Saliyeva Rosa Nailyevna

Saliyeva Rosa Nailyevna - doctor of law, professor, the corresponding member of academy of Sciences of the RT.
She is the professor of department of the ecological, labor law and civil process at law faculty of the Kazan (Volga) federal university.
Associate editor of the Actual Problems of Jurisprudence magazine, and also Power law magazine.
Teaches a subject matter - "The mountain law".
Besides, conducts an active public work - is the constant participant of the International Canadian-Russian seminar "The sustainable development and the energy sector".
Area of her scientific interests: enterprise law, power law, civil law, ecological law.
In these scientific directions are published more than 80 scientific works, including two monographs "Legal Regulation of the Relations of Property in the Sphere of Search, Investigation and Oil and Gas Production" and "Legal Support of Development of Business in Oil and Gas Sector of Economy", the textbook "Mountain Right" (2010), and also are published the two-volume manual "Civil law", the manual "Legal Support of Activity of Managing Subjects in Oil and Gas Sector of Economy".
Actively cooperates with government bodies, prepares examinations and conclusions on drafts of laws of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Tatarstan.