R.V. Kutygin a*, I.V. Budnikov b**, A.S. Biakov c***, V.I. Davydov d****, A.N. Kilyasov a*****, V.V. Silantiev e******
aDiamond and Precious Metal Geology Institute, Siberian Branch,
Russian Academy of Sciences, Yakutsk, 677000 Russia
bSiberian Research Institute of Geology, Geophysics and Mineral Resources,
Novosibirsk, 630091 Russia
cN.A. Shilo North-East Interdisciplinary Scientific Research Institute, Far East Branch,
Russian Academy of Sciences, Magadan, 685000 Russia
dBoise State University, Boise, 1910 USA
eKazan Federal University, Kazan, 420008 Russia
E-mail: *rkutygin@mail.ru, **budnikov@sniiggims.ru, ***abiakov@mail.ru, ****vdavydov@boisestate.edu, *****kilyasov1993@mail.ru, ******vsilant@gmail.com
Received September 16, 2019
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DOI: 10.26907/2542-064X.2019.4.550-570
For citation: Kutygin R.V., Budnikov I.V., Biakov A.S., Davydov V.I., Kilyasov A.N., Silantiev V.V. First findings of Otoceras (Ceratitida) in the Kobyuma zone of the Southern Verkhoyansk region, Northeastern Russia. Uchenye Zapiski Kazanskogo Universiteta. Seriya Estestvennye Nauki, 2019, vol. 161, no. 4, pp. 550–570. doi: 10.26907/2542-064X.2019.4.550-570. (In Russian)
The samples of the genus Otoceras, which is an important biostratigraphic marker of the Permian-Triassic boundary deposits of the Boreal realm, were found in the Kobyuma structural and facies zone of the Southern Verkhoyansk region. The features of the geographic and vertical distribution of Otoceras in the northern part of the Southern Verkhoyansk region were considered. The age of Otoceras beds was discussed. In the Verkhoyansk region, the Otoceras beds are divided into Concavum and Boreale zones. In the Tiryakh-Kobyume section of the Kobyuma zone, two close levels with ceratites of the genus Otoceras were revealed. From the first (lower) level, Otoceras aff. gracile Tozer and O. sp. were identified, presumably related to the Concavum zone of the highest part of the Changhsingian stage (Permian, Lopingian Series). At the second (upper) level, a large specimen of the species Otoceras boreale Spath was discovered, which makes it possible to attribute the host deposits to the Boreale zone of the Induan stage base (Lower Triassic). A section interval containing ceratites of the genus Tompophiceras of the Pascoei and Morpheos zones was revealed above the Otoceras beds. Since no own Triassic local stratigraphic scheme has been established in the Kobyuma zone, it is expedient to use the Nekuchan Formation (Induan deposits) of the Allakh-Yun’ zone of the Southern Verkhoyansk region.
Keywords: Permian-Triassic boundary, Induan stage, Nekuchan Formation, Privol’nyi Formation, ammonoids, Otoceras boreale, Tiryakh-Kobyume section, Verkhoyansk region
Acknowledgements. We are grateful to V.I. Makoshin (Diamond and Precious Metal Geology Institute, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences) for the help in managing 2016 and 2019 field works.
This study was performed on the state assignment of Diamond and Precious Metal Geology Institute of Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences and was supported in part by the Russian Science Foundation (project no. 19-17-00178).
The biostratigraphic subdivision of the section was carried out with the financial support of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (project no. 18-05-00191).
Figure Captions
Fig. 1. The main localities of the genus Otoceras in the northern part of the Southern Verkhoyansk region: 1 – the localities of O. boreale according to S.V. Domokhotov in 1960 [37]; 2 – the findings of the genus Otoceras made in 1955 by V.I. Konevtsev in the upper reaches of the Satynya River and in the lower reaches of the Kerekhtyakh River; 3 – Lekeer Stream [9]; 4 – Kobyume River (Tiryakh-Kobyume section); 5 – Permian-Triassic boundary deposits. Borders: 6 – of the Verkhoyansk structural and facies region, 7 – of the structural and facies zones in the Southern Verkhoyansk region.
Fig. 2. The locality of the genus Otoceras in the Kobyuma zone on the geological map (A) and in the stratigraphic section (B): 1 – Kobyuma Fm., 2 – Tiryakh Fm., 3 – Lugovaya Fm., 4 – Privol’nyi Fm., 5 – Nekuchan Fm., 6 – Olenekian deposits, 7 – Anisian deposits, 8 – Quaternary deposits, 9 – Tiryakh-Kobyume section, 10 – the locality of ceratites of the genus Otoceras, 11 – fine-grained siltstones, 12 – coarse-grained siltstones, 13 – sandstones: a – layered, b – massive, 14 – tuffs (off-scale), 15 – clusters of fragments of the prismatic layer of bivalves (off-scale), 16 – diamictites, 17 – sand marks of ripples, 18 – traces of the activity of the mud-eaters, 19 – carbonate-clay and carbonate-siliceous nodules 20 – ammonoids, 21 – bivalves, 22 – conchostracans. Find levels: 1 – sample 19R3-34-1p, Otoceras aff. gracile Tozer and Otoceras sp., 1 m above the base of bed 34; 2 – sample 16RK20, Otoceras boreale Spath, 2.5 m above the base of bed 34.
Fig. 3. Ceratites of the genus Otoceras from the lower part of the Nekuchan Formation from the Tiryah-Kobyume section: A – Otoceras aff. gracile Tozer, 1994, DPMGI, no. 234/135-1: A1 – lateral view, A2 – ventral view; B, C – Otoceras sp., DPMGI, no. 234/135-2 and no. 234/135-3, lateral view. All: 1 m above the base of bed 34, probably the Otoceras Concavum zone of the uppermost part of the Permian, sample 19R3-34-1p. D – Otoceras boreale Spath, 1935, DPMGI, no. 234/134: D1 – lateral view, D2 – external suture at H=51 mm; 2.5 m above the base of bed 34, Otoceras Boreale zone of the lower Induan Stage, sample 16RK20. The arrow (D1) shows the beginning of the body chamber.
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