E.V. Polyakova*, Y.G. Kutinov**, A.L. Mineev***, Z.B. Chistova****, T.Ya. Belenovich*****
N.P. Laverov Federal Center for Integrated Arctic Research, Ural Branch,
Russian Academy of Sciences, Arkhangelsk, 163000 Russia
E-mail: *lenpo26@yandex.ru, **kutinov@fciarctic.ru, ***mineew.al@gmail.com, ****zchistova@yandex.ru, *****belenovichtya@yandex.ru
Received April 21, 2021
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DOI: 10.26907/2542-064X.2021.2.302-319
For citation: Polyakova E.V., Kutinov Y.G., Mineev A.L., Chistova Z.B., Belenovich T.Ya. Using the ASTER GDEM v.2 global digital elevation model to identify areas of possible activation of karst processes in the Arkhangelsk region (Russia). Uchenye Zapiski Kazanskogo Universiteta. Seriya Estestvennye Nauki, 2021, vol. 163, no. 2, pp. 302–319. doi: 10.26907/2542-064X.2021.2.302-319. (In Russian)
The possibility of applying the method of detecting drainless depressions, which is used in hydrological correction of the digital elevation model, to identify areas of probable activation of the karst processes in the territory of the Arkhangelsk region was considered. This approach is especially relevant for northern forested territories subjected to continuously increasing anthropogenic activity. Errors (depressions) eliminated by the hydrological correction procedure are not always false. They can be natural landforms, especially in karst areas. Hydrological correction of the digital elevation model of the Arkhangelsk region (based on ASTER GDEM v.2) was performed. A vector layer of depressions in the region was obtained. The density of drainless depressions per unit area was calculated. The resulting map showing the density of drainless depressions was compared with the distribution of karst rocks in the Arkhangelsk region. It was found that the areas of maximum open karst development are associated with a low density of drainless depressions. The highest density of drainless depressions occurs in the territory with carbonate-covered and buried karst.
Keywords: digital elevation model, hydrological correction, drainless depression, karst rocks
Acknowledgements. This research was performed as part of the state assignment no. АААА-А18-118012390305-7 for N.P. Laverov Federal Center for Integrated Arctic Research, Ural Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences and supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (project no. 18-05-60024).
Figure Captions
Fig. 1. Distribution of the karst rocks along the territory of the Arkhangelsk region: 1 – karst development band, 2 – geological age of the rocks: AR – Archaean, AR-PR – Archaean-Proterozoic, PR – Proterozoic, С2 – Middle Carboniferous, С2-С3 – Middle-Upper Carboniferous, Р1 – Lower Permian, Р2 – Upper Permian, Т – Triassic, J – Jurassic.
Fig. 2. Illustration of how the method in Wang L. и Liu H. [16] works on the real terrain surface: a – initial DEM of the Arkhangelsk region, b – terrain fragment with the imposed “mask” of depressions (purple color), c – fragment of the terrain with depressions before correction, d – fragment of the terrain with filled depressions after correction.
Fig. 3. Fill-up depth values of the depressions, m (a) and vectorized mask of the depressions with distant water bodies (b).
Fig. 4. Subdivision of the Arkhangelsk region territory into 10×10 km squares for calculation of centroids (a) and density of the drainless depressions, number/100 km2 (b).
Fig. 5. Topology of the depressions on the DEM by [27], authors’ translation.
Fig. 6. Density of the drainless depressions and distribution of the karst rocks along the territory of the Arkhangelsk region: 1 – zones of association: I – right bank, II – left bank of the Northern Dvina River.
Fig. 7. Relationship between the sources of anthropogenic impact and the density of drainless depressions: 1 – zones of intensive industrial impact; 2 – mining zones; 3 – zone of launch site impact; 4 – zones of spent rocket stage falloff; 5 – public and federal roads; 6-13 – deposits: 6 – diamonds; 7 – bauxites; 8 – gypsum; 9 – limestones; 10 – ragstones; 11 – clays; 12 – fresh groundwaters; 13 – mineral groundwaters; 14 – TPP; 15 – large diesel power plants.
Fig. 8. Density of the drainless depressions and distribution of the karst rocks along the territory of the Arkhangelsk region: 1 – zones that differ in the density of drainless depressions: I – right bank, II – left bank of the Northern Dvina River.
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