The new academic year has begun, and it means that it is time to turn the students into active life of the university. So, on September 9th at the Institute of Social and Philosophy and Communications was held a regular meeting of the student political discussion club "Politskovorodka." This meeting held in unusual format - a business game on a current topic today - "Election Day."
The guests of honor of the meeting were Vice-Rector for social and educational work of KFU Arif Mezhvedilov, head of department on work with the standing committees of the Kazan City Duma Dmitry Budkin, chief specialist of the department for providing activities of Kazan City Duma Vitaly Beloborodov, President of RMOO "Students League of Tatarstan" Elkin Iskenderov and Head of the Department of Political Science, the chairman of the scientific advisory board of the club, Professor Oleg Zaznaev.
"Our discussion club is called so because within it are heated debates on the most topical issues," - said O.Zaznaev. According to him, the purpose of the meeting was to "draw the attention of young people in elections, promote their interests and citizenship."
During the business game "Election Day" participants answered a variety of questions related to the election and the electoral system, and were able to try on the role of political technologists and consultants, creating an image of a successful policy. According to the president of the club "Politskovorodka" Aigul Zaripov, a business game implies a solution of specific problems by modeling a fictional situation that arises during the election campaign. During the game participants as candidates addressed the audience with their programs. The fate of each of the "candidates", which was required to demonstrate oratorical talents, solve competent jury, composed of representatives of the faculty of the Department of Political Science and honorary guests.
At the end of the event summed up the business game and awarded the winning teams. Best Speaker was the student of the 4th course of the department of political science Andrey Denisov.
Student political discussion club "Politskovorodka" exists at the Department of Political Science University of Kazan since 2012. The club is a university-wide platform on which opportunities are realized for closer interaction of students and representatives of civil society organizations, development of professional communication skills, master classes and a variety of discussions on current socio-political topics.