializations), Bachelor's Degree (Russian language, English languag) 2219 y. Ивыгина А.А.
Историческая грамматика  44.03.05 Teacher Training (with two educational program specializations), Bachelor's Degree (Русский язык и иностранный язык) 2118 y. Ивыгина А.А.
Историческая грамматика  44.03.05 Teacher Training (with two educational program specializations), Bachelor's Degree (Russian language, English languag) 2119 y. Ивыгина А.А.
Историческая грамматика  44.03.05 Teacher Training (with two educational program specializations), Bachelor's Degree (Russian language, Literature) 2118 y. Ивыгина А.А.
История русского языка  44.03.05 Teacher Training (with two educational program specializations), Bachelor's Degree (Russian language, English languag) 2219 y. Ивыгина А.А.
История русского языка  44.03.05 Teacher Training (with two educational program specializations), Bachelor's Degree (Russian language, Literature) 2016 y. Ивыгина А.А.
История русского языка  44.03.05 Teacher Training (with two educational program specializations), Bachelor's Degree (Russian language, Literature) 2218 y. Ивыгина А.А.
История русского языка  44.03.05 Teacher Training (with two educational program specializations), Bachelor's Degree (Russian language, English languag) 2120 y. Ивыгина А.А.
История русского языка  44.03.05 Teacher Training (with two educational program specializations), Bachelor's Degree (Russian language, Literature) 2120 y. Ивыгина А.А.
История русского языка  44.03.05 Teacher Training (with two educational program specializations), Bachelor's Degree (Russian language, Literature) 2119 y. Ивыгина А.А.
История русского языка  44.03.05 Teacher Training (with two educational program specializations), Bachelor's Degree (Русский язык и иностранный язык) 2016 y. Ивыгина А.А.
История русского языка  44.03.05 Teacher Training (with two educational program specializations), Bachelor's Degree (Russian language, English languag) 2119 y. Ивыгина А.А.
История русского языка  44.03.05 Teacher Training (with two educational program specializations), Bachelor's Degree (Russian language, Literature) 2017 y. Ивыгина А.А.
История русского языка  44.03.05 Teacher Training (with two educational program specializations), Bachelor's Degree (Русский язык и иностранный язык) 2016 y. Ивыгина А.А.
История русского языка  44.03.05 Teacher Training (with two educational program specializations), Bachelor's Degree (Русский язык и иностранный язык) 2118 y. Ивыгина А.А.
История русского языка  44.03.05 Teacher Training (with two educational program specializations), Bachelor's Degree (Русский язык и иностранный язык) 2218 y. Ивыгина А.А.
История русского языка  44.03.05 Teacher Training (with two educational program specializations), Bachelor's Degree (Русский язык и иностранный язык) 2015 y. Ивыгина А.А.
История русского языка  44.03.05 Teacher Training (with two educational program specializations), Bachelor's Degree (Russian language, Literature) 2015 y. Ивыгина А.А.
История русского языка  44.03.05 Teacher Training (with two educational program specializations), Bachelor's Degree (Russian language, Literature) 2118 y. Ивыгина А.А.
История русского языка  44.03.05 Teacher Training (with two educational program specializations), Bachelor's Degree (Russian language, Literature) 2319 y. Ивыгина А.А.
История русского языка  44.03.05 Teacher Training (with two educational program specializations), Bachelor's Degree (Russian language, Literature) 2017 y. Ивыгина А.А.
История русского языка  44.03.05 Teacher Training (with two educational program specializations), Bachelor's Degree (Russian language, Literature) 2016 y. Ивыгина А.А.
История русского языка. Вводный курс  44.03.05 Teacher Training (with two educational program specializations), Bachelor's Degree (Русский язык и иностранный язык) 2017 y. Ивыгина А.А.
История русского языка. Вводный курс  44.03.05 Teacher Training (with two educational program specializations), Bachelor's Degree (Русский язык и иностранный язык) 2017 y. Ивыгина А.А.
Культура речи  44.03.05 Teacher Training (with two educational program specializations), Bachelor's Degree (Russian language, Literature) 2015 y. Ивыгина А.А.
