F.B. Muljukov*, A.G. Ibragimov**
Kazan Federal University, Kazan, 420008 Russia
E-mail: *Farhad.Muljukov@kpfu.ru, **AGIbragimov@kpfu.ru
Received January 26, 2018
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The paper considers of the criminal law norms of the People’s Republic of China that regulate the responsibility for encroachment on the right of citizens to life, as well as their individual and democratic rights in comparison with similar norms of the criminal codes of other states. Sanctions and their varieties have been analyzed. The study shows that the Criminal Code of China, when compared with the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, imposes stricter penalties in the form of imprisonment for a fixed term and for life, death penalty for murderers, rapists for intentionally causing death to another person, rape under aggravating circumstances. It also imposes various types of criminal punishments for legal entities for a number of encroachments on a person, which are not typical for the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. It has been suggested that criminal liability can be enacted for legal entities for criminal offences against personality.
Issues concerning crimes against public health have been also investigated, although they are included in the chapter on crimes against governance and public order in the Chinese Penal Code, because it contains a number of crimes that are related to crimes against the person in the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.
Keywords: Criminal Code, China, personality, crimes, responsibility, punishment, sanctions and their types
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For citation: Muljukov F.B., Ibragimov A.G. Punishment for crimes against the person in the Criminal Code of China. Uchenye Zapiski Kazanskogo Universiteta. Seriya Gumanitarnye Nauki, 2018, vol. 160, no. 2, pp. 487–496. (In Russian)

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