S.K. Kuznetsova*, M.B. Tarbaevb, N.V. Sokerinaa**, T.P. Mayorovaa,c***, V.N. Filippova, S.N. Shaninaa****
aInstitute of Geology of the Komi Science Center, Ural Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Syktyvkar, 167982 Russia
bGeology and Licensing Office, Subsoil Management Department for the Northwestern Federal District in the Komi Republic (KOMINEDRA), Syktyvkar, 167982 Russia
cPitirim Sorokin Syktyvkar State University, Syktyvkar, 167005 Russia
E-mail: *kuznetsov@geo.komisc.ru, **sokerina@geo.komisc.ru, ***mayorova@geo.komisc.ru, ****shanina@geo.komisc.ru
Received January 22, 2018
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Hydrothermal gold deposits are known in the Subpolar Urals, which are mainly associated with sulfide-quartz veins and zones of vein-disseminated sulfide mineralization. Their investigation is very important for the development of the existing ideas about the regional patterns of ore formation. We have studied the material composition and formation conditions of gold-sulfide ores from the Sinilga deposit. As a result of the study, we have established that the gold-sulfide mineralization of this deposit is superimposed on relatively young quartz veins filling the steeply dipping fractures oriented across the foliation of the rocks. Sulfides in the ores are mainly represented by coarse-grained galena, forming nests, veins and inclusions in vein quartz. Pyrite, pyrrhotite, arsenopyrite, and chalcopyrite are present in insignificant amounts. Hypergenic minerals are widely developed: goethite, hydrogoethite, anglesite, jarosite, cerussite, and scorodite. Gold is closely associated with sulfides, mainly with galena, which is often observed in areas of development of hypergenic minerals, in fractures of vein quartz, grows on small crystals of rock crystal. The composition of gold includes an admixture of silver (up to 10 wt. %). Crystallization of quartz of gold-bearing veins occurred in hydrothermal chloride-sodium-potassium solutions with a significant proportion of carbon dioxide in the temperature range from approximately 390 ?C to 270 ?C. Gold-sulfide mineralization corresponds to the latest stages of mineral formation. Sulfur of galena has a predominantly heavier isotopic composition (galena δ34S vary from +2.9? to +10? and are mainly in the range of 7.3–10?), indicating its primary sedimentary origin with a subordinate value of magmatic sources. We have suggested that hydrothermal processes played the most important role in the formation of the Sinilga deposit. They were conditioned by the Late Paleozoic metamorphism of the greenschist facies.
Keywords: gold, ore composition, sulfur isotopy, genesis, Sinilga ore occurrence, Subpolar Urals
Acknowledgments. The study was performed within the research and development project of the state task (SR no. AAAA-A17-117121270036-7) for the Institute of Geology of the Komi Science Center, Ural Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences and supported in part by the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (project no. 18-5-5-57).
Figure Captions
Fig. 1. Geological structure of the Sinilga gold deposit: 1 – quaternary deposits; 2. – upper and middle strata of the Middle Riphean Puyvinskaya series: dark gray. gray-green sericite-quartz. sericite-albite-quartz schists; 3 – granitoids of Narodinsk massif; 4 – faulting; 5 – gold-mining areas; 6, 7 – gold-sulphide-quartz veins and disintegrated sulphide-quartz veins; 8 – mining (ditches and trenches); 9 – outline of gold placer.
Fig. 2. Sulphides in the gold ore veins of the Sinilga deposit: a – galena partially substituted with anglesite in quartz; b – galena in pyrite; c – pyrite with a frame of iron hydroxides (grey); d – pyrrhotite in quartz; e – chalcopyrite and galena in pyrite; f – arsenopyrite partially substituted with scorodite in pyrite.
Fig. 3. Gold of the Sinilga deposit: a–e – gold in pyrite and products of supergene substitution of sulphides with secondary minerals; d – gold particle with an uneven distribution of impurities (areas with a high content of Ag are marked with dotted line); e – fragment of gold particle with complex shapes; f–h – gold in vein quartz.
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For citation: Kuznetsov S.K., Tarbaev M.B., Sokerina N.V., Mayorova T.P., Filippov V.N., Shanina S.N. Gold-sulphide mineralization and formation conditions of Sinilga deposit (Subpolar Urals). Uchenye Zapiski Kazanskogo Universiteta. Seriya Estestvennye Nauki, 2018, vol. 160, no. 2, pp. 308–323. (In Russian)

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