Культура речи  44.03.05 Teacher Training (with two educational program specializations), Bachelor's Degree (Русский язык и иностранный язык) 2015 y. Ивыгина А.А.
Основы русской фонетики  44.03.05 Teacher Training (with two educational program specializations), Bachelor's Degree (Русский язык и иностранный язык) 2017 y. Ивыгина А.А.
Педагогическая риторика  44.03.01 Pedagogical Education, Bachelor's Degree (Технология) 2016 y. Ивыгина А.А.
Педагогическая риторика  44.03.01 Pedagogical Education, Bachelor's Degree (Английский язык) 2016 y. Ивыгина А.А.
Педагогическая риторика  44.03.01 Pedagogical Education, Bachelor's Degree (Технология) 2017 y. Ивыгина А.А.
Педагогическая риторика  44.03.05 Pedagogical Education, Bachelor's Degree (Английский язык и немецкий язык) 2015 y. Ивыгина А.А.
Педагогическая риторика  44.03.05 Teacher Training (with two educational program specializations), Bachelor's Degree (Технология и дополнительное образование) 2016 y. Ивыгина А.А.
Педагогическая риторика  44.03.05 Teacher Training (with two educational program specializations), Bachelor's Degree (Русский язык и иностранный язык) 2017 y. Ивыгина А.А.
Педагогическая риторика  44.03.01 Pedagogical Education, Bachelor's Degree (Технология) 2016 y. Ивыгина А.А.
Педагогическая риторика  44.03.05 Pedagogical Education, Bachelor's Degree (Немецкий язык и английский язык) 2015 y. Ивыгина А.А.
Педагогическая риторика  44.03.05 Teacher Training (with two educational program specializations), Bachelor's Degree (Дошкольное образование и иностранный язык) 2015 y. Ивыгина А.А.
Педагогическая риторика  44.03.05 Teacher Training (with two educational program specializations), Bachelor's Degree (Технология и дополнительное образование) 2015 y. Ивыгина А.А.
Педагогическая риторика  44.03.01 Pedagogical Education, Bachelor's Degree (Английский язык) 2016 y. Ивыгина А.А.
Педагогическая риторика  44.03.05 Teacher Training (with two educational program specializations), Bachelor's Degree (Русский язык и иностранный язык) 2017 y. Ивыгина А.А.
Педагогическая риторика  44.03.01 Pedagogical Education, Bachelor's Degree (Технология) 2017 y. Ивыгина А.А.
Педагогическая риторика  44.03.05 Teacher Training (with two educational program specializations), Bachelor's Degree (Технология и дополнительное образование) 2016 y. Ивыгина А.А.
Практикум по русскому правописанию  44.03.01 Pedagogical Education, Bachelor's Degree (Primary Education) 2017 y. Ивыгина А.А.
Практикум по русскому правописанию  44.03.01 Pedagogical Education, Bachelor's Degree (Primary Education) 2017 y. Ивыгина А.А.
Русская диалектология  44.03.05 Teacher Training (with two educational program specializations), Bachelor's Degree (Русский язык и иностранный язык) 2017 y. Ивыгина А.А.
Русская диалектология  44.03.05 Teacher Training (with two educational program specializations), Bachelor's Degree (Russian language, Literature) 2016 y. Ивыгина А.А.
Русская диалектология  44.03.05 Teacher Training (with two educational program specializations), Bachelor's Degree (Russian language, Literature) 2017 y. Ивыгина А.А.
Русская диалектология  44.03.05 Teacher Training (with two educational program specializations), Bachelor's Degree (Русский язык и иностранный язык) 2016 y. Ивыгина А.А.
Русская диалектология  44.03.05 Teacher Training (with two educational program specializations), Bachelor's Degree (Русский язык и иностранный язык) 2015 y. Ивыгина А.А.
Русская диалектология  44.03.05 Teacher Training (with two educational program specializations), Bachelor's Degree (Russian language, Literature) 2015 y. Ивыгина А.А.
Русская диалектология  44.03.05 Teacher Training (with two educational program specializations), Bachelor's Degree (Russian language, Literature) 2017 y. Ивыгина А.А.
Русская диалектология  44.03.05 Teacher Training (with two educational program specializations), Bachelor's Degree (Russian language, Literature) 2016 y. Ивыгина А.А.
