| Director Aydar Kalimullin Doctor of Sciences, Professor Address: Office 201, 1 Mezhlauk St., Kazan, 420021 Tel.: +7 843 292 91 23 |
 | Deputy Director for Education Vera Vlasova Doctor of Sciences, Associate Professor Address: Office 201, 1 Mezhlauk St., Kazan, 420021 Tel.: +7 843 292 63 43 |
 | Deputy Director for Research Timirkhan Alishev Candidate of Sciences Address: Office 216, 1 Mezhlauk St., Kazan, 420021 Tel.: +7 843 292 34 20 |
 | Deputy Director for International Activity Roza Valeeva Doctor of Sciences, Professor Address: Office 206, 1 Mezhlauk St., Kazan, 420021 Tel.: +7 843 221 33 55 |
 | Deputy Director for Social Work and Student Affairs Lyaisan Rybakova Candidate of Sciences, Associate Professor Address: Office 216, 1 Mezhlauk St., Kazan, 420021 Tel.: +7 843 292 34 20 |
 | Senior Records Manager Elvira Galimova Address: Office 301, 1 Mezhlauk St., Kazan, 420021 Tel.: +7 843 221 34 75 |
 | Senior Records Manager Narine Putulyan Address: Office 214, 1 Mezhlauk St., Kazan, 420021 Tel.: +7 843 292 91 23 |
 | Records Manager Aisylu Garifullina Address: Office 201, 1 Mezhlauk St., Kazan, 420021 Tel.: +7 843 292 91 23 |
 | Records Manager Ekaterina Shneyder