N.N. Nazarov
Perm State University, Perm, 614990 Russia
E-mail: nikolainazarovpsu@gmail.com
Received April 14, 2021
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DOI: 10.26907/2542-064X.2021.2.274-288
For citation: Nazarov N.N. Ancient channel network of the Keltma hollow (Kama-Vychegda watershed). Uchenye Zapiski Kazanskogo Universiteta. Seriya Estestvennye Nauki, 2021, vol. 163, no. 2, pp. 274–288. doi: 10.26907/2542-064X.2021.2.274-288. (In Russian)
The bottom relief of the Keltma hollow (ancient river valley), which connects the modern basins of the Vychegda River and Kama River, was studied. For this purpose, traces of the Late Pleistocene overflow of water from the dammed glacial lake of the Vychegda River depression into the Kama River basin were analyzed using the factual materials on the southern (Kama) territory of the Keltma hollow. The ongoing discussion about the timing of this event fuels the interest in this problem: some paleogeographers believe that the last overflow took place at the beginning of the Late Pleistocene (Kalin time), while others date it to the end of the Late Pleistocene (Ostashkov time). Historically, supporters of both these versions investigated the bottom of the dammed lake (Vychegda River basin). With the help of the satellite images, the Vychegda depression deposits were analyzed and dated. The remote sensing of the Earth’s surface within the raised bogs and the alluvial-lake terrace showed traces of the ancient channel forms, occasionally not related to the Pre-Holocene rivers. Some of the ancient channel forms are traces of the overflow of water across the watershed rapids.
Keywords: multispectral satellite images, Landsat, digital elevation models, remote sensing, Late Pleistocene, paleochannel, Keltma hollow, morpholithogenesis, raised bog
Acknowledgments. The study was supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (project no. 20-05-00276).
Figure Captions
Fig. 1. Southern (Kama) territory of the Keltma hollow.
Fig. 2. Large terrace hollow (1) and eolian embankment (2) in the southern territory of the Keltma hollow. Pseudo-natural colors of the spring satellite image.
Fig. 3. Digital elevation model of the central part of the paleovalley with the contours of the Earth’s surface elements: 1 – shaft-shaped elevations; 2 – ancient channel. The dashed line is the estimated contour of the channel.
Fig. 4. Channel of the ancient stream crossing a dam break in the shaft-shaped elevation (a): 1 – dam break; 2 – line of the trees; 3 – change in the pattern of bog vegetation against the dam break. Image interpretation scheme (b): 4 – shaft-shaped elevations; 5 – contour of the ancient channel; 6 – alluvial cone. Pseudo-natural colors of the spring satellite image.
Fig. 5. Territory of the Lopva River mouth: a – satellite image; b – the result of interpretation of the ancient channel image. Pseudo-natural colors of the spring satellite image.
Fig. 6. Proluvial accumulative form (alluvial cone) north of the Byzim bog. For decoding of the designations see text. Pseudo-natural colors of the spring satellite image and the panchromatic satellite image.
Fig. 7. Territory of the downstream of the Dzhurich River: a – satellite image; b – image interpretation scheme of the ancient channel (dashed line is the estimated contour of the channel). The panchromatic satellite image.
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