E.N. Gorozhanina*, E.Yu. Bashlykova**, E.I. Kulagina***
Institute of Geology, Ufa Federal Research Center, Russian Academy of Sciences, Ufa, 450077 Russia
E-mail: *kulagina@ufaras.ru, **duss_06@mail.ru, ***YGorozhanina@yandex.ru
Received August 2, 2021
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DOI: 10.26907/2542-064X.2021.3.414-429
For citation: Gorozhanina E.N., Bashlykova E.Yu., Kulagina E.I. Microfacies of the Tulian Horizon (Visean Stage, Lower Carboniferous) of the Sikaza 2 section (Southern Urals, Russia). Uchenye Zapiski Kazanskogo Universiteta. Seriya Estestvennye Nauki, 2021, vol. 163, no. 3, pp. 414–429. doi: 10.26907/2542-064X.2021.3.414-429. (In Russian)
The Carboniferous deposits of the Sikasi (Sikaze) River sections in the western part of the Southern Urals are of great geological importance and included in the list of particularly significant sites of the Toratau Geopark of the Republic of Bashkortostan. In this article, a lithofacies description of the carbonate deposits of the Tulian Horizon of the Visean Stage in the Sikaza 2 section near the Sikasi River was performed based on the microfacies analysis of carbonate rock sections of the samples from the collection of the Museum of Geology and Mineral Resources of the Republic of Bashkortostan (Ufa, Russia). Micro-description of limestones was carried out with the help of R. Dunham’s classification, E. Flügel’s methodology. The revealed textural and structural features and the composition of faunal remains in the Tulian deposits of the Sikaza 2 section allowed us to identify and describe in detail five microfacies of limestones that developed under the open-shelf conditions. The sequence of these microfacies indicates the alternation of sediments of currents and waves in the early Tulian time, which was followed by the gradual shallowing and formation of the shallow-shelf conditions by its end.
Keywords: Tulian Horizon, microfacies, Lower Carboniferous, Southern Urals, limestones, shelf
Acknowledgments. The study was performed as part of the state assignment to the Institute of Geology, Ufa Federal Research Center, Russian Academy of Sciences (project no. 0246-2019-0118).
We are grateful to the reviewer, T.I. Stepanova (Leading Research Fellow, Zavaritsky Institute of Geology and Geochemistry, Ural Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences) for helpful comments.
Figure Captions
Fig. 1. Location of the Sykaza 2 section on the map of the structural-facies zones of the Carboniferous of the Southern Urals [2]: 1 – pre-Paleozoic and metamorphic rock complexes; 2 – pre-Carboniferous Paleozoic formations; 3 – Carboniferous and younger formations. Structural-facies zones: I – EEP, II – Pre-Ural; III –West Ural; districts: IIIa –Karatau; IIIb – Zilimo-Zigansky.
Fig. 2. The lithostratigraphic column of deposits of the Tulian Horizon (Upper Viseyan) in the Sikaza 2 section (at the turn). Compiled from the materials after Z.A. Sinitsina and I.I. Sinitsyn (1975), according to which the numbering of the layers is given. Sample numbers are based on stock reports. Symbols: 1 – bioclast-crinoid packstones (mf1); 2 – bioclast-foraminifera packstones (mf2); 3 – polybioclast packstones (mf3); 4 – peloid-foraminifera grainstones (mf4); 5 – bioclast-foraminifera grainstones (mf5); 6 – flint nodules and lenses, 7 – foraminifera, 8 – single corals; 9 – colonial corals, 10 – gastropods, 11 – brachiopods; 12 – crinoids.
Fig. 3. Microfacies of limestones of the Tulian Horizon in the Sikaza 2 section (microphotographs of sections, nichols parallel, scale bar 0.3 mm): a –a fine-medium-grained bioclastic–crinoidal (crinoids predominate) packstone with foraminifera, ostracods, fragments of brachiopod shells, fragments of tubular algae, with broken and corroded fragments of crinoids, subparallel-oriented areas – the result of the action of currents, the matrix is micrite or silt consists of particles of pelitic and fine-silt dimensions; layer 10a, samp. 2a, thin sec. 2a (mf1); b – a medium-grained bioclastic-crinoidal (crinoids predominate) packstone with foraminifera, ostracods, fragments of brachiopod shells, fragments of tubular algae, with fragments of crinoids with a micrite border – cortoids (left), layer 10a, samp. 47, thin sec. 47-1 (mf1); c – fine-grained bioclastic-foraminifera (foraminifera predominate) packstone-grainstone, a bioturbated area (mink or burrowing trace), composed of thin bioclastic and small foraminifera shells in lighter microsparite cement, fragments of crinoids, algae, brachiopods, ostracods; layer 10b, samp. 48_3, thin sec. 48b (mf2); d – fine-grained bioclast-foraminifera (foraminifera predominate) packstone-grainstone, with cortoids – fragments of crinoids with a micrite border (top left), and peloids in microsparite cement, fragments of crinoids, algae, brachiopods, ostracods, layer 10b, samp. 48_4, thin sec. 48g (mf2); e – fine-medium-grained polybioclastic packstone with crinoids and foraminifera, with a peloid-clotted matrix, recrystallized to microsparite, fragments of brachiopods, tubular algae, crinoids – cortoids, ostracod shells are found; layer 11, samp. 48_10, thin sec. 48i (mf3); f – fine-medium-grained peloid-foraminifera (foraminifera predominate) grainstone with microsparite cement, fragments of tubular algae, crinoids, brachiopods are found; layer 13, samp. 48_18, thin sec. 48r (mf4).
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