Dogadkin Valeriy Nikolaevich. Преподаваемые дисциплины. Персональная страница сотрудника КФУ. Казанский (Приволжский) федеральный университет.
Dogadkin Valeriy Nikolaevich
Discipline Curriculum Authors File
Б1.О.15. Детали машин и основы конструирования  15.03.03 Applied Mechanics, Bachelor's Degree (Dynamics, strength of machines, devices and equipment) 2023 y. Dogadkin V.N.
Б1.Б.18. Материаловедение  15.03.03 Applied Mechanics, Bachelor's Degree (Dynamics, strength of machines, devices and equipment) 2021 y. Velikanov P.G.
Dogadkin V.N.
Б1.О.17. Материаловедение  15.03.03 Applied Mechanics, Bachelor's Degree (Dynamics, strength of machines, devices and equipment) 2023 y. Dogadkin V.N.
Б1.О.20. Метрология и стандартизация  15.03.03 Applied Mechanics, Bachelor's Degree (Dynamics, strength of machines, devices and equipment) 2023 y. Fishman I.I.
Dogadkin V.N.
Б1.Б.21. Метрология и стандартизация  15.03.03 Applied Mechanics, Bachelor's Degree (Dynamics, strength of machines, devices and equipment) 2021 y. Fishman I.I.
Dogadkin V.N.
Б1.В.05. Теория машин и механизмов  15.03.03 Applied Mechanics, Bachelor's Degree (Dynamics, strength of machines, devices and equipment) 2023 y. Dogadkin V.N.
Work address: 18 Kremlevskaya Str., Kazan, building #06 (House of Rector - Department of Mechanics and Layers)
Phone: 89172778006
 25 years 4 months   from 01.10.1998
Scientific and pedagogical experience:
 25 years 4 months   from 01.10.1998
General experience:
 25 years 4 months   from 01.10.1998
Experience in KFU:
 3 years 10 months   from 04.09.2020