The international conference of the world Association for research in education (WERA-2019) completed its work.
Presented at the conference by scientists of Kazan Federal University cases on the implementation of new models of teacher training aroused great interest of the conference participants, as they are associated with the main challenges facing not only Russian but also international education as a whole.
So, the example of Kazan Federal University, where in recent years developed and implemented new model of teacher education, allowed the President of the Irish Association of research in education, teachers College of social Sciences and law University of Dublin Conor Galvin to assert that "the University becomes a center of excellence in Russia in the field of teacher education."
Recall that after joining in 2011 to the Kazan University of two specialized pedagogical University KFU became one of the three largest in Russia centers for teacher training.
Currently, Kazan University is one of the few Russian universities that have all levels of teacher training in all subjects of modern school. Students-teachers make up today 18% of all students of the University.
-KFU has built its own model of pedagogical education, which is primarily distinguished by the wider variability of entering the teaching profession and fundamental training of subject teachers, — said academician RAO, rector of KFU Ilshat Gafurov.
The key feature of this system, according to the rector, is to combine the advantages of classical and pedagogical universities in teacher training. By the way, there are almost no specialized pedagogical universities in the world, which is why the model of KFU is more close and interesting to foreign colleagues.
Own model of pedagogical education in KFU includes three ways of training teachers.
The traditional model implemented in the Elabuga branch of the KFU assumes the presence of specialized faculties (for example, physics and mathematics, foreign languages, etc.), which independently fully prepare teachers in a particular area.
The main campus implements a distributed model of teacher training. It involves the creation of pedagogical offices and departments in the structure of several specialized institutions that are able to organize more high-quality substantive training of future teachers in their field, such as physics, chemistry, biology, etc. For this purpose, modern laboratories and science equipment in our institutions.
- An important component of training is psychological and pedagogical training, which students receive at the Institute of psychology and education, – added I. Gafurov. - A special place in our concept is occupied by practical activities under the guidance of experienced teachers in our own comprehensive schools (Lyceum). Lobachevsky, Tlicy boarding school) and schools in the region. And in the fall of 2019, our kindergarten for children with autism spectrum disorders will start working.
In KFU in 2018 began to implement an integrative model of teacher training, when based on flexible curricula for undergraduate classical training areas are given the opportunity after the first or second course, go to teaching profiles.
According to the participants of the international conference, the experience of Kazan University shows that they can make a significant contribution to improving the quantitative and qualitative indicators of the process of teacher training. This is extremely important in the context of global, national and regional challenges facing the modern school system in Russia.
And in conditions of shortage of teachers in many countries of the world, the model of teacher training, such as developed in CFU, is becoming increasingly popular in Germany, the United States, etc.
At the conference, colleagues from different countries recalled the Soviet experience of teacher training and expressed satisfaction that at this forum, for the first time in many years, they have the opportunity to learn about what innovative processes in the field of education are carried out in Russia today.
- Participation of our scientists in international conferences aroused great interest of foreign colleagues, as it turned out that in principle, many problems in the field of education are similar in most countries of the world. Therefore, we have been actively invited to international research projects and comparative studies. Participating in them, we ask ourselves the question: how using the experience of solving problems of school education, training teachers in different countries of the world, we, KFU scientists, can be useful for Russian science and practice.
- Teacher training is an important area for the country, where, in fact, the future of the entire educational system of the country as a whole is laid. Therefore, the training of teachers in Kazan University is serious and long-term, because by preparing qualified teachers, we will create the necessary conditions for good training of school graduates, i.e. our future students! This is our direct interest in this area, - summed up the rector of KFU.