Русская диалектология  44.03.05 Teacher Training (with two educational program specializations), Bachelor's Degree (Русский язык и иностранный язык) 2017 y. Ивыгина А.А.
Русская диалектология  44.03.05 Teacher Training (with two educational program specializations), Bachelor's Degree (Русский язык и иностранный язык) 2016 y. Ивыгина А.А.
Русская диалектология  44.03.05 Teacher Training (with two educational program specializations), Bachelor's Degree (Русский язык и иностранный язык) 2218 y. Ивыгина А.А.
Русская диалектология  44.03.05 Teacher Training (with two educational program specializations), Bachelor's Degree (Russian language, English languag) 2219 y. Ивыгина А.А.
Русская диалектология  44.03.05 Teacher Training (with two educational program specializations), Bachelor's Degree (Russian language, English languag) 2119 y. Ивыгина А.А.
Русская диалектология  44.03.05 Teacher Training (with two educational program specializations), Bachelor's Degree (Русский язык и иностранный язык) 2118 y. Ивыгина А.А.
Русский язык и культура речи  44.03.05 Teacher Training (with two educational program specializations), Bachelor's Degree (History, Social studies) 2119 y. Ивыгина А.А.
Русский язык и культура речи  44.03.05 Teacher Training (with two educational program specializations), Bachelor's Degree (Russian language, Literature) 2017 y. Ивыгина А.А.
Русский язык и культура речи  40.03.01 Jurisprudence, Bachelor's Degree (Civil law) 2016 y. Ивыгина А.А.
Русский язык и культура речи  40.03.01 Jurisprudence, Bachelor's Degree (Civil law) 2017 y. Ивыгина А.А.
Русский язык и культура речи  44.03.01 Pedagogical Education, Bachelor's Degree (Дошкольное образование) 2017 y. Ивыгина А.А.
Русский язык и культура речи  44.03.01 Педагогическое образование, Bachelor's Degree (История) 2015 y. Ивыгина А.А.
Русский язык и культура речи  45.03.02 Linguistics, Bachelor's Degree (Перевод и переводоведение (Английский язык, Китайский язык)) 2018 y. Ивыгина А.А.
Русский язык и культура речи  44.03.05 Pedagogical Education, Bachelor's Degree (Английский язык и немецкий язык) 2017 y. Ивыгина А.А.
Русский язык и культура речи  44.03.05 Teacher Training (with two educational program specializations) , Bachelor's Degree (Mathematics,Physics) 2017 y. Ивыгина А.А.
Русский язык и культура речи  44.03.05 Teacher Training (with two educational program specializations), Bachelor's Degree (Русский язык и иностранный язык) 2017 y. Ивыгина А.А.
Русский язык и культура речи  44.03.05 Teacher Training (with two educational program specializations), Bachelor's Degree (Russian language, Literature) 2016 y. Ивыгина А.А.
Русский язык и культура речи  45.03.02 Linguistics, Bachelor's Degree (Перевод и переводоведение (Английский язык, Китайский язык)) 2017 y. Ивыгина А.А.
Русский язык и культура речи  44.03.05 Pedagogical Education, Bachelor's Degree (Немецкий язык и английский язык) 2017 y. Ивыгина А.А.
Русский язык и культура речи  44.03.05 Teacher Training (with two educational program specializations), Bachelor's Degree (History, Social studies) 2016 y. Ивыгина А.А.
Русский язык и культура речи  44.03.01 Педагогическое образование, Bachelor's Degree (История) 2016 y. Ивыгина А.А.
Русский язык и культура речи  40.03.01 Jurisprudence, Bachelor's Degree (Civil law) 2016 y. Ивыгина А.А.
Русский язык и культура речи  44.03.05 Teacher Training (with two educational program specializations), Bachelor's Degree (Родной язык и литература, иностранный язык) 2016 y. Ивыгина А.А.
Русский язык и культура речи  45.03.02 Linguistics, Bachelor's Degree (Practice and Theory of Translation (English and German languages)) 2016 y. Ивыгина А.А.
Русский язык и культура речи  44.03.05 Pedagogical Education, Bachelor's Degree (Английский язык и немецкий язык) 2016 y. Ивыгина А.А.
