Exhibition Halls\Kazan University Museum of History - Kazan (Volga region) Federal University
Exhibition Halls

Founded by Butlerov, the Kazan School of Chemistry got further development in the researches of his disciples, such as V.V.Markovnikov and A.M.Zaitsev, F.M.Flavitsky and A.Ye.Arbuzov. V.V.Markovnikov's thesis for getting Doctor's Degree "Materials on Mutual Influence of Atoms in Organic Compounds" was a sensation in chemistry. 

The visitors without any doubt will read the author's dedication to his teacher on the title-page: "To Aleksandr Mikhailovich Butlerov. I think it necessary to devote my unpretentious work to you, my much respectful instructor, as the ideas expressed in it are the further development of that obtained by you. And if there is anything new in my work, it could no appear without the foundation laid by you". 

A.M.Zaitsev's half-century activity is completely connected with Kazan University. More than any other Butlerov's follower, he favored the development of theory of chemical structure of compounds through his classical works. 

F.M.Flavitsky, the founder of new field in studying hydrates and hydrate theory of solutions, ranks high in the history of Chemistry. One pays attention to a pocket laboratory of the scientist, which make possible the analysis of non-organic salts even in open field. 

Flavitsky's researches were the basis for A.Ye.Arbuzov's scientific work and B.A.Arbuzov especially. A.Ye.Arbuzov established a new field in chemistry, the chemistry of phosphorous organic compounds. We can see the photo of a scientist among his students and professors of the University, which he graduated form in 1900 and where he lectured the course of Analytical Chemistry since 1911. 

The exhibition shows his Master's Thesis "Phosphorous Acid and Its Derivatives", defended in 1905 and his Doctor's Thesis "Catalysis Phenomenon For Transformations of Some Phosphorous Compounds" (1915). Two glass retorts with salicylic acid and with aspirin attract our attention. 

During the World War I there was a lack of these preparations, which had been imported from Germany. Aleksandr Yermingheldovich managed to organize their production at the Krestovnikovs' Brothers Plant, displaying his talent as a constructing engineer, technologist and administrator.