Publications prepared for the first stage of the Project (2019-2020):
- Magid E. Artificial intelligence based framework for robotic search and rescue operations conducted jointly by international teams / Pashkin A., Simakov N., Abbyasov B., Suthakorn J., Svinin M. and Matsuno F. // Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies. - 2019. - №154. - p. 15-26.
- Moskvin I. Modeling Tracks and Controller for Servosila Engineer Robot / Lavrenov R. // Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies. - 2019. - №154. - p. 411-422.
- Magid E., Tsoy T., Matsuno F., Suthakorn J., Svinin M. (2019). Disaster Risk and Reduction Management with Search and Rescue Robotics Approach. The 2019 International Workshop of ICAROB in Taiwan (2019 ICAROB Taiwan) (Yunlin, Taiwan; 27-30 June 2019)
- Simakov N., Lavrenov R., Zakiev A., Safin R., Martinez-Garcia E.A. Modeling USAR maps for the collection of information on the state of the environment // The 12th International Conference on the Developments in eSystems Engineering (Kazan, Russia; 7-10 October 2019 - p. 918-923.
- Pashkin A., Lavrenov R., Zakiev A., Svinin M. Pilot communication protocols for group of mobile robots in USAR scenarios // The 12th International Conference on the Developments in eSystems Engineering (Kazan, Russia; 7-10 October 2019) - p. 37-41.
- Zakiev A. Partially unknown environment exploration algorithm for a mobile robot / Lavrenov R., Magid E., Svinin M., Matsuno F. // Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems. - 2019. - Vol. 11(08). - p. 1743-1753.
- Denisov E., Sagitov A., Yakovlev K., Su K.-L., Svinin M., Magid E. Towards Total Coverage in Autonomous Exploration for UGV in 2.5D Dense Clutter Environment // The 16th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics (Prague, Czech Republic; 29-31 July 2019) - p. 409-416.
- Denisov E. DCEGen: Dense Clutter Environment Generation Tool for Autonomous 3D Exploration and Coverage Algorithms Testing / Sagitov A., Lavrenov R., Su K.-L., Svinin M., Magid E. // Lecture Notes in Computer Science. - 2019. - Vol. 11659. - p. 216-225.
- Шабалина К.С., Сагитов А.Г., Магид Е.А. Моделирование мобильного робота Аврора Юниор в среде ROS/GAZEBO // V Всероссийский научно-практический семинар «Беспилотные транспортные средства с элементами искусственного интеллекта» (БТС-ИИ-2019) (г. Санкт-Петербург, Россия; 22-24 мая 2019) - c. 221-229.
- Лавренов Р.О. Разработка и имплементация сплайн-алгоритма планирования пути в среде ROS/Gazebo / Магид Е.А., Мацуно Ф., Свинин М.М., Сутакорн Дж. // Труды СПИИРАН. - 2019. - 18(1). - с. 57-84.
- Имамеев Д.Т., Лавренов Р.О., Сагитов А.Г., Шабалина К.С., Магид Е.А., Мартинес-Гарсия Э.А., Су К.-Л. Разработка процедуры автономной параллельной парковки мобильного робота Unior // Международная научно-техническая конференция "ИНТЕРСТРОЙМЕХ - 2019" (г. Казань, Россия; 12-13 сентября 2019) - с. 58.
- Никифоров Н.А., Лавренов Р.О., Сагитов А.Г., Шабалина К.С., Магид Е.А., Свинин М.М., Хсиа К.-Х. Сравнительный анализ алгоритмов распознавания дорожных знаков для беспилотного автомобиля Unior компании Avrora Robotics // Международная научно-техническая конференция "ИНТЕРСТРОЙМЕХ - 2019" (г. Казань, Россия; 12-13 сентября 2019) - с. 62.
- Сафин Р.Н., Цой Т.Г., Лавренов Р.О., Магид Е.А. Разработка системы оптимальной передачи видеоданных с камер мобильного робота Сервосила Инженер // XIV Всероссийская научно-практическая конференция «Перспективные системы и задачи управления» (г. Нальчик, Россия; 01-05 апреля 2019) - с. 304-313.
Publications prepared for the second stage of the Project (2020-2021):
- Abbyasov B., Lavrenov R., Zakiev A., Tsoy T., Magid E., Svinin M., Martinez-Garcia E.A. Comparative analysis of ROS-based centralized methods for conducting collaborative monocular visual SLAM using a pair of UAVs // Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Climbing and Walking Robots and Support Technologies for Mobile Machines (CLAWAR 2020) (Moscow, Russia; 24-26 August 2020) - p. 113-120.