Русский язык и культура речи  44.03.05 Teacher Training (with two educational program specializations), Bachelor's Degree (History, Social studies) 2015 y. Ивыгина А.А.
Русский язык и культура речи  45.03.02 Linguistics, Bachelor's Degree (Practice and Theory of Translation (English and German languages)) 2017 y. Ивыгина А.А.
Русский язык и культура речи  44.03.05 Pedagogical Education, Bachelor's Degree (Немецкий язык и английский язык) 2015 y. Ивыгина А.А.
Русский язык и культура речи  45.03.02 Linguistics, Bachelor's Degree (Practice and Theory of Translation (English and German languages)) 2015 y. Ивыгина А.А.
Русский язык и культура речи  44.03.05 Pedagogical Education, Bachelor's Degree (Немецкий язык и английский язык) 2016 y. Ивыгина А.А.
Русский язык и культура речи  44.03.05 Pedagogical Education, Bachelor's Degree (Английский язык и немецкий язык) 2015 y. Ивыгина А.А.
Русский язык и культура речи  44.03.05 Teacher Training (with two educational program specializations), Bachelor's Degree (History, Social studies) 2017 y. Ивыгина А.А.
Русский язык и культура речи  40.03.01 Jurisprudence, Bachelor's Degree (Civil law) 2015 y. Ивыгина А.А.
Русский язык и культура речи  40.03.01 Jurisprudence, Bachelor's Degree (Civil law) 2017 y. Ивыгина А.А.
Русский язык и культура речи  44.03.05 Teacher Training (with two educational program specializations), Bachelor's Degree (Русский язык и иностранный язык) 2016 y. Ивыгина А.А.
Русский язык и культура речи  44.03.05 Teacher Training (with two educational program specializations), Bachelor's Degree (Russian language, Literature) 2118 y. Ивыгина А.А.
Русский язык и культура речи  44.03.05 Teacher Training (with two educational program specializations), Bachelor's Degree (History, Social studies) 2218 y. Ивыгина А.А.
Русский язык и культура речи  44.03.01 Pedagogical Education, Bachelor's Degree (Primary Education) 2015 y. Ивыгина А.А.
Русский язык и культура речи  40.03.01 Jurisprudence, Bachelor's Degree (Civil law) 2018 y. Ивыгина А.А.
Русский язык и культура речи  44.03.01 Педагогическое образование, Bachelor's Degree (История) 2218 y. Ивыгина А.А.
Русский язык и культура речи  40.03.01 Jurisprudence, Bachelor's Degree (Civil law) 2015 y. Ивыгина А.А.
Русский язык и культура речи  45.03.02 Linguistics, Bachelor's Degree (Перевод и переводоведение) 2015 y. Ивыгина А.А.
Русский язык и культура речи  45.03.02 Linguistics, Bachelor's Degree (Practice and Theory of Translation (English and German languages)) 2018 y. Ивыгина А.А.
Русский язык и культура речи  44.03.05 Pedagogical Education, Bachelor's Degree (Английский язык и немецкий язык) 2218 y. Ивыгина А.А.
Русский язык и культура речи  44.03.01 Педагогическое образование, Bachelor's Degree (История) 2118 y. Ивыгина А.А.
Русский язык и культура речи  40.03.01 Юриспруденция, Bachelor's Degree (Гражданское право) 2018 y. Ивыгина А.А.
Русский язык и культура речи  40.03.01 Юриспруденция, Bachelor's Degree (Гражданское право) 2019 y. Ивыгина А.А.
Русский язык и культура речи  40.03.01 Юриспруденция, Bachelor's Degree (Гражданское право) 2017 y. Ивыгина А.А.
Русский язык и культура речи  44.03.05 Teacher Training (with two educational program specializations), Bachelor's Degree (Русский язык и иностранный язык) 2016 y. Ивыгина А.А.
Русский язык и культура речи  45.03.02 Linguistics, Bachelor's Degree (Перевод и переводоведение (Английский язык, Китайский язык)) 2017 y. Ивыгина А.А.
