17 марта 2016
Want to solve the global problem - start with yourself!
On March, 16 in Elabuga Institute of KFU a meeting with the participation of the experts of Kama Territorial Department of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of RT, the Executive Committee of Elabuga Municipal District, the Education Department and the Executive Director Aidar Akmalov was held.
At the meeting projects were presented. The projects are aimed at formation of ecological culture and prospects of development of non-formal education for young people in the framework of networking of Elabuga Institute of KFU with the above mentioned municipal institutions.
First the presentation of the State program "Strategic talent management in the Republic of Tatarstan for 2015-2020 years" was presented by the executive director of Kazan Open University of Talents Aidar Akmalov. The main objective of this program is to establish a system of continuous development of the intellectual and creative potential of children and young people. "For the state, it is important that the young man, a resident of our republic, receiving education, is able to realize his talents here, in his homeland," - said Aidar Faritovich. Integration of talented youth in the country's economy and creating a friendly environment are the main objectives of the project. The main tool of the project is the so-called network of laboratories and talent training classes, where in an informal atmosphere children are trained to communicative competence. And, as practice shows, the lessons in the training class are becoming increasingly popular among young people.
Already, studies in the laboratory of talent "EcoDOS" and the site "Live communication" in the frame of training class in Elabuga Institute of KFU has been participate more than 200 people. After meeting with the students at the official opening of the laboratory of talents and training class, which took place on the same day, Aydar Akmalov assured the children that soon the lessons learned here could be used in schools, where they will come to work as teachers. Creation of informal learning platforms are extremely actual. In the future, a new type of teacher will be in demand in the secondary schools, teachers who master game technology, development of individual educational programs, and other unique skills, which are necessary for specialists represented in the "Atlas of new jobs."
Suggestion of the Director of the Elabuga Institute Elena Merzon to provide learning opportunities for school pupils of the district on educational sites of talents laboratory and training class was welcomed by the representative of the administration Lyudmila Rybakova.
Another important theme of the meeting was the problem of environmental pollution. "If you want to solve a global problem - start with yourself" - according to this principle experts of Elabuga Institute of KFU decided to act. The project "Elabuga Institute of KFU is the territory of ecological culture" was presented to the participants of the meeting. Its purpose is to promote public awareness on the environmental preservation. The project calls for organization of various public educational activities for children and adults, the organization of the summer environmental and economic school "Coworking" based on SOL "Burevestnik" for students and pupils of city schools.
The meeting agreed on the need to work together to create conditions for development a culture of rational use and proper management of solid waste, which greatly will reduce the environmental risk of landfills. Elabuga Institute of KFU has expressed readiness to participate in the development of educational programs for occupations that will be in demand in the very near future: eco-preacher, eco-educator, a park ecologist. Such experts, according to the view point of the representatives of the Ministry of Environment, are extremely necessary. The leading specialist of the Kama Territorial Administration under the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of RT Vladimir Muzaffarov expressed readiness to accept on training the students of Elabuga Institute. And the executive director of University of Talents Aidar Akmalov supported the idea of "Coworking" Summer School, stated in the project. Deputy Head of the Executive Committee of the Elabuga Municipal District on social issues Lyudmila Rybakova, in her turn, promised to discuss the presented projects in the district administration.
Eugene Tretyakova, the inspirer of the environmental project and the organizer of the fund "Green Cities", made a partnership proposal. According to her point of view, the fund will provide financial platform for a project aimed at the elimination of a huge number of landfills which poison the environment. "There are already containers for different types of garbage in your city, but unfortunately, they are filled with in usual way. It's a question of discipline, habits. It is necessary to form within population a model of competent environmental behavior and Elabuga Institute of KFU could become an example for the entire city. First, we will teach students the eco-culture, and then showing that this model is working, we will be able to extend this experience throughout the country”.
Having started with the environmental education of students, our institute on the basis of newly developed programs will improve the qualification of teachers and educators in framework of forming the ecological culture among young generation.
The meeting came to the conclusion that for the solution of set problems, is necessary to organize a close cooperation.
The source of information: Katherine Saibel, the press service of Elabuga Institute of KFU
March 20, 2016
It's Spring!
The long-expected gala concert "Students' Spring" festival has passed in Elabuga Institute KFU. The best items, performed by the most talented students of the Institute were presented on the stage.
