Safin Zavdat Faizrahmanovich

Doctor of Law, Professor. Head of the department of environmental law, labor law and civil procedure law faculty of Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University. Member of the Presidium of the Training Council for Education in Law of the Volga Federal District. Judge of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Ministry of Education and Science on pravu.Zasluzhenny lawyer RT.
Member of the editorial boards of the journals: "Proceedings of the Kazan State University", "Bulletin of the Samara State University of Economics."Research interests - civil law, environmental and land law.Performs teaching disciplines "Land Law" and "Environmental Law".
He maintains an active teaching and research activities. He is the author of over 60 scientific papers on issues of civil, business, environmental, land and agrarian law, including monographs and textbooks of which the most widely known works such as "monograph" Currency - financial relations with business entities of agriculture: problem of legal regulation, "Legal regulation of contractual relationships with entrepreneurs in agriculture currency - the financial sector", "Methodology of civilistic research."
Head of the research work of the masters, postgraduate candidates doctorates and advises scientists working on their PhD thesis, provides peer review, editing, theses, manuals and books. Under his leadership, 10 post-graduate students prepared and defended their thesis