L.L. Bankova
Moscow City University, Moscow, 129226 Russia
E-mail: lwittsa@yandex.ru
Received August 17, 2021
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DOI: 10.26907/2541-7738.2021.4-5.175-193
For citation: Bankova L.L. Functional, structural, and functional-structural classifications of Chinese cardinal numerals. Uchenye Zapiski Kazanskogo Universiteta. Seriya Gumanitarnye Nauki, 2021, vol. 163, no. 4–5, pp. 175–193. doi: 10.26907/2541-7738.2021.4-5.175-193. (In Russian)
Classification of cardinal numerals is an important step in studying Chinese numerals. The study is carried out in the framework of the functional, structural (morphemic), and functional-structural (combined) classification approaches, as well as in accordance with the integrity of numerals and the accuracy of their quantifying properties. Chinese numerals are considered from the perspective of the first three classifications. The results obtained reveal the nomenclature volatility of Chinese cardinal numerals with the same classification group having several names to denote it. Hence, the article attempts to streamline the respective terminology.
The functional classification divides cardinal numerals into coefficient and digit-position numerals. The cases when digit-position numerals may function as coefficient numerals are analyzed.
In the framework of the structural classification, it is suggested to divide cardinal numerals into simple (coefficient) and compound ones, the latter being broken into additive (elementary and miscellaneous) and multiplicative. The article also focuses on answering the question of whether compound numerals should be regarded as words or phrases. The conclusion is made that they should be perceived as words.
The functional-structural classification makes a substantial contribution to the study of Chinese cardinal numerals. The classification has not been introduced to the Russian sinology yet. This fact entails the necessity to translate the respective terms and expressions, the choice of which is explained in this article. The variations of the combined functional-structural classification introduced by Zhu Dexi, Guan Yanqìng, Xiao Guozheng, and Li Yingzhe are discussed. Based on the analysis of these variations, an understanding of the combined functional-structural division of Chinese cardinal numerals is suggested.
Keywords: Chinese language, Chinese cardinal numerals, functional classification, structural (morphemic) classification, functional-structural classification
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