Developments of the laboratory of Elabuga institute are presented at the seminar in the city Hildesheim
Developments of laboratory of the Elabuga Institute are presented at the seminar in Hildesheim, intercultural education, Germany, Elabuga Institute.
19-20 June in Germany, at the Institute of intercultural communication at the University of Hildesheim was an annual, now in its 13th international seminar "Intercultural communication and intercultural education".
At the seminar the gaming technologies of multifunctional modular games "children of the world" were presented. These technologies of modular games were prepared by the International laboratory of Elabuga Institute of KFU in the series "children of the world".
The founders of these series of seminars were Professors of Technical University of Dresden, Economic University of Vienna and University of Hildesheim. So every year, events take place in one of these cities and universities.
On the first day of the workshop, the permanent participants, professors and assistant professors from Germany and Austria, discussed topics related to the functioning of intercultural communication in the educational process, in the domestic sphere, in the media and in the sphere of the Russian economy, presenting their latest developments: in some part of the words are initially presented with positive and with negative connotations in society (so-called "words" and "breslavia").
-"The word" of the year, and its role in intercultural communication (on the example of Austria, Russia and Germany) (Renata, Ratmeyer, Vienna). The audience it was noted that in Russia it is necessary to refer this "contest" under the auspices of the Institute of Russian language RAS, and add comments and clear selection criteria "word of the year" because now in some part of the words are initially presented with positive and with negative connotations in society (so-called "words" and "breslavia").
-Intercultural communication is considered as an important factor in the formation of modern speech etiquette (forms of address in Russia and Germany) (Vladislav Verdicts, Hildesheim). The speaker drew attention to the progress in addressing to the interlocutor among the second and the third generation migrants, including the creation by the Russian-German bilinguals of new constructs addressing formulae, unusual for neither Russian speakers nor for carriers of the German language and culture as their own.
- Names in the Russian economy and their contribution to the construction of national identity (Edgar Hoffmann, Vienna). Linguistic and legal aspects of the topic were reviewed.
- Prototypes in textbooks of Russian as a foreign language (RAF) as an intercultural phenomenon (Holger Kusse, Dresden). The problem of formation of "ethnic-linguistic-cultural" cliché or their oppositions during writing and illustrating of textbooks, stated in this report is actual today as ever before. Professor Kusse analyzed RAF textbooks published from 1959 to 2009 in East Germany, West Germany, Germany, St. Petersburg and Moscow, having revealed interesting trends of shaping and delivery prototypes (objects, people, actions, syntactic constructs, communicative situations) with their ethno-cultural, historical and social invariants to students.
- Game technologies in foreign languages teaching and intercultural communication (modular multifunctional playroom "Children of the World") (Ekaterina Kudryavtseva, Greifswald - Elabuga). The presentation allowed participants of the seminar (all practicing teachers) to meet and test the first 9 games, designed by the laboratory of EI KFU in the series of "Children of the World" (published by "RetorikaA") in 2015, and solving problems of practice directed working off intercultural communication in the target language classroom and extracurricular educational activities for students of different target groups and age groups (from 2 to 99 years). In the conclusion of the report the games were transmitted for the introduction among the employees of the University of Hildesheim and the Technical University of Dresden.
On the second day of the seminar doctoral students from the University of Hildesheim presented the results of their research work on the analysis of bilingual children speech development in the German primary schools (Liliya Chudinovski, Roman Abel, Hildesheim) and excellent material of monitoring teachers and parents of the German-Russian bilinguals dialogues in the German school (Julia Grigorieva, Hildesheim).
The next, 14th seminar will be held in Dresden in mid-May 2016.
Source of information: the press Service of Elabuga Institute KFU
Alina Fattakhova - the winner of the competition for scholarship established by the head of Elabuga Municipal Region
The student of Elabuga Institute of KFU, Alina Fattakhova was awarded the diploma of the winner in the competition for the scholarship of the head of EMB (Elabuga Metropolitan Borough) at the meeting of heads of town administration in
June, 23.
Alina is a 4-th year student of the Faculty of History and Law of Elabuga Institute KFU. This cheerful and sociable girl can be seen in all student activities: she is pleased to participate in Students’ springs and KVN - talented in singing and dancing, she is a member of the athletics team of high school. In addition, Alina is managed to combine studies with work as a part of Russian student teams. She can also perform social work - Alina is a regular contributor of the students’ formation of the law enforcement "Forpost" and she is the chairman of the students’ town council. There are a lot of commemorative medals and letters of gratitude in the piggy-bank of the girl for participation in the equestrian events at urban and national level: as it turned out, horse riding is a longtime Alina’s hobby.
We congratulate Alina with the victory!
Source: the press-service of Elabuga Institute KFU
Future teachers: how to evaluate their training?
June 22-23, students of Elabuga Institute KFU participated in the testing of a new system of evaluating their readiness to work at school.
A new model of practice-oriented teacher education has been developed since May last year as part of the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation on the development of the project "Strengthening of the practical directivity of training of future teachers in the undergraduate programs in the framework of the enlarged group of specialties "Education and Pedagogy" in the course of preparation "Teacher Education"(the teacher of basic education) on the basis of creating networking educational organizations that implement programs of higher education and basic education".
In accordance with the technical tasks, aside from developing a general theoretical model of teacher education, our Institute has developed five new modules of the basic professional educational programs, and during the 2014-15 academic year had tested more than 400 students of EI KFU and about 100 students from other universities-co-performers of the project.
There was worked out a new evaluation tool for student professional competencies, in order to confirm the results of testing, with the participation of our Institute and other universities of the Russian Federation, which are implementing the project of reforming the education system.
