VII International Stakheev’s Readings were held in Elabuga
November 19-20, Elabuga Institute of KFU held VII International Stakheev’s Readings - an event becoming the scientific brand of Elabuga Institute.
The number of Reading’s participants confirmed the relevance of a wide range of issues related to philology, history, economic development of towns and cities, the restoration and preservation of historical and cultural heritage is a lively response among the global scientific community.
Guests and conference participants - representatives of the higher school, research fellows and representatives of the museum community are from more than 25 cities in Russia and experts from countries near and far abroad, including Aygerim Daniyarova (Kazakhstan, Astana), Hilary Pilkington, Charlie Walker, David Moon (UK) and others.
Traditionally, descendants of an ancient clan the Stakheevs come to Elabuga for taking part in the event. This year conference was attended by L.A. Stakheeva’s great-grandson Denis Laktionov (St. Petersburg), Eugene Tretyakova with his mother Elena Vsevolodovna - I.I. Stakheev’s great granddaughters (Sochi), I.I. Stakheev’s descendant, French citizen - Eugene Podgursky.
The scientific forum symbolically began with the solemn hymn of all students "Gaudeamus". The presentation of the book D. Stakheev "The Pustynnozhitel" took place in the plenary session. It was published on the initiative and with the support of the Tretyakovs (the Stakheevs). Eugene Tretyakova told about the literary work of her famous ancestor. She thanked the staff of the Institute for their supporting in the work on this project. "While working on the book, I realized how deep the written word can be appealing to families. I want it to make my familiar thanks to the literary talent of Dmitry Stakheev" - Eugene Valeryevna says.
The theme of the development of education in a small town was revealed in her speech Loraine Butler - director of the International School "Alabuga" (UK).
Eugene Podgursky told the audience about the possibilities of the genealogical tree’s reconstruction in the Internet. He created the site, using the dynasty the Staheevs as an example.
The doctor of sciences, professor of Elabuga Institute of KFU Inga Maslova shared the results of her latest research. The audience was presented with rare documents from the personal archives of Catherine Pavlovna Golovanova, Glafira Staheeva’s great-granddaughter. The documents describe the plight of the Staheevs in exile in France since 1924.
The report of the Ph.D. in Engineering Science, associate professor, Vice-Rector of Teaching and Studies of Bauman Moscow State Technical University (Moscow) Sergey Korshunov was dedicated to the graduates of the Moscow Imperial Technical School (now MSTU) - Fedor and Nikolai Stakheev. He revealed some of the chapters of their studies at the school and said that Fedor participated in the construction of water supply system in Elabuga.
At the end of the plenary meeting and flower-laying ceremony at the bust of Glafira Staheeva, the founder of Eparchy school for Girls in Elabuga guests of Readings became the participants of the poster discussions with the heads of towns Andrei Yegorov, head of the Kargopol Municipal District, Sergei Maklakov, the head of Uglich Municipal District, president of the Association of small tourist towns, Valery Chershintsev, the head of Mendeyevsk Municipal District. Each of them made a presentation about own town and announced projects assisting in the development of brand territory. Gulzada Rudenko - Director General of Elabuga State Historical and Architectural Museum-Reserve - told participants and guests about the tourism development and protection of cultural heritage in Elabuga.
One of the key pillars of the forum was the signing of an agreement between the Institute and the Association of small tourist towns. According to Sergei Maklakov, the President of the Association, it will use the Lab regional and historical researches of Institute in the projects of the Association, for example for sociological studies on the socio-economic development of the small town.
Debates about problems of development of cities’ territory were continued at the round table discussion, moderated by Liliya Nurgatina, Deputy Director of the Development Institute of Management, Economics and Finance of KFU.
The deputy head of Bakhchisarai, Bakhchisarai director of the Institute of Development Tatyana Golovko explains her point of view of the participants: "Each area has its own advantages: landscapes, natural resources, geographical location, production, etc. The city cannot be developed according only one direction but only in the complex. For example, it is impossible to imagine our town without the magnificent mountains or without the famous Fountain of Tears in Bakhchisarai, without the Khan's palace, without mentioning the name of Catherine the Great, Pushkin, and so on".
Naila Bagautdinova - doctor of sciences, full professor, Director of the Institute of Management, Economics and Finance of KFU, Vadim Martynyuk - CEO of Bakhchisarai historical-cultural and architectural museum-reserve and others presented own thoughts and scientific developments (All research reports of participants in Stakheev’s Readings are presented in a special collection.)
The forum continued on November 20 and ended by the ball in the style of the XIX century, which was dedicated to the 117th anniversary of the opening of Eparchy school for Girls in Elabuga.
