KFU. Course in Abstract Algebra - Graduate programs\Department of Algebra and Mathematical Logic
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N.I. Lobachevsky Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics
Division of Mathematics
Department of Algebra and Mathematical Logic
Graduate programs
Course in Abstract Algebra
1. Group theory
Subgroups and their cosets.
Lagrange's theorem.
Quotient groups. Isomorphism theorems.
Actions of groups on sets.
Orbits and stabilizers.
Classification of finite rotation groups.
Groups of prime power order. Sylow's theorems.
Elementary properties of solvable and nilpotent groups.
Structure of finitely generated abelian groups.
Symmetric and alternating groups.
General linear groups.
Examples of simple groups.
Linear representations of groups.
Maschke's theorem.
Characters of representations.
Orthogonality relations.
Decomposition of the regular representation.
Conjugacy classes and class functions.
Character tables for groups of small order.
Duality of finite abelian groups.
2. Rings and Modules
Factor rings and factor modules.
Isomorphism theorems for rings and modules
The Chinese remainder theorem.
Direct sums and direct products.
Free modules.
Invariance of the basis numbers for commutative rings.
The ascending and descending chain conditions.
Modules with composition series.
The Jordan-H\"older theorem.
The Jacobson radical.
Artinian and noetherian rings.
Hilbert's basis theorem.
Simple and semisimple rings.
The Artin-Wedderburn structure theory.
Finite dimensional division algebras over the reals.
3. Commutative ring theory
Prime and maximal ideals in commutative rings.
A characterization of the nilradical in terms of prime ideals.
Local rings.
Rings of fractions.
Prime ideals in the rings of fractions.
Integral dependence.
The going-up theorem.
The classical Krull dimension.
Finitely generated algebras over a field.
Hilbert's Nullstellensatz.
Discrete valuations and discrete valuation rings.
Fractional ideals.
Dedekind domains.
Rings of algebraic integers.
Unique factorization in the principal ideal domains.
Finitely generated modules over principal ideal domains.
4. Fields
Algebraic and finite field extensions.
Extensions of isomorphisms.
Splitting fields of polynomials.
Algebraic closure.
Finite fields.
The multiplicative group of a finite field.
Normal extensions.
Galois groups.
A theorem about the fixed field of a finite automorphism group.
The main result of the Galois theory.
The primitive element theorem.
Cyclotomic extensions.
Radical extensions.
Solvability of algebraic equations in one indeterminate.
Disciplines taught
Graduate programs
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