The students of EI KFU and universities co-performers enrolled in the pilot programs took part in its testing in June, 22-23. During computer testing they were offered, in particular, cases - options of work situations, the out of which future teachers had to choose themselves, based on the acquired theoretical knowledge and practical experience: "How do you motivate a rebellious student for the active work in the classroom?", "How to comment an- email received by a pupil which is obviously known to be spam or fraud? " etc.
According to the coordinator of the project, head of the department of Pedagogy Vladislav Vinogradov, during testing it was noted that the given framework is fundamentally different from present day ways of evaluating the effectiveness of teacher education, especially by its practical orientation, the desire to focus not on theoretical knowledge, but on the readiness to implement labor actions prescribed in the professional standard of the teacher. "There is every reason to believe - says V. Vinogradov - that with little adjustment, this evaluation system will soon be used as the main or one of the main mechanisms for assessing the quality of training of future teachers."
The analyses of students’ responses are being carried out now. It is performed by the specially formed team of experts, which includes the representatives of EI KFU. Their work is not easy –the students’ responses are not formalized, they are given in the free form, so they cannot be evaluated automatically.
The results of the testing will be known in July, 10.
Source: Katherine Saibel, the press service of Elabuga Institute KFU.
“We come here and become younger!”
“The Single Graduates’ Day” was held at Elabuga Institute of Kazan Federal University
More than 200 guests – former students came to visit their Alma Mater which was called differently at different periods of time – Elabuga State Teachers Training Institute, Elabuga State Teachers Training University, Elabuga Institute of Kazan Federal University. Highschool graduates gathered here on the “Single Graduates’ Day” (June, 27) to meet their former course- and group mates, their former teachers.
The official part of the meeting began with the film which demonstrated the latest and most impressive and important events in the life of the institute: the 210th anniversary of Kazan Federal University; VII Tsvetayeva International readings (conference); International conference “Ecological history of Russia: stages of formation and perspective trends of investigations”; preparation and implementation of the holiday devoted to 70th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War, etc. Traditionally the Head of Elabuga Institute of Kazan Federal University Elena Merzon greeted the guests with the words of welcome and expressed her gratitude for coming. She emphasized that “the Graduates’ Day” was always a source of joy and moving reminiscences for former students.
Elena Merzon expressed her pride of being a student and graduate of Elabuga Institute “I am very thankful to my teachers, to Elabuga Institute. It has given me a start in life. Whatever names had the institution in different decades it remains the Teachers Training Institution and it consolidates hundreds of people whose youth was connected with this higher school.”
An excellent concert program had been prepared for the guests by present students of Elabuga Institute of Kazan Federal University. The audience enjoyed vocal and dancing performances.
2015 has become the anniversary year for some departments of our Institute: the Department of Foreign Languages was founded 50 years ago, the Department of Engineering and Technology - 40 years ago, the Department of History and Philology - 30 years ago. Teachers and students of mentioned departments prepared video-presentations about their departments. Salavat Minnekhanov the former student of the Department of Engineering and Technology and present Tatar pop star greeted the guests. Salavat with his wife Guzaliya performed some songs.
It should be mentioned that our graduates meet not only on the exact appointed day but all year round. Both teachers and students get positive supply of energy from such meetings. “We are pleased to return to our Alma Mater,” the gests say. “We’ve spent our best years within the walls of the Institute. We come here and become younger! We are glad to find our teachers healthy and working for the benefit of the Russian education. We wish our Institute to become more beautiful and flourishing.”
When the official part of the meeting was over the graduates didn’t make for home, they were wandering about the corridors peeping into the familiar classrooms and recalling their student years.
Source: the press service of Elabuga Institute KFU.
The Article written by scientists of Elabuga Institute KFU became All-Russian Laureate
The results of the all-Russian competition "The Best Scientific Article in 2015".
The competition was attended by scientists, methodologists various educational institutions from all regions of the Russian Federation. The topic of the article, in which co-authors are scientists of our University - "creating a comprehensive competency-based landscape organization and individual competence portrait pupil: calendar-portfolio as an innovative technology".
Co-authors of the article are Kudryavtseva Ekaterina Lvovna, the candidate of pedagogical sciences, scientific Director of International laboratories distributed with the participation of the Elabuga Institute of Kazan Federal University, Mogilevskaya Svetlana Zakharovna., the vice-director of the Non-state educational institution of preschool and additional education of children "Training center” "COMPUTERandME” and Bubekova Larisa Borisovna, the candidate of philological Sciences, assistant Professor, the dean of the faculty of Russian Philology and journalism of the Elabuga Institute of Kazan Federal University.
Talking about the subject of their work, at the beginning the authors explain their vision about problems of education first of all, informal and optional - is to prepare children for success activity in the society of the future to be mobile, global, multicultural. Therefore, pedagogy is necessary, the formulation of answers to key questions: 1) How would a future society with the constant modifications of its manifestations, due to our and our children's life is like now? What is the quality of the individual will be a key for successful functioning in a multicultural society of the XXI century? 2) what are the values of this society is based (fundamental, fundamental, not variable, providing the activity and its continuity in both time and in socio-structural plans, from the past to the future from family and society to the societies, educational, professional, etc.)? How to take into account (including measure) and place these values in the development process of the child's personality? 3) How do we manage the current younger generation, not manipulating them, and adjusting to it (its present needs and competencies, individual characteristics of each child) for anticipatory regulation and positive development of the future society? The authors seek answers to them as a set, taking as the target audience of preschool children 5-6 years of age, available in the "triangle of mutual integration of safety" of the family, the kindergarten and the organization of additional education.
Source of information: Katherine Saibel, the press Service of Elabuga Institute KFU