The ball program included, as required by tradition, some compulsory dances: polonaise, waltz, quadrille and polka. The dancers were able to surprise the guests by more modern dances such as "Jive" and "Blues Foxtrot" as well. The ceremony of awarding teachers and students of the Institute for the successes and achievements in work and study took place after the ceremonial welcome of participants and guests by the Director of Elabuga Institute of KFU Elena Merzon. Best of the best received the awards from the hands of the Director.
Настроение, созданное в зале, передавалось всем гостям, которые и сами с удовольствием принимали участие в изящном празднестве.
The mood, created in the hall, conveyed to all guests, who are participated in an elegant festival.
Sergey Korshunov, Vice-Rector of Teaching and Studies of MSTU: "A wonderful holiday! Thanks so much to the leadership of Institute for being so honorable history and tradition, for fit as a fiddle, for splendid youth. I could not resist myself and danced the polka. "
Dance program of ball alternated with beautiful theatrical sketches, reading of poems by Alexander Pushkin, Denis Davydov, Julia Zhadovskaya, performance of Russian romances which are relevant in the framework of the Year of Literature in Russia.
Source: Catherine Saibel, the press service of Elabuga Institute of KFU
The Ball in Honour of Elabuga Institute’s Birthday
The ball in the style of the 19th century devoted to the 117th anniversary of Elabuga Episcopal College for Women, took place in the Palace of Culture of Elabuga.
The ball was the last bright event of the VII International Stakheev Conference that took place in Elabuga Institute of Kazan Federal University (KFU) during the period of the 19th to the 20th of November. The distinguished guests of the conference were the scientist and specialists from 35 Russian cities and 4 foreign countries. Among them were the descendants of the the Stakheevs (Denis Laktionov, Yevgeniy Podgurskiy, Elena and Yevgeniya Tretyakovy).
According to the tradition the ball’s programme included some compulsory dances. They were a waltz, a polonaise, a quadrille, and a polka. They were not the only dances the young people danced. They also danced some modern dances such as a jive and blues-foxtrot.
A polonaise was the first dance. It was preceded by a waltz, a very romantic dance beloved by many people. This dance is a dance of sweet dreams and expectations. Dancing a waltz young people being in love had a chance to give each other a hug and exchange love notes.
No doubt, a ball is a magic time. It is a place to meet up and to tell about your love. It is a place where people make acquaintances and dance! This dance had been born a bit before the fairytale about Cinderella was written.
In Russia nothing was known about balls till the beginning of the 18th century. The first Russian ball was organized in honour of the wedding of pseudo Dmitriy and Marina Mnisheck. Shortly after that balls were forgotten. Peter the Great restarted the tradition of organizing balls in Moscow and St. Petersburg in 1717. The 19th century was the time of ball dances which were extremely beautiful and vivid.
After Elena Merzon, Director of Elabuga Institute of KFU had greeted the guests and participants the rewarding ceremony took place. The professor’s staff and the students were rewarded for their high achievements in their work and study. The most prosperous ones were given awards.
For her merits in the sphere of education the docent of Elabuga Institite of KFU Fairuza Sabirova was rewarded with ‘Honourable Employee of Higher Education in Russia’. The Certificates for good and fruitful work on improvement of the studying process were giving to the docenst of Elabuga Institite of KFU Oleg Razzhivin Олег and Saphiya Mukhametgalieva, and Deputy Director of the Institute id Educational Activity Airat Kaviev.
Breastplates ‘To the Merits in the Sphere of Education of Tatarstan’ were given to the docents Irina Krapotkina and Zagir Latipov. Eleven teachers were presented with a journey to the health resort. Elena Matveeva, a student of the Facultu of Russian Literature and Journalism was rewarded with the Stakheev scholarship.
One, two, three… one, two, three… The sound of weightless dresses, bright happy eyes… The party was preceded by endless training which the participants talk about without any regret:
Andrew Myshkin, a student of the Faculty of History and Law:
‘While dancing in the ball you forget about how you were tired during the dancing. This is not the first time I have taken part in the ball. I am really enjoying this because it is a magic. I am very sad I am not participating in the ball next because I am graduating from the University. I am thankful to the Institute for such a party and I am grateful to my dancing party who was a great support to me.’
All the guests were happy to join the participants whose feelings passed into the guests.
Sergey Korshunov, Vice-chancellor on Teaching and Methodology (Moscow State University of Bauman): ‘It’s a wonderful party! I am grateful to Institute’s Management for remembering the history and traditions, for the atmosphere and the students who give the happiness they are full of! I myself couldn’t help dancing a polka!’
The dancing programme of the ball included theatre performances, poems written by A. Pushkin, D. Davidov, and singing Russian romances which were very actual as 2015 is the Year of Literature in Russia.
At the end of the magic ball there was a Waltz of Flowers and stunning fireworks. Happy Birthday!
