V.V. Zharinova a,b*, V.V. Silantiev a,c**
aKazan Federal University, Kazan, 420008 Russia
bA.N. Severtsov Institute of Ecology and Evolution, Russian Academy of Sciences,
Moscow, 119071 Russia
cBranch of Kazan Federal University in the City of Jizzakh, Jizzakh, 130000 Republic of Uzbekistan
E-mail: *vevzharinova@kpfu.ru, **Vladimir.Silantiev@kpfu.ru
Received September 20, 2022
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DOI: 10.26907/2542-064X.2022.4.606-632
For citation: Zharinova V.V., Silantiev V.V. Changes in the shell ornamentation of conchostracans (Phyllopoda, Spinicaudata) at the Permian–Triassic boundary: Case studies from Eastern Europe, Kuznetsk basin, and Verkhoyansk Region. Uchenye Zapiski Kazanskogo Universiteta. Seriya Estestvennye Nauki, 2022, vol. 164, no. 4, pp. 606–632. doi: 10.26907/2542-064X.2022.4.606-632. (In Russian)
This article sums up the results of our study on shell ornamentation of 13 conchostracan species. Their fossil remains were sampled from the Middle and Upper Permian, Induan, and Olenekian (Lower Triassic) deposits of different zoogeographical provinces. Careful examination of the samples revealed different ornamentation patterns of the outer and middle shell layers: the linear elements of the two layers are set in different directions and together create an intersected structure stiffening the shell. Considering the differences in the number and arrangement of ornamental elements on the growth bands and the shells, three types of ornamentation were singled out: simple (one ornamental element), transitional (two ornamental elements alternating on the shell surface), and complex (more than two ornamental elements arranged in a complex pattern). It was concluded that the combination and arrangement of ornamental elements should be regarded as a valid diagnostic feature of fossil conchostracans at the species and genus ranks. Interestingly, the ornamentation patterns of conchostracans tend to become more complex with time: the shells of Late Permian conchostracans have more twisted ornamentation than Middle Permian ones, but it is less complex than that of Olenekian conchostracans; accordingly, the ornamentation of Early Induan conchostracans is simpler than that of Late Permian and Olenekian ones. This can be explained by the fact that the most opportunistic eurytopic species were more likely to survive in the early phases of the biota recovery after the Great Permian Extinction.
Keywords: ornamentation, fossil conchostracans, Permian–Triassic boundary, Spinicaudata
Acknowledgments. We thank A.S. Biakov (Doctor of Geology and Mineralogy, North-Eastern Integrated Research Institute, Magadan), I.V. Budnikov (PhD in Geology and Mineralogy, Siberian Research Institute of Geology, Geophysics and Mineral Raw Materials), R.V. Kutygin (PhD in Geology and Mineralogy, Diamond and Precious Metal Geology Institute, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Yakutsk) for kindly providing us with the materials for this study, as well as R.A. Rakitov (PhD in Biology) and E.A. Zhegallo (PhD in Geology and Mineralogy) from Borissiak Paleontological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow) for their precious assistance in photographing the samples.
This study was supported by the Russian Science Foundation (project no. 22-14-00258).
Figure Captions
Fig. 1. Conchostracan shell divided into zones, which were studied to single out different ornamentation types, with indication of the main biometric parameters. Zones: 1 – umbo and larval valve; 2 – dorsal margin; 3 – anterior margin; 4 – central part; 5 – ventral margin; 6 – posterior margin. Main biometric parameters: L – length, H – height, l – length of dorsal margin, h – height of larval valves, H/L – shape of the shell, AM, PM, VM – maximum curvature at anterior, posterior, and ventral margins.
Fig. 2. Some types of ornamentation of Permian–Triassic conchostracans. Simple types: a) smooth; b) radial; c) radial-fringed; d) nodular; e) pitted; f) reticulated; an example of complex ornamentation: g) radial-reticulated [12, with changes].
