Department of General History

Priority tasks of the department:
In the process of modernization of the educational process:
- use of new technologies of education in the process of forming new competencies of graduates, through which students become active participants in training;
- use of advanced knowledge and experience of the activities of institutions and organizations with the aim of forming graduates` competencies as close as possible to employers` requirements and flexibly taking into account changes in the market of intellectual labor resources;
- integration of the educational process, scientific researches and innovations, the development of research work of lecturers, students and graduate students;
- strengthening the academic traditions of the classical university, enhancing the competence of the scientific and teaching staff;
In the process of modernization of research and innovation activities:
- development of scientific researches, which are financed from various sources, including international and domestic scientific grants of various scientific foundations;
- development of the system of attracting students of the Department to scientific and innovative activities;
In the process of strengthening the potential of teaching staff of the Department, the community of students and graduates of the Department:
- Systematic and effective support of young teachers from graduates to postgraduate and graduate programs;
- Searching and invitation to participate in the educational process of authoritative practitioners for conducting pedagogical and research work.
The Department is graduating students in Bachelor's degree 46.03.01. “History”. In 2014 and 2015 the “General History” profile was organized within the “History” direction. Bachelor's profiles: “General History” and “History of International Relations”
Currently the following Master's programs are being implemented:
46.04.01 “History” program “Comparative Models of the Historical Development of the Countries of the East and West” (2016 admission).
46.04.01 “History” program “History of Urban Studies”
The Department implements postgraduate programs 46.06.01 Historical Sciences and Archeology. Scientific majors 07.00.03 – General History and 07.00.09 – Historiography, Source Study and Methods of Historical Research.
The main scientific directions are developed at the Department: the study of the history of antiquity in the light of the East-West dichotomy; the study of transitional periods in the history of the Middle Ages; studying the science-research aspects and history of Russian and foreign historiography of universal history; studying problems of theory and history of world culture.