N.N. Nazarov*, S.V. Kopytov**
Perm State University, Perm, 614990 Russia
E-mail: *nikolainazarovpsu@gmail.com, **sergkopytov@gmail.com
Received January 17, 2020
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DOI: 10.26907/2542-064X.2020.1.180-200
For citation: Nazarov N.N., Kopytov S.V. Stages of river network formation of the Upper Kama River basin in the Pleistocene. Uchenye Zapiski Kazanskogo Universiteta. Seriya Estestvennye Nauki, 2020, vol. 162, no. 1, pp. 180–200. doi: 10.26907/2542-064X.2020.1.180-200. (In Russian)
River network formation in the northeast part of the East European Plain was discussed. The relevance of the study is due to a lack of knowledge about the functioning and development of the Upper Kama River basin in the Pleistocene. Most of the available data quite schematically describe the scope and stages of the change in the direction of development of channel processes in space and time.
The decoding of satellite images from the Landsat-8 OLI, SPOT-5 satellite for the period of 2014–2018 and the ESRI ArcGIS World Imagery open mapping service data were used as the main method for studying the structural features of the river network, meso- and microrelief, vegetation distribution, as well as the nature and degree of moisture of the Upper Kama River basin. For geomorphometric analysis, digital elevation models from freely available (ArcticDEM, Alos DEM, TanDEM-X) and created on the basis of vectorization of maps of scales 1: 100 000 and 1:25 000 were used.
As a result, events of different scales were highlighted: inter-basin – the union or rupture of the basin of the western pra-Kama River with adjacent river systems (Vychegda, Vyatka); regional – breakthroughs of lake waters through the Kirsa–Veslyana and Urolka–Vishera watersheds, which formed a single Kama River valley from the source to the mouth of the Vishera River. The formation of the South Keltma River (the left tributary of the Kama River) can also be attributed to the regional level of events. This river, by its location, inherits the lower course of the pra-Kosa River, which still flowed north in the middle Pleistocene and belonged to the pra-Vychegda River basin. The local events include the formation of macrobends in the valleys of the tributaries of the pra-Kama River and the formation of the Late Pleistocene incisions of channel systems on the low terrace of the Kama River. The composition of the sediments (according to drilling data) and the geomorphological data clearly indicate the Late Pleistocene age of watercourses that developed here earlier. In the modern landscape, their channels are represented by an erosive microrelief preserved among the bog geosystems.
Keywords: Upper Kama basin, Upper Kama depression, Keltma hollow, drainage network, spillway, Pleistocene, Holocene, radiocarbon dating, remote sensing
Acknowledgments. The study was supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (project no. 20-05-00276).
Figure Captions
Fig. 1. Upper reaches of the Kama and Vychegda Rivers (case study): the dashed line shows the outline of the Upper Kama River depression.
Fig. 2. Western and Eastern pra-Kama River.
Fig. 3. Quaternary deposits of the Kirsa River paleovalley (fragment of the USSR State Geological Map [15]). Deposits: 1 – modern alluvial (loams, sands with gravel and pebbles) (aIV); 2 – modern marsh (peat) (hIV); 3 – modern mid- and upper Quaternary (eluvial-deluvial loams and sands) (edII-IV); 4 – upper Quaternary alluvial I terrace (sands with gravel and pebbles of the Mologa-Sheksna and Ostashkov horizons) (aIIIms + os); 5 – upper Quaternary alluvial II terrace (sands with gravel and pebbles, loams and clays of the Mikulino and Kalinian horizons) (aIIImk + k); 6 –mid-Quaternary alluvial III terrace (sands with gravel and pebbles, clay interlayers of the Odintsovo and Moscow horizons) (aIIod + ms); 7 – mid-Quaternary fluvioglacial retreat times of the Dnieper glacier (sands with gravel and pebbles, loams) (fIId2); 8 – contour of the Kirsa River paleovalley.
Fig. 4.Reorganization of the river network of the Vychegda-Vyatka-Kama basin in the Neo-Pleistocene: a – river network in the Likhvinian interglacial (MIS 11); b – Middle Pleistocene ice-dammed lake (MIS 6); c – river network in the final stage of the Middle Pleistocene glacier termination (MIS 5 – MIS 4); d – river network in the Mikulino interglacial (MIS 4 – MIS 3); e – Late Pleistocene ice-dammed lake (MIS 3 – MIS 2); f – modern river network (MIS 2 – MIS 1); 1 – contour of ice-dammed lakes, 2 – stream course, 3 – water gap valleys.
Fig. 5. Geosystems of the Upper Kama River depression (decoding of designations according to the text).
Fig. 6. The geological structure of the Upper Kama River depression (according to the lithological description of the boreholes [17]): а – the location of the cross-section, the numbers indicate the boreholes; b –- geological cross-section; 1 – peat; 2 – loam; 3 – sand; 4 – sand with pebbles; 5 – sand with pebbles and gravel; 6 – pebbles with gravel; 7 – sandy loam; 8 – bedrock.
Fig. 7. Bank cuttings of terraces of South Keltma, Pilva, and Timsher: a – location; b – lithological logs; 1 – sand, 2 – sandy loam, 3 – peated sandy loam; 4 – loam; 5 – peated loam; 6 – peat; 7 – calibrated radiocarbon date.
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