What is Spring in Elabuga Institute KFU? This is the sea of positive emotions, these are long rehearsals, these are bright and colorful items, and these are smiles, laughter and pride for the native faculty and university.
The Year of Movie is being celebrated this year in Russia, and Elabuga Institute could not ignore this fact.
The red carpet was spread in the hall of the Municipal Palace of Culture, as it is accepted during serious festivals. The charming entertainer told the spectators about the cinematic kitchen. The amateur actors spoke about doubles and stuntmen, whose contribution to the production of films is huge, but the audience did not know them personally, they told that talent and talent of the script-writers is given to them in childhood, about the role of the villains in the films and about the importance of proper film dubbing.
Throughout the concert, the audience was surprised, amazed and shocked by sharp, bright, spectacular dance items, which could easily be compared with a real theatrical performance. It was evident that the singing level of the contestants grows higher and higher each year. The artists presented a palette of musical styles on the stage: folk singing, a cappella, Tatar songs, cover versions of the band "The Polite people" and much more.
It was time to sum up the results, and the deans of all faculties of the Elabuga Institute were invited on the stage. The director of the Institute Elena Merzon awarded the winners. The Faculty of Russian Philology and Journalism was awarded the Diploma for the 3rd place for the qualitatively-made literary humor. Friendly and always close-knit team of Physical and Mathematical Faculty took the 2nd place. Students with national character – the Faculty of Tatar and Comparative Philology became the owners of the 1st place. Grand Prix of the festival "Students' Spring - 2016" got the Faculty of History and Law.
The Diploma «Devotion for national traditions on the festival" Students' Spring - 2016 "was awarded the Faculty of Tatar and Comparative Philology. The Faculty of Physical Culture got the Diploma "The opening of the festival" Students' Spring - 2016 ".
The results of the competition were announced for the best reportage and the best final song that day.
The III level Diploma received Ilya Kaishev (Faculty of History and Law) in the competition of reports of Elabuga Institute, Olga Vereshchagina (Physics and Mathematics Faculty) got the II level Diploma, Lilia Ramazanova (Faculty of Russian Philology and Journalism) was awarded the winner Diploma.
The Diploma of the winner in the nomination "The best final song of Elabuga Institute KFU" and a certificate for production of a video clip at the TV studio of the Institute was awarded the Faculty of History and Law.
The group of professionals – jury of "Students' Spring" of Kazan Federal University watched the concert that day. The fate of permits to the Tatarstan capital for “the Russian Student Spring-2016” will be decided at the Republican level, but before that, the best creative teams of the Institute will have to wait the decision of the jury.
Source: Dinara Almagambetova, the press service of the Elabuga Institute KFU
March 27, 2016
Li Siyuan: "I want to help Elabuga students to understand Chinese culture and learn Chinese"
The new Chinese teacher - Li Siyuan came to Elabuga Institute in the middle of March, replacing her predecessor - Hunan University Associate Professor Lee Chzhenven. We met with Li Siyuan in the Institute Center of the Chinese Language and Culture and asked her to tell about herself and the work ahead.
Li Siyuan was born in August 1980 in Chansha, Hunan Province. By the way, in the vicinity of the city there is Zhangjiajie National Park - one of China's most beautiful parks. It is said that these extraordinary mountains, which occupy about 76% of the entire territory, inspired James Cameron to create a "flying mountain" in dreamland Pandora in the movie "Avatar."
Lee's father worked in the school and taught the Chinese language (unfortunately, he died early), her mother is engaged in housekeeping. She has two older sisters. Lee has got a little daughter in her own family, with whom she communicates daily on Skype.
Li Siyuan graduated from Hunan University, and then she studied at the postgraduate Sichuan University of Foreign Languages, defended her thesis on "The theory and practice of teaching the English language." Subsequently, she worked as a teacher of English at Hunan University for 13 years, which has more than 1 million students (our institute has long-term cooperation ties with this University). The choice of profession was associated with a high demand for the English language in China: «While recruitment one of the main requirements is a good language fluency ". The teacher speaks Russian well, but in some situations, she is helped by senior laboratory assistant of the department of English language Laysan Nuriahmetova, and by other teachers and students of the Faculty of Foreign Languages.
Li Siyuan was trained at teacher-training program at the Headquarters of Confucius Institute (Hanban) in 2015, received a certificate with the right to teach Chinese language in high school.