Русский язык и культура речи  44.03.01 Pedagogical Education, Bachelor's Degree (Дошкольное образование) 2017 y. Ивыгина А.А.
Русский язык и культура речи  44.03.05 Pedagogical Education, Bachelor's Degree (Немецкий язык и английский язык) 2017 y. Ивыгина А.А.
Русский язык и культура речи  45.03.02 Linguistics, Bachelor's Degree (Practice and Theory of Translation (English and German languages)) 2219 y. Ивыгина А.А.
Русский язык и культура речи  45.03.02 Linguistics, Bachelor's Degree (Перевод и переводоведение (Английский язык, Китайский язык)) 2018 y. Ивыгина А.А.
Русский язык и культура речи  45.03.02 Linguistics, Bachelor's Degree (Practice and Theory of Translation (English and German languages)) 2018 y. Ивыгина А.А.
Русский язык и культура речи  44.03.05 Pedagogical Education, Bachelor's Degree (Английский язык и немецкий язык) 2118 y. Ивыгина А.А.
Русский язык и культура речи  45.03.02 Linguistics, Bachelor's Degree (Practice and Theory of Translation (English and German languages)) 2119 y. Ивыгина А.А.
Русский язык и культура речи  44.03.05 Pedagogical Education, Bachelor's Degree (Английский язык и немецкий язык) 2219 y. Ивыгина А.А.
Русский язык и культура речи  44.03.05 Teacher Training (with two educational program specializations), Bachelor's Degree (Russian language, Literature) 2016 y. Ивыгина А.А.
Русский язык и культура речи  44.03.05 Pedagogical Education, Bachelor's Degree (Английский язык и немецкий язык) 2017 y. Ивыгина А.А.
Русский язык и культура речи  44.03.05 Teacher Training (with two educational program specializations), Bachelor's Degree (Russian language, Literature) 2017 y. Ивыгина А.А.
Русский язык и культура речи  45.03.02 Linguistics, Bachelor's Degree (Перевод и переводоведение (Английский язык, Китайский язык)) 2219 y. Ивыгина А.А.
Русский язык и культура речи  44.03.01 Pedagogical Education, Bachelor's Degree (Английский язык) 2219 y. Ивыгина А.А.
Русский язык и культура речи  45.03.02 Linguistics, Bachelor's Degree (Practice and Theory of Translation (English and German languages)) 2017 y. Ивыгина А.А.
Русский язык и культура речи  44.03.05 Teacher Training (with two educational program specializations) , Bachelor's Degree (Mathematics,Physics) 2017 y. Ивыгина А.А.
Русский язык и культура речи  44.03.05 Teacher Training (with two educational program specializations), Bachelor's Degree (Русский язык и иностранный язык) 2017 y. Ивыгина А.А.
Русский язык и культура речи  44.03.05 Teacher Training (with two educational program specializations), Bachelor's Degree (Russian language, Literature) 2120 y. Ивыгина А.А.
Русский язык и культура речи  44.03.05 Teacher Training (with two educational program specializations), Bachelor's Degree (Russian language, Literature) 2319 y. Ивыгина А.А.
Русский язык и культура речи  44.03.05 Teacher Training (with two educational program specializations), Bachelor's Degree (Родной язык и литература, иностранный язык) 2016 y. Ивыгина А.А.
Русский язык и культура речи  44.03.05 Teacher Training (with two educational program specializations), Bachelor's Degree (Russian language, Literature) 2119 y. Ивыгина А.А.
Русский язык и культура речи  44.03.01 Pedagogical Education, Bachelor's Degree (Английский язык) 2119 y. Ивыгина А.А.
Русский язык и культура речи  44.03.05 Teacher Training (with two educational program specializations), Bachelor's Degree (История, английский язык) 2019 y. Ивыгина А.А.
Русский язык и культура речи  44.03.05 Pedagogical Education, Bachelor's Degree (Немецкий язык и английский язык) 2016 y. Ивыгина А.А.
Русский язык и культура речи  44.03.05 Teacher Training (with two educational program specializations), Bachelor's Degree (History, Social studies) 2016 y. Ивыгина А.А.
Русский язык и культура речи  40.03.01 Jurisprudence, Bachelor's Degree (Civil law) 2019 y. Ивыгина А.А.
