A.S. Bakaev a*, V.V. Bulanov a**, I.Ya. Ilaltdinov b***, D.D. Kozhanov c****, G.Yu. Ponomareva b*****, I.S. Khopta b******
aBorissiak Paleontological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, 117647 Russia
bPerm State University, Perm, 614068 Russia
сMoscow State University, Moscow, 119991 Russia
E-mail: *alexandr.bakaev.1992@mail.ru, **bulanov@paleo.ru, ***ildar.ilaltdinov@psu.ru, ****dimitriykozz@gmail.com, *****galinapon0mareva@yandex.ru, ******regional.PSU@yandex.ru
Received July 1, 2021
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DOI: 10.26907/2542-064X.2021.3.444-465
For citation: Bakaev A.S., Bulanov V.V., Ilaltdinov I.Ya., Kozhanov D.D., Ponomareva G.Yu., Khopta I.S. The problem of dating the Kuyeda-Klyuchiki section – a unique locality of Permian vertebrates (Perm Region, Russia). Uchenye Zapiski Kazanskogo Universiteta. Seriya Estestvennye Nauki, 2021, vol. 163, no. 3, pp. 444–465. doi: 10.26907/2542-064X.2021.3.444-465. (In Russian)
The Kueda-Klyuchiki locality of Permian vertebrates located in the south of the Perm Region in the Kuedinsky District was discovered in 2005 and quickly became known among paleontologists. The locality contains a rich complex of exceptionally preserved plants and vertebrates (fish, amphibians, and reptiles). Their remains are confined to limestones of various textures, which form two bone-bearing beds in the section of the quarry. However, the age of rocks remains a controversial issue. This research aims to analyze and compare various stratigraphic markers and discuss a number of existing stratigraphic inconsistencies in an attempt to arrive at a general conclusion about the age of the locality. According to geological survey data on a scale of 1:200 000, the Buraevo Sequence (Sheshmian Formation, Ufimian Stage) was identified in the territory of the quarry. At the boundary of the Sheshmian and Belebey Formations, a mineralogical “boundary” is observed, which is manifested in a decrease in the proportion of minerals of the epidote group and an increase in the content of black ore minerals. Terrigenous rocks of the Kueda-Klyuchiki section are close to the values of the Sheshmian Formation, in terms of the amount of epidote and black ore minerals in the heavy fraction. The results of the geochemical study indicate that the bitumoids of the Kueda-Klyuchiki and Posad outcrops (Kazanian Stage) developed in different paleogeographic and geomorphological conditions. The bitumoids of the Kazanian outcrop Posad formed through the sapropelic organic matter accumulated in the coastal-marine reducing conditions, while the organic matter of the Kueda-Klyuchiki outcrop formed in the relatively deep-water conditions. The composition of the ichthyological assemblage indicates the Upper Kazanian age of the section. The fish orictocenosis includes Kazanichthys viatkensis, Acropholis kamensis, Acropholis stensioei, Palaeoniscum kasanense, Platysomus biarmicus, Kargalichthys efremovi, Kargalichthys pritokensis, Platysomidae gen. indet., Palaeonisci ordo indet. sp. 1, Palaeonisci ordo indet. sp. 2. Its composition indicates that Kueda-Klyuchiki has higher stratigraphic position than most Upper Kazanian localities, which is confirmed by the absence of terminal Kazanian species. However, the composition of the ichthyofauna in Kueda-Klyuchiki differs significantly from that of the early Kazanian localities, typical of the Kazanichthys golyushermensis ichthycomplex. The orictocomplex of fish from the Kueda-Klyuchiki locality is most similar to the two Upper Kazanian localities – Aksakovo (Pechishchi beds) and Shikhovo-Chirki (Verkhnyi Uslon beds). The complex of amphibians includes temnospondyls (presumably, Melosauridae), discosauriscid (Discosauriscidae gen. ind.) and kotlassiid (Leptoropha sp.) seymouriamorphs, diapsids, and therapsid reptiles. To clarify the age of the Kueda-Klyuchiki outcrop, the results of the mineralogical analysis of the heavy fraction of terrigenous rocks and the geochemical characteristics of the dispersed organic matter from the carbonate-clayey rocks of the section are presented. The results obtained can serve as a starting point for further multidisciplinary research.
Keywords: Sheshmian Formation, Kazanian Stage, Bashkirian Dome, ray-finned fishes, tetrapods, organic matter, Perm Region
Figure Captions
Fig. 1. Fragment of the geological map of the Perm Region [6] and the location of the studied sections. 1 – Durino, 2 –Berezniki–Durino road, 3 – Posad, 4 – Kosoturikha, 5 – Kasimovo, 6 – Yug, 7 – Olkhovka (Yugo-Kamsky), 8 – Okhansk, 9 – Kalinino, 10 – Kueda-Klyuchiki.
Fig. 2. Scheme of the Kueda-Klyuchiki section. Legend: white arrows – enlarged cut fragments, pink arrows – upper bone layer, purple arrow – lower bone layer; rocks: 1 – sandstone, 2 – siltstone, 3 – clay, 4 – argillite, 5 – marl, 6 – clayey limestone, 7 – limestone nodules in marl.
Fig. 3. Fragment of sheet O-40-XXXII (2017). Map of pre-Quaternary formations and stratigraphic scale [5]. The asterisk shows the position of the Kueda-Klyuchiki section.
Fig. 4. Bony fishes from the Kueda-Klyuchiki locality: 1 – Kazanichthys viatkensis, skeleton, coll. PGNIU no. 6014; 2 – Platysomus biarmicus, skeleton, coll. PGNIU no. 6001; 3 – Palaeoniscum kasanense, skeleton, coll. PGNIU no. 6022; 4 – Kargalichthys efremovi, skeleton, coll. PGNIU no. 6028; 5 – Palaeonisci ordo indet. sp. 1, skeleton, coll. PGNIU no. 6020; 6 – Acropholis cf. stensioei, skeleton, coll. PSNIU No. 6093; 7 – Platysomidae gen. indet., fragment of the scaly cover of the right side of the body, col. PGNIU. Scale bar: 1 cm.
Fig. 5. Discosauriscidae gen. ind., larval specimen, col. PSNIU no. 6629. Scale bar:1 cm.
Fig. 6. Kennon–Kessow diagram for assessing the genesis of the oil source rock and the maturity of organic matter.
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