On 19 February 2016 the international scientific-practical conference among students and postgraduate students called "Turkic cultural linguistics: problems and perspectives" was held at the Institute of Philology and Intercultural Communication named after Leo Tolstoy of Kazan Federal University. More than 200 people took part in the conference – pupils of 10-11 forms, students and postgraduate students from Tatarstan, Russian regions (Bashkortostan, Udmurtia, Chuvashia, Altai) and the near- and far-abroad countries (Nigeria, Kazakhstan, China, Japan). The conference was timed to the International Mother Language day and the 130th anniversary of the birth of Gabdulla Tukai.
The Director of the Institute of Philology and Intercultural Communication R. R. Zamaletdinov, the State Duma Deputy, the Chairman of the Federal National-Cultural Council of the Autonomy of the Tatar people I. I. Gilmutdinov, the head of the Department of National Education of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tatarstan A. S. Sharipov, the head of the Department of Tatar Philology and Culture named after Gabdulla Tukai of the the Institute of Philology and Intercultural Communication A. S. Yusupova took part in the opening ceremony of the conference.
The best students were awarded personalized scholarships of the Deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation I. I. Gilmutdinov for excellent studies and active participation in social life of the Institute Philology and Intercultural Communication. the winners of the contest "Be the best in the ranking" according to the results of a distance learning of the Tatar language in an online school "Ana tele" in 2015, as well as the winners of the Tatar language Republican interuniversity Olympiad for Russian-speaking students were awarded within this framework.
The break-out sessions of the conference considered the reports on modern lingvoculturology, e.g. studies on theoretical and practical aspects of Tatar cultural linguistics, reflection of the national character (mentality) in the language, reflection of the intellectual and material culture in the language of the people, synergies between the language, the society and the culture, the experience in comparative study of the languages, linguistic problems of intercultural communication and translation, reflection of the linguistic worldimage in the works of Tatar writers, ethno-cultural peculiarities of the folk vocabulary, etc. The reports aroused a keen interest among the participants; the authors of the best reports were awarded diplomas.
A methodical seminar "Peculiarities of preparation for unified national testing on the Tatar language" was organized for school teachers. A lot of issues related to the content of textbooks, development of ESD tools, electronic textbooks and performance of a Single national test on the Tatar language in 2016 where discussed within this seminar.