Leading Russian and foreign scholars will arrive in Kazan on May 29–31 to discuss topical issues of school education and teacher training.
Teachers from the USA, Sweden, Germany, Canada, China, Israel, Uganda and many other countries will come to the V International Forum on Teacher Education IFTE “Development of Teacher's Professional Competences: Main Problems and Values”.
Representatives of the universities of Oxford, Dublin and others will speak at the forum as speakers. In total, representatives of 140 universities of Russia and 75 foreign universities from more than 30 countries will take part in the forum.
Over 600 Russian and foreign scientists will discuss topical issues of preparing the future teacher for pedagogical activity in the multicultural educational space.
Traditionally, editors and members of editorial boards of international journals (Web of Science and Scopus) present at the forum will consult on the possibility of publications in their publications.
The International Forum on Teacher Education is conducted to study the trends and features of the modernization of teacher education in Russia and the world, to analyze and summarize theoretical and practical, traditional and innovative approaches to the modernization of teacher education.
The forum will strengthen the scientific and methodological support for the preparation of a modern teacher in accordance with the requirements of new educational standards, will give teachers from different countries the opportunity to become acquainted with the best practices of teacher education, exchange educational technologies, materials, and work experience.
Four major international scientific and practical conferences will be held within the framework of the forum: “Continuing teacher education: new concepts and technologies”, “Young teacher: adaptation and professional development”, “Research-oriented teacher education”, “The ideas of Janusz Korczak in preparing the future teacher ".
Following the Forum, it is planned to publish a collection of materials. Recall that the materials of the II, III, IV International Forum on Teacher Education were published in the journal European Proceedings of Social and Behavioral Sciences and are indexed in the Web of Science database.
The International Forum on Teacher Education (International Forum on Teacher Education) is an annual meeting of leading Russian and foreign scholars in the field of teacher education, representatives of universities, educational institutions, and associations.
The forum is held by the Institute of Psychology and Education of the Kazan Federal University. In 2018, the KFU was ranked among the 125 best universities in the world in the subject area "Education" according to the British Times Higher Education. According to another authoritative rating - the QS World University Rankings - in the subject area "Education" KFU takes 251−300 place.
In terms of the number of publications in the field of education in the Scopus and Web of Science databases, in terms of citation of research and the material, technical and information equipment of the educational process, KFU takes the 1st place in Russia.
The Forum program will also include a seminar for young teachers in the TeachMeet format: sharing best practices and insights (an informal meeting of young teachers in Kazan), an international scientific and methodological seminar “Migrants and a school”, and a presentation of professional development projects for teachers at the Bala City International School. ".
The KFU scientists will present a presentation of the cross-national collective monograph Knowledge, Policy and Practice in Teacher Education: a Cross-National Study, and the President of the International Association, Janusz Korczak, will present the Order of the Smile to prominent figures in the field of child protection.
More information on the forum site: http://ifte.kpfu.ru/