May 25th for all students of 9 and 11 grades of secondary schools last bell rang.
In the festive school events that took place on this day in Yelabuga, Zainsk and Mamadysh the representatives of Yelabuga Institute of KFU participated.
In the City Palace of Culture in Yelabuga warm words of congratulations to the graduates the gymnasium №4 were sounded.
Director of Yelabuga Institute of KFU Elena Merzon made speech with words of encouragement. She congratulated the graduates on behalf of the rector of Kazan Federal University Ilshat Gafurov and wished them a successful implementation of their plans: "Adult life is full of emotions and meetings with interesting people. This is the stage where you really feel a personal responsibility to yourself. Do not be afraid of mistakes. The mistakes will make you stronger, if they are, of course, not spelling". She recalled that the Kazan Federal University during the whole academic year organized scientific Universiade and competitions, the winners of these competitions will receive extra points for admission to KFU. "Our institute conducted scientific Universiade, the total number of winners in the Yelabuga Municipal District is thirty-two students, including the graduate of school №4 -. Kseniya Kolesnikova," - said in a speech Elena Efimovna.
We must say that a special warmth in respect of this educational institution by Elena Efimovna is not accidental: from 2000 to 2007, she was a director of this school, and it is here her children received the secondary education. Gymnasium and our Institution have a long history of close effective cooperation. Teachers and students annually participate in various projects organized by the University. According to words of teachers and school director Rafael Khamitov, each year many of the graduates of this educational institution enter the Yelabuga Institute of KFU, most of them often choose " pedagogical direction."
As a gift from students of Yelabuga Institute of KFU was a bright fiery dance, symbolizing the starting point of a new stage of life of yesterday's school students and the start of a new active life full of discoveries, achievements and victories.