Fig. 3. Simple reticulated ornamentation: a–b) shell of Pseudestheria exigua: a) posterior margin; b) anterior margin; no. 39/M05, Monastery section; Middle Permian, Severodvinian Stage; c–d) shell of Pseudestheria itiliana: c) central part; d) ventral margin; no. 39/P08, Cheremushka section, Middle Permian, Urzhumian Stage; e–f) shell of Palaeolimnadiopsis sp.: e) ventral margin; f) central part; no. 39/P04, Cheremushka section; Middle Permian, Urzhumian Stage. Here and below, the dotted line indicates the growth lines.
Fig. 4. Simple pitted ornamentation of Lioestheria ignatjevi: a) on the anterior margin; b) on the ventral margin; no. 39/TK19/23, Southern Verkhoyansk Region, Tiryakh-Kobyume section; Induan Stage.
Fig. 5. Ornamentation of the shell of Pseudestheria kashirtzevi: a) simple pitted ornamentation on the outer shell layer (on the left side in the photo); ventral margin; b) simple nodular ornamentation on the middle shell layer; anterior margin, no. 39/TK19/13, Southern Verkhoyansk Region, Tiryakh-Kobyume section; Induan Stage.
Fig. 6. Ornamentation on the shell of Wetlugites pronus: a) smooth; larval valve; b) alternation of nodular and smooth ornamentation; anterior margin; no. 39/TK19/12, Southern Verkhoyansk Region, Tiryakh-Kobyume section; Induan Stage.
Fig. 7. Ornamentation on the shell of Megasitum harmonicum, alternation of smooth and nodular ornamentation: a) anterior margin; b) posterior margin; no. 39/BK19/15, Babyi Kamen section; Olenekian Stage.
Fig. 8. Ornamentation on the shell of Euestheria gutta: a–b) Transitional pitted and reticulated ornamentation (no. 39/TK19/7; Southern Verkhoyansk Region, Tiryakh-Kobyume section; Induan Stage): a) on the anterior margin; b) on the larval valve; c–d) complex ornamentation of samples from the Babyi Kamen section, Kuzbass; Olenekian Stage: c) alternation of smooth, pitted, and reticulated ornamentation on the outer shell layer; anterior margin (no. 39/BK19/57); d) nodular ornamentation on the middle shell layer; posterior margin (no. 39/BK19/32).
Fig. 9. Ornamentation on the shell of Pseudestheria novacastrensis: a) simple nodular ornamentation on the middle shell layer; posterior margin; b) complex radial-pitted ornamentation on the outer shell layer; ventral margin; no. 39/BK19/30, Babyi Kamen section; Upper Permian, Maltsevo formation.
Fig. 10. Ornamentation on the shell of Megasitum lopokolense: a) scheme of the shell regions that were photographed; b) radial-fringed; ventral margin; c) radial-reticulated; larval valve; d) reticulated (outer shell layer; on the left part) and nodular (middle shell layer; on the right part); anterior margin; no. 39/BK19/4, Babyi Kamen section; Olenekian Stage.
Fig. 11. Ornamentation on the shell of Cornia papillaria: a) scheme of the shell regions that were photographed; b) reticulated (outer shell layer; on the left part) and nodular (middle shell layer; on the right part); posterior margin; c) middle shell layer: nodular and radial-fringed; ventral margin; d) nodular; umbo; e) nodular; anterior margin, no. 39/BK19/20, Babyi Kamen section; Olenekian Stage.
Fig. 12. Ornamentation on the shell of Hemicycloleaia sp.: a) scheme of the shell regions that were photographed; b) reticulated; umbo; c–e) complex radial-reticulated: c) near larval valve; d) central part; e) ventral margin; no. 39/BK19/19, Babyi Kamen section; Olenekian Stage.
Fig. 13. Ornamentation on the shell of Concherisma tomensis: a) scheme of the shell regions that were photographed; b) radial-fringes; anterior margin; c–e) complex radial-reticulated: c) near umbo; d) central part of shell; e) ventral margin; no. 39/BK19/21, Babyi Kamen section; Olenekian Stage.
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