E.V. Rung*, E.A. Venidiktova**
Kazan Federal University, Kazan, 420008 Russia
E-mail: *Eduard_Rung@mail.ru, **e_venidiktova@mail.ru,
Received April 14, 2017
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The aim of this paper is to examine some of the evidences, both Old-Persian and Greek ones, which can reflect Persian views on the Greco-Persian wars. The paper is based on the comparative analysis of the Persian epigraphic material and Greek literary sources that enabled us to make an attempt of reconstruction of the Persian version of the events. The novelty is that this paper argues against the opinion expressed by some scholars about the possibility of reconstruction of the Persian version at all. The inscription of Darius I on the Naqsh-e Rustam tomb reflects the expansion of the Persian Empire as a result of military actions (DNa. 39-47), and the mention of the Greeks (Yaunā) in various old-Persian texts attests the military expansion of Darius I and Xerxes into Europe. The Greek authors (Aeschylus, Herodotus, Dio Chrysostom) also provide us with some evidence of the Persian perception of the Greco-Persian wars, but the question arises with regard to their interpretation: are their testimonies true reflections of the Persian version of the events or just its imitation, the “construct” of authors themselves? The following conclusions can be made as a result of the research: the view from Persia definitely takes place, but the data in our sources are devoid of any details; some Greek authors have a conscious or unconscious desire to take into account all points of view on the course and results of the conflict.
Keywords: Greco-Persian wars, Achaemenids, Darius, Xerxes, Old-Persian inscriptions, Aeschylus, Herodotus, Dio Chrysostom
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For citation: Rung E.V., Venidiktova E.A. Greco-Persian wars: View from Persia. Uchenye Zapiski Kazanskogo Universiteta. Seriya Gumanitarnye Nauki, 2017, vol. 159, no. 6, pp. 1404–1421. (In Russian)
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