The Kazan federal university has won tender for a sales right of the project "Implementation of Competence-based Approach in case of Development and Approbation of the Main Professional Educational Programs of the Higher Education for UGSN "Education and Pedagogical Sciences" (the Education Level a Bachelor Degree, a Magistracy and Postgraduate Study, the "Teacher of the Main General Education" Profile)". This victory is a natural consequence of successful participation of university in the series of similar projects on strengthening of a practical orientation of training of future teachers implemented in 2014-15 within the Federal target development program of education. In course of execution of the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation it is necessary for the university not only to build and approve new model of training of students for teacher's activities in the conditions of network interaction of the educational organizations of various level, but also to create around itself the consortium of higher education institutions capable to provide a break in the development of system of pedagogical education of Russia. This project completely answers the purpose and tasks of the perspective direction "The Teacher of the 21 Century" urged to strengthen line items of the university in world system of pedagogical education, the responsible performer of which is the Elabuga institute of KFU as one of the oldest platforms of the region on preparation of teachers.