Kazan (Volga region) Federal University, KFU
Dogadkin Valeriy Nikolaevich
Dogadkin Valeriy Nikolaevich
Date of birth 

Дистанционное образование

Метрология и стандарт.     пр    В.Н.Догадкин    05-002    МиС_Догадкин_ВН_ПР_05-002        https://teams.microsoft.com/l/channel/19%3a90d1f29edf1a4c1db98f752430215432%40thread.tacv2/%25D0%259E%25D0%25B1%25D1%2589%25D0%25B8%25D0%25B9?groupId=09cd7560-b444-4f7b-9d4b-ab12804289ac&tenantId=48b841f1-ebe6-4e30-b712-949430708487

Материаловед.    лек_пр    В.Н.Догадкин    05-902    М_Догадкин_ВН_Л_ПР_05-902        https://teams.microsoft.com/l/channel/19%3ad764759879074e32970b6e582f0ccc44%40thread.tacv2/%25D0%259E%25D0%25B1%25D1%2589%25D0%25B8%25D0%25B9?groupId=5c742fab-c5f8-4a35-87c9-91e12c368705&tenantId=48b841f1-ebe6-4e30-b712-949430708487

Дет.машин и осн.контр.    лек    В.Н.Догаткин    05-802    ДМиОК_Догадкин_ВН_Л_05-802        https://teams.microsoft.com/l/channel/19%3a55005e2daa8d4cc48f38a5d19e97416a%40thread.tacv2/%25D0%259E%25D0%25B1%25D1%2589%25D0%25B8%25D0%25B9?groupId=1428eec3-e0fa-463b-b805-a9c1f577d9c5&tenantId=48b841f1-ebe6-4e30-b712-949430708487

Taught disciplines 
Discipline Curriculum Authors File
Детали машин и основы конструирования  15.03.03 Applied Mechanics, Bachelor's Degree (Dynamics, strength of machines, devices and equipment) 2023 y. Догадкин В.Н.
Материаловедение  15.03.03 Applied Mechanics, Bachelor's Degree (Dynamics, strength of machines, devices and equipment) 2021 y. Великанов П.Г.
Догадкин В.Н.
Материаловедение  15.03.03 Applied Mechanics, Bachelor's Degree (Dynamics, strength of machines, devices and equipment) 2023 y. Догадкин В.Н.
Метрология и стандартизация  15.03.03 Applied Mechanics, Bachelor's Degree (Dynamics, strength of machines, devices and equipment) 2023 y. Фишман И.И.
Догадкин В.Н.
Метрология и стандартизация  15.03.03 Applied Mechanics, Bachelor's Degree (Dynamics, strength of machines, devices and equipment) 2021 y. Фишман И.И.
Догадкин В.Н.
Теория машин и механизмов  15.03.03 Applied Mechanics, Bachelor's Degree (Dynamics, strength of machines, devices and equipment) 2023 y. Догадкин В.Н.
Work address: 18 Kremlevskaya Str., Kazan, building #06 (House of Rector - Department of Mechanics and Layers)
Phone: 89172778006
E-mail: VNDogadkin@kpfu.ru
 25 г 4 м 15 д   from 01.10.1998
Scientific and pedagogical experience:
 25 г 4 м 15 д   from 01.10.1998
General experience:
 25 г 4 м 15 д   from 01.10.1998
Experience in KFU:
 3 г 10 м 14 д   from 04.09.2020