She came to Russia for the first time. She is not afraid of cool March days, "I will be able to cope with Russian weather! Especially as I was greeted very warmly and friendly. "
Classes have begun and will be held at the Institute Center of Chinese Language and Culture until the end of May twice a week with each group from 14.50 o'clock. There are two groups of students from the faculty of foreign languages (students from scratch and continuing education) and an interfaculty group (beginners). The residents of Elabuga (commercial basis), who expressed their desire to learn Chinese will study in the third group.
In conclusion, the teacher shared the basic plans and the first impressions of the students of the Institute: "I want to help the Russian people to understand Chinese culture, the difference between our cultures, and to help to learn the Chinese language. The students are hardworking and diligent, we all should get everything. "
Source: Sibgatullina A.A., Nuriahmetova L.F., Siraeva M.V., the press service of the Elabuga Institute KFU
31 March 2016
Gulnara Iskandarova is a winner of “Best Youth Scientific Article – 2016” contest.
March 29, Inter-regional center of innovative technologies in education and the editors of scientific and methodological journal "Concept" announced summing up All-Russian contest for young scientists "Best Youth Scientific Article - 2016".
824 scientific works were attended to the Contest, which was started in November, 2015. Examination of submitted works were realized by competent professionals from February 22 to March 22, 2016 and included following categories: 01 - the Chemical, Physical and Mathematical and Engineering Sciences; 02 - Historical Sciences and Archeology; 03 - Economic Sciences; 04 - Philosophical, Sociological, Legal Science and Political Science; 05 - Philological Sciences, History of Art and Science of Culture; 06 – Educational Sciences; 07 - Psychological and Medical Sciences; 08 - Biological, Agricultural Sciences and Earth Sciences.
Gulnara Iskandarova, the 4th year student of the Engineering and Technology Faculty, won the nomination for "Educational Sciences" with her scientific work "Consideration of psychophysiological characteristics of future drivers as a mean for increasing their reliability," written under the supervision of O.V. Shatunova, the associate professor of Department of General Engineering Training. At the present time, Gulnara Iskandarova is writing her graduate qualification work and has published the second article containing the results of her degree work. By the way, the winner of the contest began engaging in research work in school and successfully continued to deal with it in our institute. Gulnara Iskandarova has got about twenty publications and several prize placings in various contests of scientific research including the All-Russian level.
Congratulate Gulnara with regular victory and wish her successful graduation in Elabuga Institute of KFU and continuation of scientific activity in professional practice!
Source: the press service of Elabuga Institute of KFU
Future for robotics!
Elabuga Institute of KFU held the Vth Open Contests in robotics. Contests were oriented to different participants' level of training and were held according four subjects.
"Labyrinth: there and back" was a task for the young age group, was performed on the "Labyrinth puzzle" field. The participants had to design a mobile robot to pass unknown labyrinth. The robot must return to along the shortest path. Carrying out the following task "Manipulators", the young designers designed a manipulator model to recreate the pre-known building in the specified location by moving cubes in space, which were located in the "stock" in an unknown manner. Another test - "Trajectory: Map" was a task for the old age group. It was carried out in the "Trajectory Puzzle" field, where the participants created mobile robots to navigate and search for objects on the field with preannounced configuration but unknown starting point.
The aim of the championship is to develop the technical and logical thinking of children from 5 to 19 years and to realize gained knowledge using the principles of design and programming. 39 teams from different regions and cities of Tatarstan took part in the contest. According to the organizers, the tasks are particularly complex this year. For example, the test "Сlean road to school" is included in the tasks of the International Robotics Olympics and focused on participants of the young age group. The problem is to create a robot that will help clear the road to participant's school starting from the "bedroom". There are seven points of clearance on the field and some of them are full of waste products or garbage.
Oksana Reznova, a pupil from school №60 (Naberezhnye Chelny), began practicing robotics a year ago. Her mother suggested going on the programming courses and then proceeding to the robots' design. Oksana says, "I believe that the programmer is the profession of future, therefore I find it interesting".
Parents and coaches-teachers help participants prepare for the contest. The team of designers from Nurlat has not missed any contests, which Elabuga Institute of KFU held. Last year, Alexei Fadkin's pupils (Children's Creativity Center, Nurlat) took first place in the All-Russian competition. Alexey Vladimirovich also noted that such championship is an excellent platform for the exchange of experiences and motivation.
Winners of the Open Contests in robotics were awarded with diplomas and valuable gifts from Elabuga Institute of KFU.