- Abbyasov B., Lavrenov R., Zakiev A., Yakovlev K., Svinin M., and Magid E. Automatic Tool for Gazebo World Construction: From a Grayscale Image to a 3D Solid Model // International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) (Paris, France; 31 May - 31 August 2020) - p. 7226-7232.
- Mingachev E. Comparison of ROS-based monocular visual SLAM methods: DSO, LDSO, ORB-SLAM2 & DynaSLAM / Lavrenov R., Tsoy T., Matsuno F., Svinin M., Suthakorn J., Magid E. // Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics). - 2020. - №12336. - p. 222-233.
- Bereznikov D., Zakiev A. Network Failure Detection and Autonomous Return for PMB-2 Mobile Robot // International Conference on Artificial Life and Robotics (ICAROB 2020) (Oita, Japan; 13-16 January 2020) - p. 444-447.
- Guo D., Bai Y., Svinin M., Magid E. Robust Adaptive Multi-Agent Coverage Control for Flood Monitoring // The 15th Siberian Conference on Control and Communications (SIBCON 2021) (Kazan, Russia; 13-15 May 2021) - № 9438872.
- Mingachev E. Comparative Analysis of Monocular SLAM Algorithms Using TUM & EuRoC Benchmarks / Lavrenov R., Magid E., Svinin M. // Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies. - 2020. - №187. - p. 343-355.
- Imameev D., Zakiev A., Tsoy T., Bai Y., Svinin M., Magid E. LIDAR-based Parking Spot Search Algorithm // The 13th International Conference on Machine Vision (ICMV), 1160502 (Rome, Italy; 02-06 November 2020)
- Magid E., Lavrenov R., Zakiev A. On Simulation of Flood and Land Slide Disaster Areas in Urban Environments for Robotized Search and Rescue // Proceedings of The 5th Asia Future Conference (Alabang, Metro Manila & Los Banos, Laguna Philippines; 09-13 January 2020).
- Moskvin I., Lavrenov R., Magid E., Svinin M. Modelling a Crawler Robot Using Wheels as Pseudo-Tracks: Model Complexity vs Performance // IEEE 7th International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Applications (ICIEA 2020) (Bangkok, Thailand; 16-18 April 2020. Phuket, Thailand; 19-21 April 2020) - p. 235-239.
- Bai Y., Svinin M., Magid E. Multi-Robot Control for Adaptive Caging and Tracking of a Flood Area // 59th Annual Conference of the Society of Instrument and Control Engineers of Japan (Chiang Mai, Thailand; 23-26 September 2020) (SICE), p. 1452-1457.
- Chebotareva E., Magid E., Carballo A., Hsia K.-H. Basic User Interaction Features for Human-Following Cargo Robot TIAGo Base // Proceedings of 13th International Conference on Developments in eSystems Engineering (DeSE) (Wuhan, China; 14-17 December 2020) - p. 206-211.
- Gavrilova L., Kotik A., Tsoy T., Martinez-Garcia E.A., Svinin M., Magid E. Facilitating a preparatory stage of real-world experiments in a humanoid robot assisted English language teaching using Gazebo simulator // Proceedings of 13th International Conference on Developments in eSystems Engineering (DeSE) (Wuhan, China; 14-17 December 2020) - p. 222-227.
- Dobrokvashina A., Lavrenov R., Martinez-Garcia E.A., Bai Y. Improving model of crawler robot Servosila ”Engineer” for simulation in ROS/Gazebo // Proceedings of 13th International Conference on Developments in eSystems Engineering (DeSE) (Wuhan, China; 14-17 December 2020) - p. 212-217.
- Khazetdinov A., Zakiev A., Tsoy T., Lavrenov R., Hsia K.-H. Standard-complaint Gazebo warehouse modelling and validation // Proceedings of 13th International Conference on Developments in eSystems Engineering (DeSE) (Wuhan, China; 14-17 December 2020) - p. 218-221.
- Березников Д.В. Система обеспечения автономного возвращения колесного робота при потере связи с удаленным оператором / Закиев А.А., Магид Е.А. // Известия ЮФУ. Технические науки. - 2020. - №1 (211). - с. 90-98.
- Magid E., Tsoy T., Matsuno F., Suthakorn J., Svinin M. Collaborative robotic framework for emergency situations management in areas of flood and landslide disasters // Proceedings of the International conference "Modern robotics problems" (Moscow, Russia; 20 April 2021)
Publications prepared for the third stage of the Project (2021-2022):
- Bai Y. Adaptive Multi-Agent Coverage Control With Obstacle Avoidance / Wang Y., Svinin M., Magid E., Sun R. // IEEE Control Systems Letters. - 2022. - Vol. 6. - p. 944-949.
