Shamsutdinova Ilsiya Ildusovna. Преподаваемые дисциплины. Персональная страница сотрудника КФУ. Казанский (Приволжский) федеральный университет.
Shamsutdinova Ilsiya Ildusovna
Discipline Curriculum Authors File
Б1.В.03. Анализ данных в социологии  39.03.01 Sociology, Bachelor's Degree (Social Theory and Applied Social Knowledge) 2020 y. Shamsutdinova I.I.
Б1.В.17. Введение в специальность  39.03.01 Sociology, Bachelor's Degree (Social Theory and Applied Social Knowledge) 2022 y. Shamsutdinova I.I.
Б1.В.04. Демография  39.03.01 Sociology, Bachelor's Degree (Social Theory and Applied Social Knowledge) 2020 y. Shamsutdinova I.I.
Maksimova O.A.
Б1.В.06. Количественные методы в социологических исследованиях  39.03.01 Sociology, Bachelor's Degree (Social Theory and Applied Social Knowledge) 2021 y. Shamsutdinova I.I.
Garina K.A.
Maksimova O.A.
Б1.В.21. Курсовая работа по направлению  39.03.01 Sociology, Bachelor's Degree (Social Theory and Applied Social Knowledge) 2020 y. Shamsutdinova I.I.
Maksimova O.A.
Б1.О.27. Методика и практикум научной работы  39.03.01 Sociology, Bachelor's Degree (Social Theory and Applied Social Knowledge) 2021 y. Eflova M.Yu.
Shamsutdinova I.I.
Б1.В.08. Методика и практикум научной работы  39.03.01 Sociology, Bachelor's Degree (Social Theory and Applied Social Knowledge) 2020 y. Eflova M.Yu.
Shamsutdinova I.I.
Б1.В.ДВ.2. Основы социального государства  37.05.01 Clinical psychology, Specialist Degree Klinische Psycholog (Child and Family clinical psychological services) 2018 y. Shamsutdinova I.I.
Б1.О.14. Современные социологические теории  39.03.01 Sociology, Bachelor's Degree (Social Theory and Applied Social Knowledge) 2021 y. Egorova L.G.
Fursova V.V.
Shamsutdinova I.I.
Б1.О.19. Социальная психология  39.03.01 Sociology, Bachelor's Degree (Social Theory and Applied Social Knowledge) 2020 y. Shamsutdinova I.I.
Б1.О.19. Социальная психология  39.03.01 Sociology, Bachelor's Degree (Social Theory and Applied Social Knowledge) 2022 y. Shamsutdinova I.I.
Б1.О.19. Социальная психология  39.03.01 Sociology, Bachelor's Degree (Social Theory and Applied Social Knowledge) 2021 y. Shamsutdinova I.I.
Б1.В.ДВ.01.02. Социальная экология  39.03.01 Sociology, Bachelor's Degree (Social Theory and Applied Social Knowledge) 2021 y. Egorova L.G.
Shamsutdinova I.I.
Б1.В.ДВ.01.03. Социология  27.03.05 Innovation Studies, Bachelor's Degree (Management of innovative projects in the field of high technologies) 2022 y. Shamsutdinova I.I.
Б1.В.ДВ.01.02. Социология  27.03.05 Innovation Studies, Bachelor's Degree (Management of innovative projects in the field of high technologies) 2021 y. Shamsutdinova I.I.
Б1.О.17. Социология  05.03.03 Cartography and Geoinformatics, Bachelor's Degree (Geoinformation Technologies in Economics and Management) 2021 y. Shamsutdinova I.I.
Б1.О.18. Социология  05.03.02 Geography, Bachelor's Degree (География) 2021 y. Shamsutdinova I.I.
Б1.О.20. Социология  38.03.06 Commerce, Bachelor's Degree (Logistics and Supply Chain Management) 2021 y. Shamsutdinova I.I.
Б1.В.ДВ.01.02. Социология  45.03.01 Филология, Bachelor's Degree (Прикладная филология: русский язык как иностранный с углубленным изучением иностранных языков и информационных технологий) 2020 y. Shamsutdinova I.I.
Б1.В.ДВ.09.01. Социология  09.03.04 Software Engineering, Bachelor's Degree (Industrial software development) 2020 y. Shamsutdinova I.I.
