Voting session was held on 27th April.
At the Institute of Management, Economics and Finance, the Open Higher School of Innovative, Technological and Social Development will be established. It will incorporate the existing departments – Department of Crisis Management and Valuation Activities, Department of Production Economics, Department of Innovation and Investment Management, Department of Marketing, and Department of Social Management. Also, the Kazan Interregional Methodology Center for Financial Education in Secondary and Higher Schools will be created. The proposal to open four departments was approved, namely, Department of Economic Theory and Econometrics, Department of Accounting, Analysis and Audit, Department of Financial Markets and Financial Institutions, and Department of Corporate Financial Management.
The Institute of Geology and Petroleum Technologies will now include the Testing Center of Petroleum, Petroleum Products, Bitumen Materials and Reagents. The Institute of Engineering opens the Engineering Center for Robotics and Additive Technologies. The Higher School of Journalism and Mass Communications will now only comprise two departments, the Department of TV Production and Digital Communications and the Department of National and Global Media, instead of four.
Several applications for academic ranks and scholarships were also approved.