- Bai Y., Wang Y., Xiong X., Svinin M., Magid E. Adaptive Multi-Agent Control with Dynamic Obstacle Avoidance in a Limited Region // The 2022 American Control Conference (ACC) (online; 08-10 June 2022)
- Ma J., Guo D., Bai Y., Svinin M., Magid E. A Vision-Based Robust Adaptive Control for Caging a Flood Area Via Multiple UAVs // Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Ubiquitous Robots (UR 2021) (Gangneung-si, South Korea; 12-14 July 2021) - p. 386-391.
- Nikiforov N. Pilot studies on Avrora Unior car-like robot control using gestures / Tsoy T., Safin R., Bai Y., Svinin M., Magid E. // Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies. - Vol. 232. - p. 271-283.
- Kononov K. External RGB-D camera based mobile robot localization in Gazebo environment with real-time filtering and smoothing techniques / Lavrenov R., Gavrilova L., Tsoy T. // Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies. - Vol. 232. - p. 223-234.
- Guo D., Bai Y., Svinin M., Magid E. Robust Adaptive Multi-Agent Coverage Control for Flood Monitoring // The 15th Siberian Conference on Control and Communications (SIBCON 2021) (Kazan, Russia; 13-15 May 2021) (online) - № 9438872.
- Khazetdinov A., Zakiev A., Tsoy T., Svinin M., Magid E. Embedded ArUco: a novel approach for high precision UAV landing // The 15th Siberian Conference on Control and Communications (SIBCON 2021) (Kazan, Russia; 13-15 May 2021) (online) - № 9438855.
- Dobrokvashina A., Safin R., Bai Y., Lavrenov R. Improved Graphical User Interface for Crawler Robot Servosila Engineer // The 15th Siberian Conference on Control and Communications (SIBCON 2021) (Kazan, Russia; 13-15 May 2021) (online) - № 9438926.
- Gabdrahmanov R. Automatic Generation of Random Step Environment Models for Gazebo Simulator // Tsoy T., Bai Y., Svinin M., Magid E. // Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems. - 2021. - №324. - 408-420.
- Myrzin V. Visual data processing framework for a skin-based human detection / Tsoy T., Bai Y., Svinin M., Magid E. // Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics). - 2021. - № 12998. - p 138-149.
- Safin R. Prioritizing tasks within a robotic transportation system for a smart hospital environment / Lavrenov R., Tsoy T., Magid E., Svinin M., Roy S.D., Saha S.K. // Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics). - 2021. - № 12998. - p 182-193.
- Talanov M., Suleimanova A., Leukhin A., Mikhailova Y., Toschev A., Militskova A., Lavrov I., Magid E. Neurointerface implemented with Oscillator Motifs // 2021 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2021) (Prague, Czech Republic; 27 September - 01 October 2021) - p. 4150-4155.
- Dobrokvashina A., Lavrenov R., Tsoy T., Martinez-Garcia E.A., Bai Y. Navigation stack for the crawler robot Servosila Engineer // Proceedings of the IEEE 16th Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications (ICIEA) (Chengdu, China; 01-02 August 2021) - p. 1907-1912.
- Kiryanov D., Lavrenov R., Safin R., Svinin M., Magid E. Mobile application for controlling multiple robots // Proceedings of the IEEE 16th Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications (ICIEA) (Chengdu, China; 01-02 August 2021) - p. 1913-1917.
- Доброквашина А.С., Сафин Р.Н., Лавренов Р.О., Бай Я. Улучшение пользовательского графического интерфейса для управления гусеничным роботом Сервосила Инженер // VI Всероссийский научно-практический семинар «Беспилотные транспортные средства с элементами искусственного интеллекта» (БТС-ИИ-2021), (г. Москва, Россия; 16-19 ноября 2021) - c. 47-56.
- Цой Т.Г., Никифоров Н.А., Прокопчук О.С., Сафин Р.Н., Магид Е.А., Бай Я., Свинин М.М. Пилотные исследования по управлению робомобилем Avrora Unior с помощью произвольных жестов // VI Всероссийский научно-практический семинар «Беспилотные транспортные средства с элементами искусственного интеллекта» (БТС-ИИ-2021) (г. Москва, Россия; 16-19 ноября 2021) - c. 74-85.