Philosophical Sciences |
Anikin D.A. Collective Memory of Religious Communities in the Era of Globalization |
7 |
Bekarev A.M., Pak G.S. Sphere Approach in the Context of Globalization |
16 |
Bogatova L.M. On a “Shame” of the Human Race |
24 |
Golyshev A.P. The Design of Social Reality: Correlates of the Avant-Garde Era |
35 |
Dasaeva O.O. Existence, Existential, and Corporeality of the Human Body: Major Points of Intersection |
41 |
Kondratjev K.V., Krasnov A.S. Beyond Capitalist Ideology: An Alternative to the Lack of Alternatives |
50 |
Krioukov A. The Unity of Consciousness: Transcendental I and/or Intentional Self-Consciousness? |
58 |
Maslov E.S. Narrative and Goal Setting: The Relationship between Structuralist and Phenomenological Approaches |
66 |
Menchikov G.P. On the Question of “Rediscovery” of Space and Time and Their Specific Features in Social Sciences and Humanities |
76 |
Nagumanova S.F. The Unity of Consciousness: Different Approaches |
94 |
Nigomatullina R.M. Morality and Rationality in Management |
102 |
Nikolaeva E.M., Schelkunov M.D. The Global Space of Higher Education: Basic Trends and Features |
107 |
Nurullin R.A. Internet Culture as a Condition for Installation of Human Individuality in Society |
118 |
Pronina T.S. Religion as a Source of Cultural Identity in Modern Russia |
130 |
Saykina G.K. The Ontology of Moral Goodness: Laws of Earthly Existence as Moral Laws |
140 |
Safonov A.S. Reality and Actuality. Searching for the Foundations of Truth in the Philosophy of R. Descartes and G. Ryle |
153 |
Sivokon A.S. Actor-Network Theory: Sources and Prospects in the Social and Philosophical Discourse |
162 |
Khakimov E.M., Kuzina E.N. Some Aspects Concerning Modeling of Social Stratification: Theoretical, Methodological, and Practical Issues |
170 |
Shalagina G.E. Transitional Ethics in the Context of the Spiritual Situation of Postmodernity |
181 |
Political Sciences |
Avzalova E.I. Online Participation as a New Form of Citizen Participation in Politics |
187 |
Volchkova O.O. Hungarian Model of Presidentialization of Political System |
194 |
Gabdrakhmanova G.R. Evaluation of the Institution of Elections in the Mass Political Consciousness of Russian Society |
201 |
Garipov R.F. Formalization of Political Responsibility Imposed on Party Organizations |
207 |
Gimatdinov R.R., Nasyrov I.R. Current Issues of the International Affairs in the Republic of Tatarstan |
213 |
Gudzhatullaev R.A. Potential Consequences of Separatism under Conditions of Ethnopolitical Conflict |
223 |
Zinnatullin A.Z. Party Policy Positions: Major Methodological Approaches |
229 |
Pedziwiatr K. Islamophobia in Poland in the Light of Latest Social Research |
236 |
Sidorov V.V. Why Do Party Coalitions Terminate? The Logic of Coalition Government Dissolution in Parliamentary Systems |
250 |
Farukshin M.Kh. Russian Modernization: Obstacles on the Long Way |
257 |