G.V. Rumak
Olekshitsy Middle School, Byerastavitsa District,
Grodno Region, 231788 Republic of Belarus
E-mail: galina-jivica@mail.ru
Received June 12, 2018
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The conditions for the development of O.M. Kovalevsky’s humanistic worldview and participatory citizenship during the childhood and adolescence years were discussed. A general description of the socio-political situation in the Belarusian lands in the early 19th century and the life and traditions of home education in the family Uniate West Belarusian priests was given. The system of education at the gymnasium of the Grodno Governorate, the peculiarities of teaching at the Vilnius University, the history of creation, activity, and the defeat of the secret student fellowships were considered.
The conclusion was made that O.M Kovalevsky – due to the specifics of the national, ethnic, and religious composition of the population – was brought up from the early age on the principles of Christian mercy, humanism, tolerance, and liberal attitude towards religion. The citizenship of the future of Mongolist was influenced by the Enlightenment atmosphere in the Belarusian lands during the first third of the 19th century and the early era of Romanticism. The childhood and youth of O.M Kovalevsky occurred when a new turn in the Belarusian history took place, resulting in the rise of self-awareness and national-liberation movement, emergence of unique personalities who influenced O.M Kovalevsky’s perception of the world.
Keywords: O.M Kovalevsky, Svislach Gymnasium, Vilnius University, philomaths, secret society, enlightenment, youth, friends, members, A. Mickiewicz, T. Zan
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For citation: Rumak G.V. O.M. Kovalevsky’s participatory citizenship: Conditions for its formation during the school and student years. Uchenye Zapiski Kazanskogo Universiteta. Seriya Gumanitarnye Nauki, 2018, vol. 160, no. 6, pp. 1307–1320. (In Russian)

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