Disciplines taught
- Elementary Mathematics
- Methods of teaching mathematics
- Methods of teaching computer science
- History of Mathematics and Computer Science
- Methods of solving problems of increased difficulty in mathematics
- Design and research activities of students in mathematics
- Modern systems of mathematics education
- Modern means of assessing the quality of education
- Workshop on solving problems of final certification in mathematics
- Workshop on solving problems of final certification in computer science
Teachers of the department lead the pedagogical practice of students.
- Staff
- Disciplines taught
- Methodical manuals
- Seminars and clubs
- The list of topics of course and theses
- Conferences
- Department competitions
- Laboratory 'Innovative technologies of teaching mathematics in schools and universities'
- Electronic resources
- Publications
- Pedagogical practice 4 course (2018-2019)
- Pedagogical practice 5 course (2018-2019)