Русский язык и культура речи  45.03.02 Linguistics, Bachelor's Degree (Перевод и переводоведение (Английский язык, Китайский язык)) 2119 y. Ивыгина А.А.
Русский язык и культура речи  44.03.05 Pedagogical Education, Bachelor's Degree (Английский язык и немецкий язык) 2119 y. Ивыгина А.А.
Русский язык и культура речи  44.03.05 Pedagogical Education, Bachelor's Degree (Английский язык и немецкий язык) 2016 y. Ивыгина А.А.
Русский язык и культура речи  44.03.05 Teacher Training (with two educational program specializations), Bachelor's Degree (Russian language, Literature) 2218 y. Ивыгина А.А.
Русский язык и культура речи  44.03.01 Педагогическое образование, Bachelor's Degree (История) 2016 y. Ивыгина А.А.
Русский язык и культура речи  40.03.01 Юриспруденция, Bachelor's Degree (Гражданское право) 2020 y. Ивыгина А.А.
Русский язык и культура речи  44.03.05 Teacher Training (with two educational program specializations), Bachelor's Degree (History, Social studies) 2120 y. Ивыгина А.А.
Русский язык и культура речи  45.03.02 Linguistics, Bachelor's Degree (Practice and Theory of Translation (English and German languages)) 2220 y. Ивыгина А.А.
Русский язык и культура речи  44.03.05 Teacher Training (with two educational program specializations), Bachelor's Degree (History, Social studies) 2118 y. Ивыгина А.А.
Русский язык и культура речи  44.03.05 Teacher Training (with two educational program specializations), Bachelor's Degree (History, Social studies) 2219 y. Ивыгина А.А.
Русский язык и культура речи  44.03.05 Pedagogical Education, Bachelor's Degree (Английский язык и немецкий язык) 2120 y. Ивыгина А.А.
Русский язык и культура речи  44.03.05 Teacher Training (with two educational program specializations), Bachelor's Degree (History, Social studies) 2017 y. Ивыгина А.А.
Современный русский язык  44.03.05 Teacher Training (with two educational program specializations), Bachelor's Degree (Родной язык и литература, иностранный язык) 2117 y. Ивыгина А.А.
Современный русский язык  44.03.05 Teacher Training (with two educational program specializations), Bachelor's Degree (Родной язык и литература, иностранный язык) 2016 y. Ивыгина А.А.
Современный русский язык  44.03.05 Teacher Training (with two educational program specializations), Bachelor's Degree (Родной язык и литература, иностранный язык) 2016 y. Ивыгина А.А.
Современный русский язык  44.03.05 Teacher Training (with two educational program specializations), Bachelor's Degree (Родной язык и литература, иностранный язык) 2017 y. Ивыгина А.А.
Современный русский язык  44.03.05 Teacher Training (with two educational program specializations), Bachelor's Degree (Родной язык и литература, иностранный язык) 2015 y. Ивыгина А.А.
Старославянский язык  44.03.05 Teacher Training (with two educational program specializations), Bachelor's Degree (Russian language, Literature) 2017 y. Ивыгина А.А.
Старославянский язык  44.03.05 Teacher Training (with two educational program specializations), Bachelor's Degree (Russian language, Literature) 2118 y. Ивыгина А.А.
Старославянский язык  44.03.05 Teacher Training (with two educational program specializations), Bachelor's Degree (Russian language, English languag) 2120 y. Ивыгина А.А.
Старославянский язык  44.03.05 Teacher Training (with two educational program specializations), Bachelor's Degree (Russian language, Literature) 2319 y. Ивыгина А.А.
Старославянский язык  44.03.05 Teacher Training (with two educational program specializations), Bachelor's Degree (Родной язык и литература, иностранный язык) 2016 y. Ивыгина А.А.
Старославянский язык  44.03.05 Teacher Training (with two educational program specializations), Bachelor's Degree (Russian language, Literature) 2017 y. Ивыгина А.А.
Старославянский язык  44.03.05 Teacher Training (with two educational program specializations), Bachelor's Degree (Russian language, English languag) 2219 y. Ивыгина А.А.
