Gennadiy I. KURDYUKOV – Doctor of Law, Professor at the Department of International and European Law. Honored Scientist of the Republic of Tatarstan, Honored Professor of KFU.
Main research interests: theory of state and law, constitutional law, the legal status of the regions in Russian Federation and federalism, international legal personality, implementation of international law, responsibility and sanctions in international law, European law. Has published over 100 works.
Lectureships abroad: Germany (M. Plank Institute of International Public Comparative Law), Belgium (Leuven Catholic University, Institute of European Policy), Great Britain (Manchester, Higher School of Law).
Member of Russian Association of International Law and its Executive Body, Vice-President. Member of a council on defense of doctor and candidate theses in Kazan Federal University. Member of International Law Council at the Ministry of International Affairs of the RF, member of Editorial Board of “Moscow Journal of International Law” and “Aserbaidzhan Journal of Law” (Baku). Scientific supervisor of 36 candidates and 1 doctor of law.