Educational and scientific laboratories

Center for the Study of Gabdulla Tukai's Creative work
Centre of the Tatar Language and Literature
Academic Laboratory
There is the academic laboratory “Literary and theatrical criticism” functioning at the Department of Tatar Literature. AL provides the achievement of new scientific results, development of scientific and personnel potential of KFU, introduction of new methodological developments into production and educational process.
The activity of the laboratory is aimed at the following tasks:
- development of scientific research in the structural unit;
- participation in grants, various domestic and foreign funds and organizations;
- practical approbation and implementation of the obtained results in university programs;
- assistance in students preparing for the Institute's fields of work;
- assistance in the continuing professional development of academic and teaching staff;
- introduction of the obtained results in the educational process in the fields of students study;
- the provision of scientific results in the form of scientific articles on the pages of scientific journals and collections of scientific conferences;
- attraction of talented students studying in the relevant specialties, to scientific research on the subject of the laboratory
- assistance in the preparation of bachelors, masters, postgraduate students and doctoral students in the fields of "Philology" and "Pedagogical Education".