Старославянский язык  44.03.05 Teacher Training (with two educational program specializations), Bachelor's Degree (Russian language, Literature) 2218 y. Ивыгина А.А.
Старославянский язык  44.03.05 Teacher Training (with two educational program specializations), Bachelor's Degree (Русский язык и иностранный язык) 2218 y. Ивыгина А.А.
Старославянский язык  44.03.05 Teacher Training (with two educational program specializations), Bachelor's Degree (Russian language, Literature) 2120 y. Ивыгина А.А.
Старославянский язык  44.03.05 Teacher Training (with two educational program specializations), Bachelor's Degree (Russian language, Literature) 2119 y. Ивыгина А.А.
Старославянский язык  44.03.05 Teacher Training (with two educational program specializations), Bachelor's Degree (Russian language, English languag) 2119 y. Ивыгина А.А.
Старославянский язык  44.03.05 Teacher Training (with two educational program specializations), Bachelor's Degree (Родной язык и литература, иностранный язык) 2016 y. Ивыгина А.А.
Старославянский язык  44.03.05 Teacher Training (with two educational program specializations), Bachelor's Degree (Русский язык и иностранный язык) 2015 y. Ивыгина А.А.
Мухаметшина Д.Р.
Старославянский язык  44.03.05 Teacher Training (with two educational program specializations), Bachelor's Degree (Russian language, Literature) 2015 y. Ивыгина А.А.
Мухаметшина Д.Р.
Старославянский язык  44.03.05 Teacher Training (with two educational program specializations), Bachelor's Degree (Russian language, Literature) 2016 y. Ивыгина А.А.
Мухаметшина Д.Р.
Старославянский язык  44.03.05 Teacher Training (with two educational program specializations), Bachelor's Degree (Родной язык и литература, иностранный язык) 2015 y. Ивыгина А.А.
Старославянский язык  44.03.05 Teacher Training (with two educational program specializations), Bachelor's Degree (Родной язык и литература, иностранный язык) 2117 y. Ивыгина А.А.
Старославянский язык  44.03.05 Teacher Training (with two educational program specializations), Bachelor's Degree (Русский язык и иностранный язык) 2118 y. Ивыгина А.А.
Старославянский язык  44.03.05 Teacher Training (with two educational program specializations), Bachelor's Degree (Russian language, Literature) 2016 y. Ивыгина А.А.
Старославянский язык  44.03.05 Teacher Training (with two educational program specializations), Bachelor's Degree (Родной язык и литература, иностранный язык) 2017 y. Ивыгина А.А.
Старославянский язык 2  44.03.05 Teacher Training (with two educational program specializations), Bachelor's Degree (Russian language, Literature) 2016 y. Ивыгина А.А.
Мухаметшина Д.Р.
Старославянский язык 2  44.03.05 Teacher Training (with two educational program specializations), Bachelor's Degree (Russian language, Literature) 2016 y. Ивыгина А.А.
Мухаметшина Д.Р.
Фонетика  44.03.05 Teacher Training (with two educational program specializations), Bachelor's Degree (Russian language, Literature) 2017 y. Ивыгина А.А.
Фонетика  44.03.05 Teacher Training (with two educational program specializations), Bachelor's Degree (Русский язык и иностранный язык) 2016 y. Ивыгина А.А.
Фонетика  44.03.05 Teacher Training (with two educational program specializations), Bachelor's Degree (Russian language, Literature) 2118 y. Ивыгина А.А.
Фонетика  44.03.05 Teacher Training (with two educational program specializations), Bachelor's Degree (Русский язык и иностранный язык) 2118 y. Ивыгина А.А.
Фонетика  44.03.01 Pedagogical Education, Bachelor's Degree (Primary Education) 2120 y. Ивыгина А.А.
Фонетика  44.03.05 Teacher Training (with two educational program specializations), Bachelor's Degree (Russian language, Literature) 2016 y. Ивыгина А.А.
Фонетика  44.03.05 Teacher Training (with two educational program specializations), Bachelor's Degree (Russian language, English languag) 2119 y. Ивыгина А.А.
Фонетика  44.03.05 Teacher Training (with two educational program specializations), Bachelor's Degree (Russian language, Literature) 2319 y. Ивыгина А.А.