Kireev Boris Nikolaevich. Преподаваемые дисциплины. Персональная страница сотрудника КФУ. Казанский (Приволжский) федеральный университет.
Kireev Boris Nikolaevich (архив)
Discipline Curriculum Authors File
Б1.В.05. Гидравлика  23.03.01 Technology of transport processes, Bachelor's Degree (Operation of Vehicles) 2019 y. Kireev B.N.
Б1.В.ОД.5. Гидравлика  23.03.01 Technology of transport processes, Bachelor's Degree (Operation of Vehicles) 2018 y. Kireev B.N.
Б1.В.02. Гидравлика  23.03.01 Technology of transport processes, Bachelor's Degree (Operation of Vehicles) 2020 y. Sedov S.A.
Kireev B.N.
Б1.В.ДВ.6. Основы гидропривода, гидравлические и пневматические системы  23.03.01 Technology of transport processes, Bachelor's Degree (Operation of Vehicles) 2018 y. Kireev B.N.
Б1.В.ДВ.06.01. Основы гидропривода, гидравлические и пневматические системы  23.03.01 Technology of transport processes, Bachelor's Degree (Operation of Vehicles) 2020 y. Sedov S.A.
Kireev B.N.
Б1.В.ДВ.06.01. Основы гидропривода, гидравлические и пневматические системы  23.03.01 Technology of transport processes, Bachelor's Degree (Operation of Vehicles) 2019 y. Kireev B.N.
Б1.Б.17. Техническая механика  23.03.01 Technology of transport processes, Bachelor's Degree (Operation of Vehicles) 2018 y. Mukhutdinov R.Kh.
Kireev B.N.
Б1.Б.17. Техническая механика  23.03.01 Technology of transport processes, Bachelor's Degree (Operation of Vehicles) 2019 y. Mukhutdinov R.Kh.
Kireev B.N.
Б1.Б.23. Транспортная энергетика  23.03.01 Technology of transport processes, Bachelor's Degree (Operation of Vehicles) 2020 y. Sedov S.A.
Kireev B.N.
Б1.Б.23. Транспортная энергетика  23.03.01 Technology of transport processes, Bachelor's Degree (Operation of Vehicles) 2018 y. Kireev B.N.
Б1.Б.23. Транспортная энергетика  23.03.01 Technology of transport processes, Bachelor's Degree (Operation of Vehicles) 2019 y. Kireev B.N.