Problems of Archeology and Medieval History of the Volga Region |
Chijevsky A.A. Data on the Early Horizons of the Tetiushi Cemetery (2003 Diggings) |
7 |
Valiulina S.I. Arrow-Heads of Torezk Settlement |
16 |
Gubaidullin A.M. On the Origin of the Bulgarian Fortification |
24 |
Valeev R.M. The Main Periods in the Development of Trade and Money-Weight Systems in Volga and Kama Regions in the Middle Ages (9th – Early 15th Centuries) |
29 |
Abzalov L.F. Materials for Writing in Juchids’ Chancellery |
38 |
Valiev R.R. Leather Production and Machining in Khan Kazan |
44 |
Shalandina V.T., Sitdikov A.G. Anthrogenic Changes of Vegetation in Kazan Kremlin Area in 11–19th Centuries (on the Basis of Excavation VI) |
51 |
Sitdikov A.G. Kazan Kremlin’s Arhierei Yard (Materials of Archeological Research) |
63 |
Nedashkovsky L.F. Social Outlook of Large Golden Horde Cities in the Low Volga Region and Settlements on Their Periphery |
72 |
Kalan E. Urban Culture and Trade-Economic Relation of the Golden Horde (on the Example of Saray-al-Jadid, New Saray) |
82 |
Gatin M.S. Relations of Russia and the Golden Horde in Late 14th Century as Interpreted by German Historians |
90 |
Gilmutdinov R.A., Valeev R.K. Medieval Kazan from the Point of View of Modern Russian Historians |
96 |
Terehina Yu.V. Datochni People of Moscow State in Mid-16th Century (on the Problem of Formation of a New Social Group) |
103 |
Problems of History and Historiography of World History |
Venidiktova E.A. On Tyranny in Argos in 7–6 Centuries BC |
109 |
Bikeeva N.Yu. Nunnery and Nuns in the System of Cross-Cultural Interrelations of Late 6th-century Frankish Kingdom |
115 |
Kondratjev A.N. Alcuin et Offa, King of Mercia: on Materials of “the Gallic Teacher” |
124 |
Dusaeva E.M. Formation of Franciscan Hagiography |
130 |
Chiglintzev E.A. Konstantinos Kavafy: Poetic Conception of Hellenic History |
138 |
Ivanova T.N. Dilemmas of the West European Middle Ages in V. Guerrier’s Historical Conception |
145 |
Nedashkovskaya N.I. “Europe is properly a peninsula of Asia…”: Spatial Ideologemes in Research Texts of the 19th-century Slavists |
157 |
Myagkov G.P., Filimonov V.A. Kazan Scientists in Communicative Space of N.I. Kareev |
164 |
Yerokhin V.N. The Influence of the Revisionist Trend in Contemporary British Historiography on the Study of Reformation in England |
174 |
Shmelev D.V. The MRP and de Gaulle during the IV Republic |
183 |
Problems of Contemporary History and Historiography of Eastern Countries |
Suleymanov R.R. Political Self-Organization of Jewish Community in Palestine during British Mandate (1922–1948) |
193 |
Maligina M.V. Reflection of Parliamentary Elections in India in Mass Media (Late 20th – Early 21st Centuries) |
200 |
Kadyrov R.R. The Republic of Turkey in 1950s: Problems of Social and Economic Reforms |
208 |
Yagudin B.M. Turkish Republic Political System Functioning in 1980–1990s |
216 |
Badanina V.V. Liberalization Process in Turkish Economy in 1980s |
224 |
Grigoryeva T.V. Law System of the Ottoman Empire in Russian Historiography and Jurisprudence of Late 20th Century |
231 |
Mohamed Ishaq Faqir Mohamed. Puerpial Rites by Duru Nomadic Tribe (Sultanate of Oman) |
238 |
Makhmutov Z.A. The Lingvo-cultural Conduct of Modern Tatar Population of North-Kazakhstan Region |
243 |
Hakimov R.S. Eurasia as a Confederation of Eastern Countries and Peoples |
248 |
Criticism and Bibliography |
Books Published by Historians of Kazan State University in 2007–2008 |
255 |