S.S. Mishustin a*, G.V. Polynova b**
aMain Directorate of Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, Moscow, 119021 Russia
bPeoples’ Friendship University of Russia, Moscow, 117198 Russia
E-mail: *s1kator@mail.ru, **galinapolynova@mail.ru
Received July 9, 2020
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DOI: 10.26907/2542-064X.2020.3.461-472
For citation: Mishustin S.S., Polynova G.V. The Impact of predation on the abundance of steppe runners, Eremias arguta deserti (Gmelin, 1789), in semi-deserts of the southeastern part of the Lower Volga region. Uchenye Zapiski Kazanskogo Universiteta. Seriya Estestvennye Nauki, 2020, vol. 162, no. 3, pp. 461–472. doi: 10.26907/2542-064X.2020.3.461-472. (In Russian)
The tail autotomy in the population of steppe runners (Eremias arguta deserti (Gmelin, 1789)) living in semi-deserts of the southeastern part of the Lower Volga region was studied. The proportion of lizards with the signs of tail autotomy was used as an indicator of predation pressure. It was found that the number of lizard individuals with autotomized (regenerated) tails increased throughout the research period (2017–2019). The correlation between the total abundance of lizards and the number of individuals with tail autotomy exhibits a direct and statistically insignificant dependence. The data obtained suggest that predators are low abundant, both in the study area and in the surrounding territories, and, thus, they have no considerable influence on the size of the population of lizards. No autotomy as a result of intra- and interspecific contacts was recorded. In the spring field seasons, the lizard individuals with autotomized (regenerated) tails were mainly mature males and females. In the autumn periods, they were exclusively underyearlings. In the population under consideration, lizards with the signs of tail autotomy were more frequent among the migrating individuals. There were no quantitative differences in the presence of tail autotomy between males and females.
Keywords: predator-prey relationship, predation pressure, predation, population, steppe runner Eremias arguta deserti, autotomy, semi-desert, Astrakhan region, southeast of Lower Volga region, central part of northern Caspian Sea region
Acknowledgments. The publication was supported by the RUDN Strategic Academic Leadership Program.
Figure Captions
Fig. 1. The number of times the dwarf sand boa and the Caspian whipsnake were registered during the field seasons of 2017–2019 within the range of the steppe-runner population under study.
Fig. 2. A dwarf sand boa with the captured steppe-runner lizard, May 2018.
Fig. 3. Dynamics in the number of lizard individuals with the signs of tail autotomy and the total abundance of steppe runners in the population under study, 2017–2019.
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