Exhibition Halls\Kazan University Museum of History - Kazan (Volga region) Federal University
Exhibition Halls

The section of the Museum exhibition, dedicated to the University alumni, is constantly replenished. 

Let's look at the stand, which tells us about the first literary experience of university students such as famous writer Sergey Aksakov and idyllic poet Vladimir Panayev, as well as about their membership in Society of Russian Philology Fanciers formed in 1806. The head and soul of the society was a talented lecturer, scholar, translator and poet N.Ibraghimov. It was he, whom Ye.Yevtushenko glorified in his poem "Kazan University": 

"It's a pity, but not many people, 
Know the fact, which is one to delight with, 
That the song was composed by a Tatar, 
"There's a lovely birch-tree in a wide field". 
My sworn brother, I'm grateful for that 
Pride of yours, Ibraghimov Nigmat".

Exhibits of the stand next to tell us about those who studied at the University later on; writers P.Boborykin, Ye.Chirikov and V.Khlebnikov, composer M.Balakirev, painter V.Yakobi, and actor V.Andreyev-Burlak. 
The book "In the Woods" by well-known writer P. Melnikov-Pechersky attracts everybody's attention. There is a dedication, written on the title-page by the author:

"To Alma mater Kazan University, where for the first time I learned the power and strength of native Russian language from unforgettable Surovtsev (professor of Russian Philology). I will always be grateful for this greatest blessing of life - education".

The central part of this section is given to materials, dedicated to student's years of L.N.Tolstoy: the drawing in pencil by unknown artist "Tolstoy as a Student", the turned-yellow program of the play "Living Pictures" in the University Assembly Hall with participation of Count Lev Tolstoy; next to them there are two books on the card-table: "The Order" by Catherine II and "Laws Spirit" by Montesquieu. 

Perhaps the great writer held the very copies of books, when he was asked by professor D.I.Meyer to analyze these works by comparison.