Exhibition Halls\Kazan University Museum of History - Kazan (Volga region) Federal University
Exhibition Halls

For one hundred and twenty six years the structure of Kazan University implied Medical Faculty. The faculty played an important role in establishing scientific schools and training highly qualified specialists both scientists and physicians, whose names are known not only in Kazan.

One of the oldest university departments, the Department of Anatomy, is represented by materials on Ye.F.Aristov, P.F.Lesgaft, V.N.Tonkov, A.V.Petrov and V.N.Ternovsky. The biggest Russian scientific schools described in the exhibition were formed at the faculty. First of all one should mention the Neuro-Histological School, founded by K.A.Arnshstein. Its traditions were successfully kept by A.N.Mislavsky, B.I.Lavrentyev and N.G.Kolosov.

Usually visitors look for a long time at the photograph of professors of medicine, impressed by handsome noble smart faces. Next to there are portraits of famous therapists: N.A.Vinogradov, founder of the Kazan Therapy School, M.A.Khomyakov and N.I.Kotovshchikov, S.S.Zimnitsky and A.N.Kazem-Bek, A.B.-G.Teregulov and M.N.Cheboksarov... Their medical instruments, pres­criptions and medicines attract everybody's attention.

The chamber for calculating blood elements, constructed by famous hematologist N.K.Goryayev (Goryayev's Chamber) is of special interest. There are also some tables presented by the family of Nikolay Konstantinovich to the Museum.

A prominent part of exhibition is given to Ye.V.Adamyuk, the founder of Russian ophthalmology, who organized the firth clinics of eye diseases in Kazan. Next to his portrait there are special glasses, which he used while examining his patients, and his famous monograph "Diseases of Eye Light Perceptive Apparatus", published in 1887, and signed for his contemporary: "To venerable friend and comrade Aleksanr G. Agabobov".