N.V. Shakurova a*, E.I. Semenov b**, V.B. Savva c***
aKazan Federal University, Kazan, 420008 Russia
bFederal Center for Toxicological, Radiation, and Biological Safety, Kazan, 420075 Russia
cKazan National Research Technological University, Kazan, 420015 Russia
E-mail: *ntlshakurova@gmail.com, **semyonovei@bk.ru, ***Victoria511@mail.ru
Received July 15, 2019
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DOI: 10.26907/2542-064X.2020.3.350-360
For citation: Shakurova N.V., Semenov E.I., Savva V.B. Effect of mycotoxins on the ultrastructure of cortical elements in pig nephrons. Uchenye Zapiski Kazanskogo Universiteta. Seriya Estestvennye Nauki, 2020, vol. 162, no. 3, pp. 350–360. doi: 10.26907/2542-064X.2020.3.350-360. (In Russian)
This paper reports the results of an electron microscopic study of pathomorphological changes in the kidneys of pigs exposed to the combined intoxication with fusariotoxins (T-2 toxin, deoxynivalenol, and zearalenone). Mycotoxicosis-related cytological changes of the glomeruli and proximal convoluted tubules were analyzed. A series of ultrastructural changes that occurred in the cellular elements involved in ultrafiltration and reabsorption were observed and ascribed to the development of nephropathy under chronic mycotoxication.
Keywords: mycotoxin, nephron, ultrastructure, fusariotoxins, T-2 toxin, deoxynivalenol, zearalenone, electron microscopy
Figure Captions
Fig. 1. Chromato-mass spectrum of T-2 toxin (Fermentek ltd., Israel).
Fig. 2. Chromato-mass spectrum of T-2 toxin (FSBSI “FCTRBS-RRVI”, Russia).
Fig. 3. Renal corpuscle. Capillary network encircled with podocytes: a – combined intoxication with fusariotoxins, b – control (norm). On the right part of the images – a fragment of the capillary glomerulus. Endothelial plasmalemma forms villous outgrowths facing the vessel lumen. BM – trilaminar basal membrane separating the vessel from podocytes of the capsule. MT – mitochondria, ER – endoplasmic reticulum. Scale bar: 1 µm.
Fig. 4. Renal corpuscle (norm). Slit diaphragm formed by the cytopedicles of podocytes and the trilaminar basal membrane (BM). Scale bar: 1 µm.
Fig. 5. Proximal tubule. Apical surface of the epitheliocytes: a – combined intoxication with fusariotoxins, b – control (norm). Bush-border tubules localized to the base of the microvilli (MV). Scale bar: 1 µm.
Fig. 6. Proximal tubule. Basal labyrinth: a – combined intoxication with fusariotoxins, b – control (norm). Abbreviations: N – epitheliocyte nucleus, BL – basal labyrinth, BM – basal membrane. Scale bar: 1 µm.
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