The International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics (ICINCO) was held in Porto, Portugal, on November 18-20, 2024. Ramir Sultanov, a second-year master’s degree student of the Intelligent Robotics program at the Institute of Information Technologies and Intelligent Systems (ITIS) of Kazan Federal University (KFU), and Ruslan Gabdrahmanov, a postgraduate student, took part in the conference online. The articles were prepared jointly with the members of the Laboratory of Intelligent Robotic Systems (LIRS) - Junior Researchers Tatyana Tsoy and Ramil Safin, Head of LIRS Evgeni Magid and Head of Robotics Laboratory Professor Edgar A. Martinez-Garcia (the Autonomous University of Ciudad Juarez).
The paper "A Tool for Mass Generation of Random Step Environment Models with User-Defined Landscape Features" presented at the conference by Ruslan Gabdrahmanov was nominated for the ICINCO 2024 Best Poster Award based on marks provided by the reviewers and Chairs of the conference.
The conference aims to bring together researchers, engineers and experts interested in the application of information technology in control, automation and robotics. The conference covers topics related to intelligent control systems, optimization, robotics, automation, data processing, sensors, modeling and control of systems, and industrial informatics.
The conference proceedings are indexed in the Scopus database.
Topics and authors of reports:
“A Tool for Mass Generation of Random Step Environment Models with User-Defined Landscape Features”
Authors: Ruslan Gabdrahmanov, Tatyana Tsoy, Edgar A. Martinez-Garcia, Evgeni Magid
“Modeling Sunlight in Gazebo for Vision-Based Applications Under Varying Light Conditions”
Authors: Ramir Sultanov, Ramil Safin, Edgar A. Martinez-Garcia, Evgeni Magid