Б1.Б.07. Социология  38.03.06 Commerce, Bachelor's Degree (Logistics and Supply Chain Management) 2020 y. Shamsutdinova I.I.
Б1.О.18. Социология  05.03.03 Cartography and Geoinformatics, Bachelor's Degree (Geoinformation Technologies in Economics and Management) 2024 y. Shamsutdinova I.I.
Б1.В.ДВ.06.01. Социология  44.03.05 Teacher Training (with two educational program specializations), Bachelor's Degree (Biology and English Language) 2019 y. Shamsutdinova I.I.
Б1.О.21. Социология  05.03.02 Geography, Bachelor's Degree (География) 2024 y. Shamsutdinova I.I.
Б1.О.18. Социология  38.03.06 Commerce, Bachelor's Degree (Коммерция и цифровые технологии продаж) 2024 y. Shamsutdinova I.I.
Б1.О.18. Социология  05.03.02 Geography, Bachelor's Degree (География) 2022 y. Shamsutdinova I.I.
Б1.О.17. Социология  05.03.03 Cartography and Geoinformatics, Bachelor's Degree (Geoinformation Technologies in Economics and Management) 2022 y. Shamsutdinova I.I.
Б1.О.18. Социология  05.03.02 Geography, Bachelor's Degree (География) 2023 y. Shamsutdinova I.I.
Б1.О.17. Социология  05.03.03 Cartography and Geoinformatics, Bachelor's Degree (Geoinformation Technologies in Economics and Management) 2023 y. Shamsutdinova I.I.
Б1.В.ДВ.01.03. Социология  03.03.02 Physics, Bachelor's Degree (Living System Physics) 2022 y. Shamsutdinova I.I.
Б1.В.ДВ.01.03. Социология  03.03.02 Physics, Bachelor's Degree (Quantum System Physics and Quantum Technology) 2022 y. Shamsutdinova I.I.
Б1.В.ДВ.01.02. Социология  03.03.02 Physics, Bachelor's Degree (Living System Physics) 2021 y. Shamsutdinova I.I.
Б1.В.ДВ.01.02. Социология  03.03.02 Physics, Bachelor's Degree (Quantum System Physics and Quantum Technology) 2021 y. Shamsutdinova I.I.
Б1.В.ДВ.01.02. Социология  03.03.02 Physics, Bachelor's Degree (Quantum System Physics and Quantum Technology) 2023 y. Shamsutdinova I.I.
Б1.В.ДВ.01.02. Социология  03.03.02 Physics, Bachelor's Degree (Living System Physics) 2023 y. Shamsutdinova I.I.
Б1.В.ДВ.01.02. Социология  27.03.05 Innovation Studies, Bachelor's Degree (Management of innovative projects in the field of high technologies) 2023 y. Shamsutdinova I.I.
Б1.В.ДВ.01.02. Социология  03.03.02 Physics, Bachelor's Degree (Living System Physics) 2024 y. Shamsutdinova I.I.
Б1.В.ДВ.01.02. Социология  03.03.02 Physics, Bachelor's Degree (Quantum System Physics and Quantum Technology) 2024 y. Shamsutdinova I.I.
Б1.В.ДВ.01.02. Социология  27.03.05 Innovation Studies, Bachelor's Degree (Management of innovative projects in the field of high technologies) 2024 y. Shamsutdinova I.I.
ФТД.N.03. Социология для не социологов  39.04.01 Sociology, Master's Degree (Sociology of Innovation Processes Management) 2022 y. Shamsutdinova I.I.
ФТД.N.03. Социология для не социологов  39.04.01 Sociology, Master's Degree (Sociology of Innovation Processes Management) 2022 y. Shamsutdinova I.I.
Б1.В.07. Социология управления и организаций  39.03.01 Sociology, Bachelor's Degree (Social Theory and Applied Social Knowledge) 2021 y. Shamsutdinova I.I.
Saveleva Zh.V.
 10 years 11 months   from 01.10.2011
 12 years 9 months   from 01.10.2011
Scientific and pedagogical experience:
 12 years 9 months   from 01.10.2011
General experience:
 18 years 7 months   from 15.03.2005
Experience in KFU:
 12 years 9 months   from 01.10.2011