Katherine Saibel, Press-cutting service of Elabuga Institute of KFU, pictures made by AleksandrMaslov, Elina Sarvarova, and Dinara Almagambetova.
The results of the project-proposal of cooperation with universities in Russia and abroad
The staff of Elabuga Institute KFU took part at the All-Russian conference on discussion the results of projects of pedagogical education modernization.
November, 18-20 at the Moscow City Psychological and Pedagogical University was held the All-Russian conference of discussion the results of projects of pedagogical education modernization which was attended by the specialists of the Kazan Federal University. The delegation from the Elabuga institute of KFU was headed by the PhD, the Head of the Department of Pedagogics Vladislav Vinogradov.
According to Vladislav Lvovich, the results of realization of a set of projects that clearly deserved a positive assessment of both as the operator, and the customer of the project - the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation were summed up at the conference. It was noted that in fact it was one of the few projects which results were expressed in a particular product a ready to use by the system of pedagogical education of the Russian Federation.
In this regard it was noted that the received results allow to speak about continuation of the project within the framework Federal target program of education development for 2016-2020 years. Also white spots in the structure of the projects that need to be worked in the near future were noted. In particular, it is the problems concerning subject training of future teachers, methodical ensuring of subject preparation, etc.
During the work of a forum several universities of Russia and abroad proposed on interaction with the Elabuga Institute some higher education institutions of Russia and the abroad made the proposals for cooperation, and here is already a vision of the possible direction of work with them. In particular, the results sounded by our group during the conference attracted interest from representatives of University of Arizona (USA) that assumes further dialogue with representatives of this educational institution.
At last, the project group of our university will take part in development and specification of Federal State Educational Standards of 4 generations on pedagogical education.
There are all bases to believe, Vladislav Vinogradov summarizes that the successful completion of the project will act as the beginning of further project activity and the further integration of our institute in domestic and foreign educational space.
Source of information: Katherine Saibel, the press Service of Elabuga Institute KFU
The IV Open competitions of robotics held in Elabuga Institute KFU
The organizers of competitions are the Ministry of Education and Science of RT and Elabuga institute KFU.
Since 2014 the competitions are held here twice a year and as organizers note, the number of participants not only doesn't decrease, and each time grows. Last Sunday 275 students (from 7 to 18 years) and 60 coaches from 20 cities and the regions of Tatarstan and Udmurtia came in Elabuga: from Kazan, Naberezhnye Chelny, Nizhnekamsk, Elabuga, Zainsk, Mendeleevsk, Alekseevsky, Alkeevsky, Arsky, Elabuga, Zelenodolsky, Novosheshminsky, Nurlatsky, Fish and Suburban, Sabinsky, Tetyushsky, Tukayevsky and Tyulyachinsky regions of RT, the settlement of Kizner, the village of Grakhovo. Besides, there were many guests – parents and teachers of young designers-programmers in a hall. Organizers of competitions and judges were helped by the students of Physics and Mathematics faculty and the faculty of History and Law.
Under the terms of event, the competition involves teams use for studying of a robotics of LEGO and other designers. Each team, as a rule, consists of two participating operators (possibly and individual participation) and can participate in one of five categories: races on lines, sumo, a kegelring, a staircase, and a new track – a labyrinth. Every year the organizers think up more and more complex tasks for contestants, but it only adds creative passion to young designers. At the beginning of action of participants were introduced to the judges and the order of the day, and within the next several intense hours children showed dexterity and speed of their LEGO friends.
The competition ended with summarizing and rewarding of winners. The Head of Education Department of Elabuga institute KFU Rinat Ibatullin and the chief judge of competitions, the associate professor of computer science and discrete mathematics Alexander Minkin congratulated students, handed them diplomas and memorable gifts.
The main aim of the competitions – popularization of robotics among pupils of schools and exchange of experience. Similar competitions help to attract school students to scientific and technical creativity, to generate new knowledge and abilities in the field of mechanics and programming.
According to many students, their interest in construction is connected with a further career in this field. Parents and teachers, without hiding the excitement, thanked organizers of competitions for the real festival of ideas for the children.
Vasily Borisov, 12 years old (secondary school of Biklyan, the Tukayevsky Region): "I started being engaged in designing of robots recently, only two months ago, but I was fond of very much, even I threw other my hobby - a woodworking. My robot in the first attempt acted well – brought down all banks (pins), and the second attempt was, unfortunately, not such successful. But I don’t worry, I will be engaged further. I looked at works of other students with pleasure. From our school in total 8 students came there, and the teacher of informatics, physics and technology Renat Nakipovich Yakupov is engaged with us at school. He came with children here earlier (in March and December 2014, March 2015), and they always won prizes".
The results of competitions
Source of information: Mavlida Sirayeva, the press Service of Elabuga Institute KFU