University Science History |
Nigmatullina Yu.G. Russian Literature Studies at Kazan State University (1940–1988) |
7 |
Medvedeva E.A. Conception of Personality of N.S. Tikhonravov in Biographical Sketches by S.O. Dolgov, A.S. Archangelsky, A.N. Pypin |
21 |
Theory and History of Russian Literature and Critics |
Vasiliev S.А. “Word Painting” in S. Bobrov’s “Tavrida” Poem |
29 |
Tarakanova A.D. Russian Literary Utopia of the Second Half of 18th Century |
39 |
Ermolayeva N.L. Gown (‘Khalat’) Archetype in 19th-Century Russian Literature |
47 |
Zavgorodnyaya G.Yu. Myth – Fairy-Tale – Metaphor (Stylization Forms in Early 20th-Century Russian Prose Revisited) |
57 |
Krylov V.N. Critique and Author’s Success (Sociological Aspects of the Silver Age Literature) |
65 |
Fedotova N.F. Russian Primitivism and Spiritual Christianity |
76 |
Fedotova V.V. Fragmentary Structure of I.A. Bunin’s diaries |
83 |
Mahinina N.G. Specific Character of Comic Forms in Prose by R. Kireev |
91 |
Nasrutdinova L.H. Originality of Artistic Time in Prose of Post-Realism |
99 |
Problems of Foreign Literature Studies |
Galeeva R.I. “One Woman and Three Men” Feature before G. Flaubert and in His Work (“Madame Bovary”) |
111 |
Frolov G.A., Darzamanova R.S. Hugo Loetscher and Swiss Literary Tradition |
119 |
Kolpakova S.G. The Hamlet’s Motive of Fault in 20th-Century German literature |
127 |
Shamina V.B. Plays by Tom Stoppard as a Reflection of Postmodern Tendencies in Drama |
133 |
Modern Directions of Tatar Literature Research |
Khabibullina A.Z. The History of Translation of Literal Works by M.Yu. Lermontov into Turkic Literatures |
144 |
Safina G.F. Multiplicity of A.S. Pushkin’s Lyrics Translations into the Tatar Language |
154 |
Comparative Linguistics and Intercultural Communication |
Aminova A.A. Cultural Identity and the Problem of Language Communication |
163 |
Arsentyeva E.F., Konopleva N.V. The Problems of Phraseological Unit Translation and Interlinguistic Correspondence Typology of Phraseological Units Semantically Oriented to Men in the English and Russian Languages |
168 |
Grigoryeva L.L. Phraseological Reflection of Christian and Muslim Religious Worldviews (on the Basis of the Russian, English and Arabic Languages) |
179 |
Nasibullina F.F. The Microfield of White Color in German-Language and Russian-Language Advertisements |
184 |
Nasipov I.S. Finno-Ugric Borrowings in Tatar Household Vocabulary |
190 |
Grammar and Lexicology |
Andramonova N.A. Relative Subordination: Functional-Semantic Aspect |
199 |
Balalykina E.A. Numerals as Special Category in Modern Russian Language |
205 |
Bovsunovskaya A.I. Bilingual Dictionaries as a Source of Literary Russian Language History |
215 |
Galiullin K.R., Karimullina R.N. Linguography and Texts: Inventorying Language Reference Books |
222 |
Gilazetdinova G.Kh. Derivative Lines on the Base of Eastern Loan-Words in the Language of Old-Russian Period |
230 |
Kalinina L.V. Concrete, Abstract, Material, Collective Nouns and Their Role in Reflection of Reality |
240 |
Kosova V.A. Semantic Categorization of Lexicon: Combination of Lexicological and Word-Building Methods |
248 |
Semantics and Linguistic Worldview |
Aleksandrova E.N. Organization of Spontaneous Discourse Revealing the Topic of “Space Overcoming” |
257 |
Gaifullina A.N. Image of the Man in the Virtual World |
263 |
Gilemshin F.F. On the Problem of Paroemia Interpretation in the Light of Linguistic Worldview |
269 |
Mahmutova L.R. Enantiosemy in Language System |
276 |
Kharlamova M.A. Ethnic Self-Identification and Its Index in Dialectal Text |
281 |
Phonetic Aspects of Language and Speech |
Ibragimov T.I., Saykhunov M.R. To the Problem of Sounding Reconstruction of Written Language. Reduction of Short Vowels in the Tatar Language |
288 |
Ponomarenko T.O. The Reflexes of Diphthong Combinations of Vowels with Liquid Consonants in The Life of St. Nifont of 1222 |
299 |
Slesareva G.P. Speech Characteristics in Unbalanced Conditions (Grammatical, Lexical Level) |
305 |