Medical physics
Direction "Physics", profile "Medical physics"
Awarded the qualification:
Master of physics in "Medical physics"
Category learning:
The area of professional activity:
development and introduction into medical practice:
medical-physical equipment, including equipment of the experiment for biomedical research
methods of diagnostics of diseases
methods of research of living systems, including metabolism, objects of biomedical, metabolic products of living organisms, toxicology, etc.
physical technologies in medicine etc.
Master's graduates are prepared for types of professional activities:
scientific innovation;
organizational and management;
The most important professional competence of the specialty:
research activities
ability to set specific tasks for scientific research in medical physics and to solve them with the help of modern equipment and information technologies using the latest Russian and foreign experience
Scientific-innovative activity:
ability to be fluent in branches of physics needed for the solution of scientific and innovative task in the field of medical physics and to apply the results of scientific research in innovation
ability to participate in the development of new methods and methodological approaches in the research and innovation research and engineering and technological activities in the field of medical physics
Organizational and managerial activities:
ability to plan and organize physical research, scientific seminars and conferences;
ability to use the skills of compiling and design scientific and technical documentation, scientific reports, reviews, reports and articles
Teaching activities:
ability methodologically correctly to make plans of lectures and practical exercises on topics of academic disciplines and to publicly present the theoretical and practical sections of educational disciplines in accordance with the approved teaching materials in the implementation of educational programs in medical physics;
ability to guide research activities of students in the field of medical physics
Options for employment of graduates:
Therapeutic and diagnostic health institutions; educational institutions of secondary special and higher education; research institutes medical and physical profile (University clinic of Kazan, Republican clinical oncologic dispensary of the Ministry of Health of RT, KFTI KSC RAS, Institute of physics of KFU, Institute of fundamental medicine and biology of KFU, Institute of biology, Kazan scientific center RAS, Institute of Biophysics (Pushchino, Russia), Kazan state medical University and many others).
Form of training:
Full-time study
Training period:
2 years
Entrance test:
essay on the profile of the master program "Medical physics"